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Installation ============ It is important you read these simple instructions for the program to function properly. I guess you have already unpacked the archive, since you can read this and this should have made a directory with EqEd and a few extra files. It has an icon for the directory and the program and doubleclicking on the icon should start program. The first time you start the program it will popup a set resolution window, where you setup the fontsize and resolutions you need, see Set Resolution for details. When you press okay it will start to render the fonts, which will take a lot of time. When it is done it asks for permission to save font cache. Select "Yes" and you won't have to wait when starting it next time. It will then render the IFF-fonts and postscriptmetrics. This takes about 10 minutes on a 25MHz 68030 - I hope to improve the speed later. When it is finally done is has created four files: EqEd.config: holds the resolutions and other things. See Set Key. EqEdCache.screen: holds the fonts for the the screen display. EqEdCache.printer: holds the fonts for the IFF-file saves. May be deleted if you'll only use LaTex or PostScript output. holds fontinfo for PostScript saves. May be deleted if you'll only use LaTex or IFF output. After these has been made, starting the program will be much faster and you should be ready to use it. About the fonts. The program uses adobe type 1 font alse called postscriptfonts. This allows me to scale the fonts freely and to generate postscript output. I've included four fonts, which origine from the ghostscript package and they are freely distributable. If you don't like the fonts - they aren't very pretty - you can replace them with some of your own, either by overwriting mine or tell EqEd the name of yours. The latter is done in the file "FontNames". It's default entry is: Times-Roman.pfb Times-Italic.pfb Times-Bold.pfb Symbol.pfb You can replace them with your names with full path. It should be obvious what type of chars the font should contain. Don't delete my Symbol font before you try your own - there seems to be trouble with some Symbol fonts, not containing all the symbols or calling them something wrong! If you have already saved a font cache you need to delete that! The fonts are rendered by the fontengine found in X-windows, see Copyright for more information. NOTE: I just discovered that my fontrenderer doesn't handle ghostscript fonts, so I had to include the Utopia font from Adobe instead. The postscript output still refers to the Times font, so if you need postscript output, you also need to install a Times font for proper displacements. I hope to solve this problem before the next release - knowledge of a freely distributable Times clone and mathematical fonts would be appreciated. The Utopia font is accompanied by the following notice: Permission to use, reproduce, display and distribute the listed typefaces is hereby granted, provided that the Adobe Copyright notice appears in all whole and partial copies of the software and that the following trademark symbol and attribution appear in all unmodified copies of the software: Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated Utopia (R) Utopia is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated The Adobe typefaces (Type 1 font program, bitmaps and Adobe Font Metric files) donated are: Utopia Regular Utopia Italic Utopia Bold Utopia Bold Italic

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