Future ====== EqEd is by no means close to being finished. I have a lot of things I want to put in it before reaching the version 1.00, which won't be a betarelease. I'm releasing this as a public betaversion, because I want to get some feedback from people who would actually need to include expressions in the documents. Here is a list of some of the things on my ToDo-list. Improve LaTex output. Finish the scalable parenthesises. Include previewimages in postscript output - I know FinalWriter supports this. Different spacewidth depending on the chars it is between - like in LaTex. Mores symbols and different "lines" over characters, for instance a vector line. Better errorhandling - saving and especially the fontrenderer can give some strange errors. Make it possible to make real tables with left/right justifiing and lines between the columns. More functions which operate on blocks. Look at the lengths and thickness of lines in fractions and roots. Userdefineable toolbar or toolwindow. Clip with often used subexpression or just a simple macrofunction. A function to list userdefined keys. Make it respond to commodity commands. AREXX commands. Undo function. Might just be simple undo or it might remember whole sequences Improve the overall speed. Localize all texts and perhaps manuals. Use Installer to handle installation of fontcache and such. Improve manual. Please mail me any suggestion I can add to the list.