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travel news review

19 April '99
Tariffs on international phone calls originating from Zambia have been cut by 5%. The Zambia Telecommunications Company has announced that the cuts will be effective from 1 May, with further savings of up to 25% for off-peak calls.

24 February '99
Starving hippos are reported to have killed at least four villagers in Sinazongwe district, bordering the Zambezi River in southern Zambia. The hippos appear to have been desperate for food, allegedly owing to an increase in numbers, and have a particular weakness for maize. The victims were attacked while protecting their crops. These are the first reports in years of attacks on humans by the usually placid animals that spend the greater part of their day under water. They usually attack only under extreme provocation.

5 October '98
Supporters of Zambia's recently formed Lesbian, Gays and Transgender Association have been warned by the Zambian government that they risk being arrested for committing a criminal offence. Male homosexual activity is illegal in conservative Zambia, with a jail term of up to five years for those found guilty of homosexual acts. Lesbian activities in Zambia are not illegal but only because law-makers in Zambia cannot bring themselves to discuss the issue.


18th March '98
Ethiopian Airlines will commence flights to Zambia from 2 April. The direct flights from Addis Ababa will operate twice weekly.

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