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Middle East

travel news review

12 May '99
The small-town bureaucracy of a former Caspian Sea holiday resort in northern Iran has banned the riding of bicycles by women. The district governor of Ramsar, a beach town nestled between the Caspian mountains and the sea where the former Shah constructed a summer palace, has declared the practice immoral and called on municipal police to enforce the ban. Even if women are covered from head to toe, in accordance with Iran's Islamic laws, it is argued that they are nonetheless unable to protect their chastity whilst mounted on the bike. The issue is politically charged, as some Iranian conservatives fear that unrestricted cycling by women may promote wantonness and promiscuity.

8 February '98

As you would expect, petrol is ridiculously cheap in Iran. In the latest edition (May 1998) of Lonely Planet's guide to Iran, petrol was 220 rials a litre (US$0.12). Petrol prices in Iran will be increased by 75% from March this year, which sounds like a massive increase, but it only raises the price of petrol up to 350 rials or 20 cents a litre. While this petrol price rise may not affect travellers immediately or have a huge impact on their budget, an increase in bus and taxis fares is likely to follow some time this year.



23 December '98
Travellers are advised to defer all travel to all Middle East and Gulf countries following military strikes against Iraq. Travellers in Egypt are advised to register at their embassy and to follow local advice. Up to date advice is available on consular web sites.



14 December '98
The Iranian airline Pariz Air has announced it will commence air services between the port city of Bandar-e Abbas in Southern Iran and Ras al-Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates. Currently the flights operate twice a week, on Sundays and Wednesdays. Departure tax from Bandar-e Abbas is about US$40.



11 December '98
Ramadan (Ramazen in Turkey and Iran) will commence this year on 19 December. During this sunrise-to-sunset month of fasting for Muslims, there are no actual public holidays, but sometimes it can be difficult to deal with officialdom because of relaxed and sometimes erratic business hours.

Foreigners travelling in a country where Ramadan is observed are not expected to participate in the fasting, but it is generally impolite to smoke, drink or eat in public during Ramadan. In the bigger cities, it is not so much of a problem, but avoid flaunting your kebabs in the street.



14th October '98
The head of Iran's Tourism Organisation, Mohammed Moezeddin, announced that new regulations for travellers visiting Iran will be announced this week. Under the new regulations, visas will be issued to incoming tourists within 48 hours, instead of the current 10 days. Priority will be given to tourists from Islamic and central Asian states. The new regulations are part of a promotional campaign targetted at the 20 million Muslim tourists who travel every year. Iranian Tourism believes travellers will be attracted to Iran's historical and religious sites



25 September '98
Persian rug sales, Iran's second biggest money-spinner after oil sales, have been hit by a slump in the world carpet market. Iran produces nearly one-third of all traditional carpets and rugs made worldwide, and in 1997 this brought Iran hard currency earnings of more than US$2 billion per year. But this year carpet exports are down by 30%, due in part to competition from other countries producing carpets, and carpet production in Iran may have to be reduced to offset falling sales. This could be could be a good time to do business in Iran with your friendly Iranian carpet dealer.



3 June '98
Fans of the late Ayatollah Khomeini will soon be able to read his collected writings on the Internet. Two hundred and ten books written by the late founder of the Islamic Republic have been transferred to computer software and another 33 books by the Ayatollah's son, the late Haj Ahmad Khomeini will also be available on the internet. Thursday, 4 July (an unhappy coincidence) is the ninth anniversary of the Ayatollah's death.



20 May '98
Iran Air will has commenced direct flights to Copenhagen. The weekly flights will depart from Tehran on Mondays.



15 April '98
For the first time since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, you can now watch American movies on Iranian television. The selection of movies may not excite your average film buff, though, with most movies selected from that golden era of movie-making, the 1970s and 80s. Steven Spielberg movies feature prominently in the scheduling.


  8 April '98
Ukraine has just pulled out of Iran's nuclear programme, recently announcing it would teminate a deal to provide nuclear technology for the Bushehr station. Although Ukraine will lose US$45 million for breaking a 1995 contract, they may have had their eye on US aid, which is annually worth far more. The US (and the rest of the world), obviously wasnÆt keen for Ukrainian nuclear technology to proliferate.

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