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Keys ==== The keyboard is the fastest way to enter something and it therefore gives access to everything except a few of the menus. The input available can be divided into several groups: Ordinary letters, numbers and such: These are entered using the usual keyboard keys. Remember that greek letters can be assigned to the keyboard using the Set Key menu. Movement: This is done using the four arrowkeys. For faster movement use them in while pressing the Shift- or Alt-key. Editing: Backspace and Del work as they always does. Tabulator key: This is for entering Multiple columns expressions. Return key: This is for entering Multiple lines expressions. Symbols and functions: These are normally selected with the mouse, but shortcut keys can be made with Set Key. Menus: Most menus has keyboard shortcuts. They are in the standard form: Right-Amiga + key. Help: Pressing Helpkey will bring up this document and find the appropriate section containing information on the gadget or menu the cursor is placed over.

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