Zambia's had a contorted history of bad breaks and brutal leaders. Recent moves toward democratisation have been reversed, then reversed again. Nationalisation in the 1960s led to widespread corruption and poverty; privatisation in the 1990s has had more or less the same effect. As floods in the north and drought in the south wipe out much of the country's crops, food relief supplies are being diverted to black market outlets and the threat of famine looms.

All of which might make Zambia sound like the last place on earth you'd want to go, but the country is far more hospitable to travellers than it's been in a while, and its natural beauty and animal life are unsurpassed in Africa.

Map of Zambia (15K)

Facts at a Glance
Facts for the Traveller
Money & Costs
When to Go
Off the Beaten Track
Getting There & Away
Getting Around
Recommended Reading
Lonely Planet Guides
Travellers' Reports on Zambia
On-line Info

Facts at a Glance

Area: 752,600 sq km (290,600 sq mi)
Population: 9.3 million
Capital city: Lusaka (pop 2 million)
People: African (98%, including Lozi, Ngoni, Tonga, Lunda, Bemba, Kaonde, Luvale), European (1%)
Language: English, over 70 indigenous languages
Religion: Christian (66%), Muslim and Hindu (33%), indigenous beliefs
Government: Republic
President: Frederick Chiluba


Land-locked Zambia is one of Africa's most eccentric legacies of colonialism. Shaped like a crumpled figure-eight, its borders don't correspond to any tribal or linguistic area. It's bordered by Angola to the west, Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west and north, Tanzania to the north-east, Malawi to the east, and Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia to the south.

Zambia sits on an undulating plateau, sloping to the south. Areas of high ground include the Copper Belt Highlands and the Nyik Plateau on the border with Malawi, which contains Mwanda Peak (2150m/7050ft), the country's highest point. Zambia's main rivers are the Zambezi, which rises in the west of the country and forms the border between Zambia and Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe; the Kafue, which rises in the highlands between Zambia and Democratic Republic of the Congo; and the Luangwa, which flows from the north into the Zambezi.

Zambia's great wildlife parks are home to every beast known to the National Geographic and then some. Aside from the marquee names like lion, elephant, hippo, buffalo, zebra, and giraffe, commonly sighted critters include warthog, mongoose, honey badgers, baboons, African striped weasels and Lichtenstein's hartebeests. Zambia's varied birdlife includes ostriches, hornbills, woodhoopoes and starlings.

Most of Zambia is moist savanna woodland, where broadleaf deciduous trees grow far enough apart to allow grasses and other plants to grow on the woodland floor. In the wetter north you'll see sprawling branches of stout baobab trees, some thousands of years old. Bushveld covers much of the drier south-west.

Along with much of Southern Africa, Zambia's altitude creates a temperate climate. There are three distinct seasons: cool and dry from May to August, hot and dry from September to October, and rainy between November and April (summer). Rainfall is higher in the north of the country than in the south.


Zambia's history goes back to the debut of homo sapiens: evidence of human habitation going back 100,000 years has been found at Kabwe, north of Lusaka. Beginning around 1000 AD, Swahili-Arab slave-traders gradually penetrated the region from their city-states on the eastern coast of Africa. Between the 14th and 16th centuries, a Bantu group known as the Maravi migrated from present-day Republic of Congo and established kingdoms in eastern and south-eastern Zambia.

In the 18th century, Portuguese explorers following the routes of Swahili-Arab slavers from the coast into the interior became the first known European visitors. After the Zulu nation to the south began scattering its neighbors, victims of the Difaqane (forced march) began arriving in Zambia in the early 19th century. Squeezed out of Zimbabwe, the Makalolo people moved into southern Zambia, pushing the Tonga out of the way and grabbing Lozi territory on the upper Zambezi River.

The celebrated British explorer David Livingstone travelled up the Zambezi in the 1850s, searching for a route into the interior of Southern Africa, hoping to introduce Christianity and European civilisation to combat the horrors of the slave trade. Livingstone's efforts attracted missionaries, who in turn brought hunters and prospectors in their wake. In the 1890s much of Zambia came under the control of the British South Africa Company (BSAC), which sought to combat slavery and prevent further Portuguese expansion in the area.

Under the BSAC, the area became Northern Rhodesia in 1911. At the same time, vast copper ore deposits were discovered in the north-central part of the territory (the area now called the Copper Belt). Large-scale mining operations were set up and local Africans employed as labourers. They had little choice: they needed money to pay the hut tax introduced by the Europeans, and their only other source of income vanished when much of their farmland was appropriated by European settlers.

The colony was put under direct British control in 1924; Lusaka became the capital in 1936. Settlers began pushing for federation with Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Malawi) - an arrangement delayed by WWII, finally coming about in 1953. Meanwhile, the influence of African nationalism spread throughout the country. Kenneth Kaunda founded the United National Independence Party (UNIP) in the 1950s, advocating the end of British rule. That rule ended in 1963, when the federation dissolved and Northern Rhodesia took the name Zambia, after the Zambezi River. Independence came too late to halt the haemorrhaging of money occurring under the Brits. Taxing Zambians to the bone, the British spent most of that money on Southern Rhodesia - a drain that continued to plague the country well into the 1990s.

Following independence, Kaunda led Zambia for 27 years, a feat he accomplished by declaring the UNIP the only legal party and himself as the sole presidential candidate. Calling his mix of Marxism and traditional African values 'humanism', Kaunda rapidly bankrupted the country with a bloated civil service and a nationalisation scheme wracked by corruption and mismanagement. Falling copper prices accelerated the slide, and by the end of the 1970s Zambia was one of the poorest countries in the world. Not content to fiddle at home, Kaunda stuck his nose in the domestic political spats of several of his neighbours, who promptly restricted Zambia's imports and exports by closing its rail routes to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

Desperate by the mid-1980s, Kaunda turned to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), whose severe conditions for aid - withdrawing basic food subsidies and floating the currency - sent prices skyrocketing and touched off nationwide riots that killed thousands. A further round of price hikes in the early 1990s led to more rioting, but this time Zambians demanded a cure rather than a salve: bring back multiparty democracy. Kaunda capitulated with an amended constitution, legalised opposition parties and full elections in October 1991. When labour leader Frederick Chiluba won a landslide victory as president, Kaunda had the good grace to bow out peacefully. Chiluba immediately began to woo the IMF, the World Bank and private investors, introducing austerity measures that drove food prices up and the value of the kwacha down. Chiluba also set about reforming the civil service and reprivatising or closing failed government enterprises.

With Chiluba's popularity plummeting, Kaunda briefly threatened to return to the political stage, but Chiluba effectively eliminated all serious opposition and triumphed handily. Two independent election monitors who dared to suggest that the election was neither free nor fair were arrested, and journalists were suspended for showing insufficient enthusiasm for Chiluba's victory. A group of dissatisfied army officers staged a failed coup attempt in October 1997, to which Chiluba responded by declaring a state of emergency for several months and charging over 100 people with treason.

Economic Profile

GDP: US$9.7 billion
GDP per head: US$1,100
Annual growth: 6.4%
Inflation: 34%
Major industries: Copper mining and processing, chemicals, textiles, fertilizer
Major trading partners: EU, South Africa, Japan


There are about 35 different ethnic groups or tribes in Zambia, all with their own languages. Main groups and languages include Bemba in the north and centre, Tonga in the south, Nyanja in the east, and Lozi in the west. English is now the national language and is widely spoken, even in remote areas. About two-thirds of the country is Christian, though many combine that with traditional animist beliefs.

A lot of traditional Zambian music is heavily rhythmic, usually played on drums, whistles and thumb pianos, and nearly always to accompany dancing. One of the most popular styles, however, is an import from the Democratic Republic of the Congo - the rumba.

Porridge is the staple dish in Zambia, commonly made from maize (nshima) or sorghum. It's typically eaten by dipping your right hand into a communal pot of porridge, rolling it into a ball and plunking it into a sauce of meat or vegetables. Fish is a local specialty. Popular freshwater varities include bream, lake salmon and Nile perch.


Among Zambia's most important public holidays are New Year's Day (1 January), Heroes' Day and Unity Day (first Monday and Tuesday in July) and Independence Day (24 October). During N'Cwala, held on 24 February, the chief of the Ngoni people samples the year's first fresh produce and commemorates the Ngoni's entrance into Zambia in 1835. Marked by feasts, music and some of the best dancing in the country, the ceremonies are held in Mutenguleni, 15km (10mi) south-west of Chipata. During the Ku-omboka, the Lozi chief and his family paddle along canals from Lealui to their residence in Limulunga, where they wait out the rainy season. In early March, anglers set their poles for the Zambia National Fishing Competition held on Lake Tanganyika. Zambia celebrates the anniversary of the founding of the Organization of African Unity on African Freedom Day (25 May).

Facts for the Traveller

Visas: Most visitors need visas, which are good for three months, plus an International Health Certificate showing proof of a yellow fever vaccination within the past 10 years.
Health risks: Cholera, malaria, polio, typhoid, yellow fever
Time: GMT/UTC plus two hours
Electricity: 220/240V, 50Hz
Weights & measures: Metric (see conversion table)

Money & Costs

Currency: Kwacha (K)

Relative costs:

  • Budget meal: US$1-5
  • Moderate restaurant meal: US$5-10
  • Top-end restaurant meal: US$10 and upwards

  • Budget room: US$2-10
  • Moderate hotel: US$10-75
  • Top-end hotel: US$75 and upwards
Zambia is a relatively inexpensive destination. Comfortable travel is available for US$100 a day, though luxury hotels and chartered planes will be significantly more. Travellers on a moderate budget should expect to spend around US$15-50 a day or more, depending on their taste for restaurant meals and safaris. If you do a lot of self-catering, take the train or bus and don't load up on artefacts, you can keep your costs below US$15 a day.

You can find a foreign exchange (forex) bureau in most large towns, and they'll generally give better rates than the banks. Cash advances can be had in Lusaka, but don't expect to get cash for plastic in other towns. There's no black market worth bothering with, and most street moneychangers will rip you off.

Tipping is illegal. You'll find a 10% service charge added to your bill in most restaurants. Bargaining is common and expected.

When to Go

If you want to spot the big game, August to October are the best times to visit, though it gets into the low 30s°C (high 80s°F) during the day by the end of that period. If you want cooler weather and greener landscapes, visit during the cool, dry months of May to August. Don't bother going during the November to April rainy season - many rural roads become impassable rivers of mud and most of the national parks are closed. That said, November to December is the best time for birdwatching, but there's pretty good birding year round.



Lusaka is a sprawling, swollen city that's grown too fast and has little appeal for travellers, though it is the capital and you're likely to spend some time in it. Lusaka didn't even exist before the 20th century, and until the 1930s it was just a small, sleepy agricultural centre. Although it became the capital in 1931, rapid growth didn't occur until the 1960s. Since then, most of Lusaka's middle class have headed for the suburbs, leaving a population consisting mainly of civil servants, diplomats and poor Zambians. Downtown is in the western part of the city; the government district lies a few blocks east.

The city is surprisingly rich in galleries featuring local artists. Among the best are the Henry Tayali Visual Arts Gallery at the Showgrounds a few kilometres east of the centre, the Mpala Gallery about halfway between the two, and the sculpture garden at the Garden House Hotel, a few kilometres west of the centre. Just north-west of the centre is the Zintu Community Museum, which exhibits traditional arts and crafts. The other major attraction in the capital is bustling open-air Kamwala Market, a few blocks south of the centre.

The capital is in the southern part of the country, about 100km (62mi) from the Zimbabwe border. It's accessible by air, rail and bus.


Livingstone dates from just after the turn of the century, springing up when the Zambezi Gorge was first bridged in 1904. Tourists were among the first to cross the bridge, and Livingstone remained the area's tourism hub for the next 70 years. The town of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe eclipsed Livingstone in the 1970s, though Livingstone has been battling back ever since. Still, it's not the tourist trap its southern neighbor is.

Anyone who knows their narrow-gauge from their standard should drop into the Railway Museum - the short name for the Zambezi Sawmills Locomotive Sheds National Monument, which lies a few hundred metres west of Livingstone's train station. The rag-tag collection of old engines and rolling stock will warm a rail buff's heart, but to someone else it might look like a rusty pile of junk.

The National Museum has a slightly broader appeal, featuring a collection of archaeological and anthropological relics. One highlight is a copy of a Neanderthal skull estimated to be over 100,000 years old. There are also examples of ritual artefacts and Tonga crafts, an African village mock-up, a collection of David Livingstone items and a display of Africa maps dating back to 1690. If that all sounds too tame there's a creepy collection of witchcraft paraphernalia, but you have to ask to see it.

Livingstone is located about 300km (185mi) south-west of Lusaka, and is accessible from the capital by bus or train.

Victoria Falls

The Victoria Falls are one of the world's most spectacular plunges: the 2km wide (1.2mi) Zambezi River drops over 100m (330ft) into a steeply-walled gorge. The Zambian side of Victoria Falls is sometimes forgotten, but it provides an entirely separate experience to its better-known Zimbabwean counterpart. First off, the views are different: you can sidle right up to the falling water by walking down a steep track to the base of the falls and following spindly walkways perched over the abyss. One of the best spots for a close-up is at Knife Edge Point, reached by crossing a hair-raising (but safe) footbridge through swirling clouds of spray to a cliff-girt island in the river. If the water is low and the wind favourable, you'll be treated to a magnificent view of the falls and the yawning abyss below the Zambezi Bridge. Other breakneck ways of taking in the scene include flying over the area, parachuting, white-water rafting and making the world's longest bungee-jump - 111m (364ft) - from the Victoria Falls Bridge.

Souvenir hunters can raid the line of curio stalls near the falls, where there's an excellent selection of crafts and the sellers are keen to barter - that 'Just Goa' t-shirt might fetch you something really nifty. Nearby are an archaeological site and a small museum with exhibits on the dig showing that humans and their ancestors have inhabited this region for 2.5 million years. The falls are 11km (7mi) south-west of Livingstone, and the best way to reach them is by bus or hired car.

South Luangwa National Park

For scenery and game-spotting, South Luangwa is the best park in Zambia. Vegetation ranges from dense woodland to open grassy plains, and oxbow lagoons act as natural water holes. Mammals you're likely to see include lion, buffalo, zebra and Thornicroft's giraffe. The park is also home to one of Africa's largest elephant populations, and is particularly noted for its leopards and birdlife. In the Luangwa River you'll spot hippo and crocodile. Day, night and walking safaris are available, as are horseback rides. Accommodation includes rustic campsites, barebones hostels, comfortable chalets and full-service resorts. The park is located about 250km (155mi) north-east of Lusaka. Most people arrive by air at Mfuwe Airport, 20km (12mi) south-east of the village of Mfuwe and the park's main gate. The park is closed during the rainy season of December to April.

Off the Beaten Track

Kafue National Park

This vast park is Zambia's largest, home to grassland plains stretching for hundreds of kilometres, forests lining the banks of the Kafue River, and critters big and small everywhere you look. Kafue is prime safari territory, with the lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos, antelope, zebra, even the ultra-rare yellow-backed duiker, to prove it. One highlight is the Busanga Plains at the northern end of the park. This 750 sq km (290 sq mi) area floods from March to May, when it becomes a giant bathing ground for thousands of hippos and millions of birds. Another good birdwatching spot is Lake Itezhi-Tezhi, where herons, spoonbills and many other waterbirds roost.

There are a number of places to stay in the park, including campsites, chalets and lodges. Most are along the Kafue River. The park is about 200km (125mi) west of Lusaka and is accessible by car, though the roads are generally horrible and most visitors who can afford it fly in by chartered plane.

Siavonga & Kariba Dam

Located at the north-eastern end of Lake Kariba, Siavonga is the nearest most Zambians get to the seaside. The town is quiet and low-key; the dam offers great views of the lake on the south-western side and the Zambezi River gorge on the other. There's fine fishing and boating on the lake. About 40km (25mi) north is the Chirundu Fossil Forest, with 150 million year old trees and Stone Age artefacts.

Siavonga is a great spot to take in the view, but don't go in the water - or even too close to the shore: the lake's positively crawling with crocodiles, and they make lunch out of 20 to 30 people every year. Siavonga is about 100km (62mi) south of Lusaka; buses make the four-hour run between them daily.

Ngonye Falls

If it weren't for Victoria Falls 300km (185mi) downstream, the Ngonye Falls would be a major attraction. Luckily for visitors, it's a wonderful place that's free of the tourist trappings of its better known counterpart. Admittedly, the plunge isn't nearly the same - the Ngonye Falls only fall a few metres - but the broad expanse of the cascade is a magnificent sight. There's good white-water rafting below the falls. Nearby is Sioma Ngwezi National Park, where you can spot elephants taking a nighttime drink. The falls are 600km (370mi) east of Lusaka, and about 200km (125mi) south of the town of Mongu. If you aren't driving your own vehicle, the bus from Mongu to the Namibian border can let you off less than a kilometre west of the falls.


The safari has come a long way since the days of mustachioed men with big guns and pith helmets. Today you're much more likely to see giant telephoto lenses sticking out of a 4WD. Zambia's got excellent photo and walking safari opportunities, mainly in its great national parks. Some of the best big-game viewing is at South Luangwa National Park, located near the middle of the country's eastern bulge. The Kafue National Park in the western bulge is classic African wildlife country with a wide range of landscapes. At Lochinvar National Park in the south-west, the seasonally flooded plains attract herds of buffalo, wildebeest, kudu and other animals.

The Zambezi River offers outstanding canoeing, white-water rafting and bungee jumping. For calmer sorts, the wide, smooth sections above Victoria Falls have lots of islands to explore and mini-rapids for a taste of adrenaline. For those with steelier nerves, the rapids below the falls are among the world's wildest - and safest, due to the deep water, steep canyon walls and lack of mid-stream rocks. Most rafters take a swim during their trip. Birdwatching is superb in Zambia. Lochinvar National Park boasts over 400 species, including flamingo, pelican, tern, coot, osprey, falcon and Denham's bustard. In the moist savanna in the northern parts of the country, you'll find the yellow-throated leaflove, West African thrush, wooly-necked stork and purple-coated cuckoo shrike. Other top places are Chete Island on Lake Kariba and the Chembe Bird Sanctuary, just outside of Kitwe.

Getting There & Away

Europe has the best air connections with Zambia. British Airways, KLM and Air France all have regular service to Lusaka. African carriers flying to the capital include Air Zimbabwe, Ethiopian Airways, Kenya Airways and South African Airways. Lusaka Airport is 20km (12mi) east of downtown. There's no airport bus, but taxis and hotel courtesy vans meet international flights. The airport departure tax is US$20.

The most fabulous way of entering Zambia is over the Victoria Falls Bridge from Zimbabwe. Buses run regularly between Harare and Lusaka; the trip takes about nine hours. The other main border points with Zimbabwe are Chirundu and Kariba. From Mozambique, most travellers enter Zambia at Cassa Catiza. From Malawi, the main crossing point is east of Chipata, on the main road between Lusaka and Lilongwe. The only crossing point between Zambia and Botswana is the ferry across the Zambezi river at Kazungula, about 60km (37mi) west of Victoria Falls. From Namibia, buses run regularly between Livingstone and Windhoek, crossing the border at the Zambian village of Katima Mulilo, near Sesheke.

Getting Around

The best way of getting around is by car, preferably 4WD. There are several rental agencies in Lusaka and a few in Ndola, north of Lusaka on the Congo border. Aside from the main route between Lusaka and Chitapa, most paved roads are in pretty bad shape, and dirt roads can range from bad to impassable, especially after the rains. If you haven't driven in Africa before, this is no place to start. All drivers need an International Driver's Licence. Driving is officially on the left, but drive defensively and be prepared for anything.

Crowded conditions and long hauls over potholed roads make travelling by bus wearisome. All the lines are privately owned, but prices are relatively standardised and most routes run fairly regularly. Minibuses are available for shorter runs and tend to be faster and slightly more expensive than regular buses. The train is a good alternative if you don't plan on going far from the Livingstone-Lusaka-Nakonde corridor. There's another branch to Kitwe. The Lusaka-Livingstone route has an express three times a week and a local daily.

Recommended Reading

  • Kakuli by Norman Carr is a memoir of a lifetime spent working with animals and people in the South Luangwa National Park.
  • Delia and Mark Owens have made a name for themselves by relentlessly fighting poachers. Their Survivors' Song details their efforts in North Luangwa National Park.
  • If you're thinking of driving in Zambia or spending some time in the national parks, Chris McIntyre's Zambia is a good resource.

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