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Heretic II Siege™ is Hosted by

The Shadowlord
I just noticed that my contact information was wrong. If you sent an e-mail to and I didn't respond, it is because I no longer have e-mail at You can contact me at
The Shadowlord
Heretic II Siege is currently being ported over to Amiga. Soon all you Amiga players will be able to join in the battle.
The Shadowlord
Heretic II Siege v1.1 Is Released!

If you had problems connecting to the server, please update your files to v1.1. I have reduced connection packets sizes, which in turn reduces connection problems.

What's New in v1.1:
- Barrels will automatically go on top of catapult when you push a barrel against a catapult.
- Assassin can now creep while hiding in shadows.
- Delayed Sphere of Annihilation damage now reduces as you go farther from the center of the explosion.
- Fixed the bug where the Defender of the Crown loses his flame sword after becoming a chicken.
- Reduced the respawn time of the rings.
- Added customizable objects (See New Entities list).
- Added customizable ambient sounds (See New Entities list).
- Monsters can now target and attack objects (See Altered Entities list).
- Made Skull Trap spell faster.
- Modified Wrath of God Spell.
- A chicken player holding the key will now run slower and will not be able to fly well.
- Altered the player hud.
- Altered h2siege map to reduce packet size on connection.
- Added death messages to plague spell.
- In h2siege map defenders will take a large amount of damage if jump off the front wall before the chains are down.
- Remove the Superchicken's flight ability and increased jump ability.
- Defenders in chicken form can no longer pick up the Sword in the Lake.
- Modified fish's targeting ai.
- Fixed a problem in the trigger_multiple.
- Modified Ogles with my new "Ogle Follower Intelligence Code"© for Ogles Rescue and Escort missions.
- Added new team Ogles skins.
- Modified catapult. When launching barrels, the distance from the center of the catapult isn't as big of a factor.
- Monsters will not target players when using Hide in Shadows ability in dark places (Only monsters without nightvision).
- Monsters will not target players in really dark places (Only monsters without nightvision).
- Players can no longer lift objects if the player loses an arm.
- Fixed a problem with dispelling chickened monsters.
- Fixed under water swimming speed so that class modifiers are more effective.

Note: You need to have v1.0 Client installed before installing v1.1 Client update.

The Altered Entities List and the New Entities List have been updated.

I have uploaded a small demo map of the Ogle Rescue and Escort Mission to give you a taste of how it is going to be like. So be sure to try it out.

The ScreenShots section has been updated with pictures of the Ogle demo map. I also added team pictures of the Attackers and Defenders.

You can find all the files in the Files section.
Files also available at -MONSTER-'s Domain
Thanks -MONSTER-!

The Shadowlord
I just added a sample map, which shows you how to make start rooms and how to setup the teleporters. You can find the map in the files section.
I will try to make more sample maps to help out mappers who wish to make maps for Heretic II Siege.
The Shadowlord
Heretic II Siege site as finally moved over to Now I just have to fix a few things on the page before every thing is set. I have been working on the next version of Siege. In this new version I reduce connection packet sizes in order to minimize connection problems. I made the catapults a bit more user friendly. Along with a bugs fixes, it will also include new customizable objects and customizable ambient sounds. I'm also working on the new Ogle Rescue and Escort Mission. In this mission the goal of the players is to rescue a group of Ogles and to get them safely across the map to win. If all Ogles are lost then the mission is lost. I have added my OGLE FOLLOWER INTELLIGENCE CODEã, which basically means that the Ogles on the players’ team will follow any player in site around the map. I also added a fighter Ogle, which is a more aggressive Ogle, who will fight any enemy monster or enemy player it sees.

I plan to release the next version soon. Now it looks like I no longer have a mapper to help with the Ogle map, so I may just release the next version with out the Ogle map. When I find another mapper or complete the map myself, I will then release it separately.

Heretic II Siege v1.0 has officially released!! To commemorate the release of Siege, I have redesigned the site and offered to help The Shadowlord with it's upkeep.
Go grab Siege now from our Downloads section and start playing!!!

The Shadowlord
Heretic II Siege is coming soon!
I plan to release Heretic II Siege version 1.0 either this weekend or sometime next week. Hopefully by that time this site will have a new look to celebrate the release.

The Shadowlord
Gwynhala just finished converting the Purgatori model, which I will be using for the Succubus. Head over to Classes section to check her out. You can download Purgatori at The Shrine of the Ovum.
Expect to see Heretic II Siege Version 1.0 in about a week or two.
I added some pictures of the new Succubus model in the Screen Shots section. I also added a sneek peek of the Cleric's new "Wrath of God" spell in the upcoming version 1.0.

The Shadowlord
ùtøpiâ just recently interviewed me on the subject of Heretic II Siege. So if you haven't had a chance to read it, you can check it out here.
Also I'm starting testing for the final version of Heretic II Siege this weekend. If you're interested in testing send me an e-mail.

The Shadowlord
I would just like to thank Balr14 for making a Siege Ad banner for me. So keep your eyes peeled for it.
Thanks Balr14!

The Shadowlord
I been working on new version of Siege and I added a new status display. So there is no need to memorize which icon is which and how much mana you need to cast a spell. The status displays class infomation and will give you information on spells such as name and cost. If you want to take peek at the status display go to the Screen Shots section. I added icons to the items section. I updated team contact information by adding the people who contributed to Siege. I also updated the Classes section with class info on the new version of Siege, which I'm currently working on.

The Shadowlord
I have updated the Screen Shots section with a new pic of my new Siege map.

The Shadowlord
If you use the lastest version of PingTool you don't need to use the bat file included in Siege. This is not true when you use Gamespy, since Gamespy doesn't set the game before you connect.

The Shadowlord
Arr ther' be pirates says I!
I added a new screenshot, in the Screen Shots section, of a new Ship to Ship Sea Battle Siege map that I'm currently working on. If you wish to make your own map go to the files section and download the entities lists. Siege allows you to make a variety of maps/games other then the basic game type where the defenders protect the crown and attackers try to capture the crown. For example you can make maps where both teams try to capture the other team's crown (Castle vs Castle), or have both teams try to capture the same crown (Assault), or even make coop style maps where all the players are on the same team and the monsters defend the crown. So as you can see, there are a variety of map/game types you mappers can make and choose from.

In Heretic II Siege every map is a different experience. .

Copyright © 1999, 2000 The Shadowlord