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Heretic II Siege™ is Hosted by

Classes: Siege has six players classes to choose from, each with his or her own advantages and disadvantages.

Arrows: In HereticII Siege gravity effect your arrows and other projectiles. Accuracy is also taken into consideration when you shoot your arrows. This includes the ballistas. The bow arrows in Siege are just normal arrows instead storm arrows and phoenix arrows.

Death: The player drops all items when he or her dies. The player will then spawn back in his or her barracks with no ammo and no mana.

Death Limit: The Death Limit is the amount of times a team can die. Another way to look at it is as the number of units a team's army has. The limit is displayed on the left side of the screen. The first number is the current number of deaths and the second number after the slash is the limit. The icon with the sword is the Attackers' death count and the icon with the crown is the Defenders' death count. In the normal game mode the Attackers have double the limit amount then the Defenders.

Dropping items: You can drop a torch or a Jailer Icon by selecting the item and then pressing the "D" key.
Dropping the Throne key: You can drop the throne key by pressing the "K" key.

Jumping, moving, and swimming: Your movement rate, swimming, and jumping is dependent on your class. For instance the assassin is the best at jumping where as the wizard is the worst at jumping. Note: Swimming in armor will drag you down in the water. So the more armor you carry the faster you will sink.

Suicide or Kill command: You can only Suicide before the game has started. After the game has started only the players with no team can suicide.

Lifting objects: You then can lift the objects such as barrels by pressing the "L" key. You first must face and stand next to the object, before you can try to lift it. Note: Some classes are better at lifting objects then others. For example the fighter is must stronger then a wizard, so the fighter can lift barrel higher and thus throw it farther away. The mass of the object is taken in consideration. For example the more the object weighs the less distance you can throw it. If the object's mass is too great, you will not be able to lift the object.

Mana: Mana is gained by time. The only way to increase your mana is by waiting and staying alive. When you spawn in the game you start with no mana. Your mana will not accumulate if your not on a team or if the game has not started.

Monsters: In Siege there can be monsters. Note: If a monster is on the same team as a player, the monster will not attack the player.

Shrines: In Siege there areno shrines, but instead there are items or spells that have the same effect.

Spells: Siege includes a new spells and some altered spells.

Time: Once the game starts the time will restart. Warning music will begin to play, when there is only one minute left in the clock. Once the clock goes down to zero, the game ends. The default time for a Siege game is 30 minutes.

Victory: Winning depends on what type of game is running. If it is on the original siege map, the attackers can win by capturing the crown and the defenders can win by preventing the attacks from capturing the crown. In assault games or castle vs castle, your team can win by capturing the crown or by the highest team frag count when the time finishes. Another way to win is when the other team is wiped out, because they reached their death limit.

Assault: Both teams fight for one crown.

Castle vs. Castle: capture the other team's crown to win

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