Generations - Genealogy Tree Builder

Generations is intuitively easy to learn, simple to use, yet capable to handle the most complex genealogy tree. Generations is for visualizing, editing and printing large genealogy trees. Generations allows you to distribute your genealogy tree on the Internet and supports scanned photos for everyone.

Generations is entirely FREE and you are encouraged to download and distribute. If you like Generations and think it worth the cost of a post card plus a stamp, then send a post card.

Online Help

Generations Version 1.51

Generations' Features (click here to download)

What's New To Version 1.50 & 1.51

  To download Generations v1.51, click on this link: (850 KB, Approx. 5 minutes at 28.8 Kbs).

What's Next

To find out what features were added in previous revisions, visit the Revision History page.

mail.gif If you have comments, suggestions, concerns or problems, please send mail to Let me know what you think and what features you would like to see in the next version(s) of Generations.  You may visit my web site at .