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9 March '99
While duty free shopping is officially scheduled to end in the member countries of the European Union (EU) on 1 July, 1999, many countries are hopeful duty-free shopping can be extended for another couple of years. Of the 15 member countries in the EU, Germany, France and Britain are the main campaigners for an extension for duty-free shopping. It is estimated that if duty-free shopping goes, more than 140,000 jobs would also go. When the end of duty-free sales in EU countries eventually does come into place, travellers to Europe will still be able to obtain duty free items, as the new restrictions will only apply to intra-EU travel. As an example, if you travel between Switzerland, which is not a member of the EU, and France, duty-free purchases will still be possible. Current member countries of the EU are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

6 May '98

The European Parliament recently endorsed Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain as the initial participants in the launch of a single European currency, the Euro. The Euro will come into the market on 1 January 1999. The United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden have refused to join the monetary union, and Greece is ineligible as it has such a large budget deficit.



22 April '98
The latest in package tours to Northern Ireland incorporates a bit of æreality tourismÆ: visits to IRA prisoners in Long Kesh jail, the opportunity to march in the annual famine walk and a stay with a Catholic family on Falls Road in Belfast, the site of many bloody confrontations between Catholics and Protestants. Organisers of the tours to Ireland believe many travellers are now looking for more æmeaningful and outward lookingÆ travel opportunities.



21 Janruary '98
An extra daily flight between Dublin and Galway has been approved, bringing the number of services between the two cities to three flights a day. Details of the new carrier have not yet been announced for the service, which will commence in April. Galway Airport will shortly undertake a £4.2 million expansion enabling direct flights from Galway to the UK and Europe.


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