Generations - Member Properties

The following are screen shoots from "Member Properties" dialogs.

General Properties

Member Properties - General Dialog

First Name, Middle Name, Last Name

Enter the name of the individual. Enter the maiden name for married woman.


Occupation of the individual such as its profession, job title, student status or any other information relevant to the work accomplished.



Legend for genders


To have a picture displayed in the dialog, you must go to the "Pictures" dialog and add at least one picture to the picture list.

A red dot at the upper-right corner indicate there are pictures available.

Pictures are available when a red dot is present


Anything  commented about the individual.  This may include important events, achievements, awards, trips, work related stories, family stories, or anything pertinent about the individual.  You can enter a comment up to 32000 characters.

Birth And Death

Birth and Death Properties

Date of Birth

Enter the birth date of the individual.  You can enter a partial date such as "Sep-1974" or "1974" if you can't remember the exact date.   Generations accepts dates from year 0001 to year 9999.

Child Number

Enter the child rank in the family.  Generations uses the child number and the date of birth to sort children from the oldest to the youngest (or vice-versa).   Generations does not enforce the child number to be consecutive or unique because there are special cases such as an adopted child or a child who died at a very young age to have a special number.


Check this checkbox to indicate the member died.  A cross (X) will be displayed on the genealogy tree to indicate the member deceased.  If you enter a date of decease, the age will be displayed inside the gender symbol.

Deceased without displaying the age

Deceseased with age displayed

Date of Decease

Enter a date greater than the date of birth.  If you try to enter a date prior the date of birth, Generations will ask you to enter a valid date.


Anything important/relevant to the decease of the individual.  You may enter a short description of the individual's decease.

Cause of Decease

Enter what caused the individual to decease.  Select the "Unknown" radio button if you don't know the cause of death.  The radio button "Information Not Available" indicates no information was entered about the cause of death.  This field will be used in future versions to generate reports and display statistics about a family.

Version 2.0 will have fields for place/city/country of birth and decease.


Member Properties - Pictures Dialog

You can add as many picture to an individual as you wish.  To add a picture to the picture list, click on the "Add" button.  You may edit the picture description directly from this dialog or in the "Picture Properties" dialog.   If you have multiple pictures, you may select a picture as the default picture.   The primary picture will be displayed in the "General" dialog.

Pictures best viewed on 24-bit colors display.

Add Picture

Picture Properties Dialog

Picture Name

Friendly name to be displayed in the picture list.

Picture Location

Location of the picture.  You may type something like "c:\My Documents\DanielMorinGrad1999.jpg". If the picture is located in the same directory as the family tree (.gno file) is stored, then the picture location will be truncated to its relative filename.  A relative filename starts with a dot (.) and allowing your family tree be copied from one machine to another.  To override this behavior, you may check the "Preserve Full Path" to store the full path of the picture.   Preserving the full path of a picture may be useful if you have large pictures want to share them over a network.

Tip You can type an HTTP address as the picture location.   Generations will download the picture via your modem or any other Internet connection.
Warning! Warning! Warning!

Warning!  "Preserve Full Path" checkbox is grayed out!

The "Preserve Full Path" checkbox may be grayed out!  This is because you never saved your genealogy tree and therefore Generations can't determine the relative path of the picture with respect to your genealogy tree (.gno file).  What you have to do is save your genealogy tree before adding pictures.  If you have a genealogy tree and wish to convert the "full paths" into "relative paths", simply click on the "Modify" button to bring the "Picture Properties" dialog, uncheck the "Preserve Full Path" and click on the OK button.  If you have many pictures to modify, you should consider using the Picture List Dialog.

When a picture is loading, its filename is displayed in the status bar.  A picture may fail to load for three reasons:

  1. File Not Found.  The picture cannot be located onto the disk or network server.
  2. Download Failed.  The picture cannot be loaded because Generations was unable to download the picture at the Internet address.
  3. Unknown Image Type.  Generations understands two image formats: bitmaps (.bmp) and JPEGs (.jpg, .jpeg).  If you supply any other extension such as .gif, you will get this error.
  4. Low Memory.  There is not enough memory to load the image.  Generations monitors how much free memory is available and will reject a load request if the free memory is below the 10% threshold.  You can view how much free memory is available from the Preferences Dialog.

Picture Description

You can enter a description for each picture in the list.  The maximum description length is 32000 characters.

Picture Shot Date

Date when the picture was taken.  You can enter a partial date such as "1987" or "Mar-1988".

View Attributes

Member Properties - Display Attributes Dialog

You can specify what information to be displayed to the genealogy tree.

Tip You may want to print a genealogy tree without the age inside the squares and circles.  To achieve this, uncheck the "Display Age" menu item from the main menu before printing.

Name Word Wrap

Number of lines to display the name in the genealogy tree.  You can set the value from a single line up to 7 lines.   The "Force Name Wrap" checkbox will force a new line between the first name, middle name and last name.


An alias is a mirror copy of an object.  An alias can be handy when the same member is needed at more than one location in the genealogy tree.  Click here to find out when and how to create an alias.

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