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Requirements ============ It needs an amiga running OS2.04 or better AND MUI version 2.2 or higher. It needs quite a bit of memory and harddiskspace (I think using it on a diskbased system would be very painful!), but it depends on the resolutions wanted. If for instance you want to make equations for a 300x300 dpi printer and save in IFF-format, the fonts alone needs over 800kb of space in memory and cached on disk. That is why 1MB of free ram and diskspace is an absolut minimum and saving IFF-files in a decent resolution demands at least 0.5 MB more. Of course a fast processor won't be bad either as MUI isn't that fast and the current version of EqEd is rather slow. A stock A1200 with harddisk should be able to run it with out any problems, but of course no wordprocessor can run at the same time.

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