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Heretic II Siege™ is Hosted by

Adds 25 armor when pick up. It will only add up to 100 armor to any class. 
Ring of Regeneration
When this ring is picked up, the ring will slowly heal the recipient until he or she is at max health or the ring's charge runs out. The ring's charge will appear on the left side of the screen as a green bar. 
Ring of Water Breathing
When this ring is picked up, it will allow the user to hold his breath for a longer period of time. The ring also gives the user another favorable benefit.
Jailer Icon: 
Defenders can use this item to imprison the attackers. 
Only the defenders can pick this item up. 
Tome of Finding: 
The Tome of Finding has the power to track the Throne Room key.  When used a tome will appear before the user and it will point to the key even if another player is carrying it. 
The torch lights you way in dark places for a short duration. A torch can also be use to light your arrows and other things on fire.
The Throne Key: 
The Throne Key is the only way into the Throne room which contains the crown. The Attackers must get their hands on this first before they can capture the crown. 
Carring the key does have its disadvantages. The carrier will find that his or her mana no longer regenerate and that they move slower then normal.
The Crown: 
The Crown is the Attacker's goal and the Defenders must protect it at all costs, because if the Attackers capture it they win the game. 
 Some models converted from Hexen II.

Copyright © 1999, 2000 The Shadowlord