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Introduction ============ Until now the wordprocessors available for the Amiga computers has been missing a lot of the features, which wordprocessors for the PC has. One of these is the ability to write complex mathematical expressions, which is important if you are making a scientific paper, report and such. So far the only choice has been to use LaTex, which makes great output, but it takes time to learn, since it's actually a whole programming language. It is also easier (but not necessarily faster) to use a WYSIWYG interface, especially if you are just doing a few expressions. This is were my program comes in. It lets you design your expressions in a (hopefully) easy to understand WYSIWYG manner, and export it for insertion in your favourite wordprocessor like FinalWriter, WordWorth or a DTP-program like PageSetter. I've only seen one program, called Math Paint, which tried to do something similar, but as its name says was a paint program not an real editor, and I didn't like it. This is released as a public beta version. This means it doesn't have all the functions the final release will have and probably it contains numerous bugs. This is manual is by no means finished, but look at Future and Register for more information on this and the betarelease. For a quick try read the Installation part first please, and then start it. Unknown functions is described by pressing help-key. Here is a list of some of EqEd's features: It's WYSIWYG. No need remember how a fraction or integral is done. It support Multiple lines and Multiple lines. Unlimited nesting of fractions, roots etc. Output in LaTex, PostScript and IFF. Unlimited size of equations Userdefineable shortcut keys - see Set Key Uses MUI - some might thinks that's a fault, not a feature :-) Online help. Press Help-key with pointer upon gadget or menu. Clipboard support

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