
This page explains the basic steps to create a genealogy tree using Generations.

Adding Members

To get started, let's introduce the most common toolbar buttons to build a genealogy tree.  To quickly add members to the genealogy tree, you can use the appropriate short-cut key or right-click with mouse and select a command from the context menu.

Toolbar buttons to add members to a genealogy tree

New Male (W) New Male (W).  A male is represented by a square.
New Female (E) New Female (E).  A female is represented by a circle.
New Mate (M) New Mate (M).  Creates a mate for the selected male or female.   As a convention, the husband is displayed to the left and the wife is displayed to the right.  The horizontal bar between the two individuals is a "Marriage" object and can be manually inserted by using the (R) keyboard short-cut key.
New Parents (P) New Parents (P). Creates parents to the selected individual.  If parents already exists, Generations will prompt to create adoptive parents instead.
New Son (S) New Son (S).  Adds a son to the selected marriage.
New Daughter (D) New Daughter (D).  Adds a daughter to the selected marriage.
New Alias (A) New Alias (A).  Creates a mirror copy of the selected member without including him/her as an additonal member of the family.
Family Wizard (F) Family Wizard (F).  Displays a dialog to create a new family and/or add children to an existing family.

Here is a sample of a family of three children.

Family of three children
Simple Family Tree

Creating Links

Generations automatically create links between members when you use any of the following toolbar button: New Mate, New Parents, New Son, New Daughter and Family Wizard.   A link represents a relationship between a member (individual) and a family.    If the member is a child, then it must have a "Child Link" to the marriage object.  If the member is a parent (or future parent), then it must have a "Parent Link" to the marriage object.  Please note a member can be both a child and a parent and therefore have several links.   Generations offers the flexibility to create links between members to handle complex genealogy trees.  If you need to create links, select the member you want to create a link and right-click with the mouse to display the context menu.  Select the menu item "Link As Parent" or "Link As Child" and follow the instructions on the status bar.

Link: Child
Child Link
Link: Parent
Parent Link
Marriage Object
Marriage Object

If you want to change the link, you can double-click on the link to get the following dialog.

Link As Dialog

It is important to select the correct type of link because Generations uses those links to find relationships between individuals. In the future, Generations will generate reports by extracting information from those links.

Creating Marriages

The other type of link is a "marriage" object.  Generations uses word "marriage" to represent a relation or union between two individuals.  The word "marriage" is used instead of "relation" or "union" because it the most common relation in a genealogy tree and is easy to understand.

Marriage Properties - General Dialog


The label field can be used to put a short description of the relationship.  The label will be displayed in the genealogy tree centered between the two individuals.  Here are few examples:


Describes the type of relationship between the two individuals.

Legend.Relation.Married.gif (1031 bytes) A married couple.
Legend.Relation.Separated.gif (1065 bytes) A married couple no longer living together.  A separation is displayed by a single oblique bar.
Legend.Relation.Divorced.gif (1064 bytes) A married couple now divorced.  A divorce is displayed by two oblique bars.
Legend.Relation.Engaged.gif (1036 bytes) Two people in the process of getting married.
Legend.Relation.LivingTogether.gif (1091 bytes) Two people living together but not married.
Legend.Relation.Dating.gif (1013 bytes) Two people dating.  Can be handy to remember a boyfriend's name :)
Legend.Relation.TemporaryRelation.gif (1117 bytes) This is the polite term for having a mistress or a one night stand.  Select this relation if children are the product of such a relationship.
Legend.Relation.Other.gif (1001 bytes) Anything else?



Displays the primary picture for the marriage (if any).


Additional information to be documented about the marriage.

Version 2.0 of Generations will have fields for religious and civil marriage including date, place and other relevant information.

Marriage Pictures

You can add as many pictures as you wish to a marriage object.  Simply click on the Add button to add pictures.  More explanations to add pictures is available here.

Marriage Properties - Pictures Dialog

Example of an Extended Family

Example of an extended family tree

This is a fictive example of an extended family tree.  Here are the facts that can be extracted.

Goto Edit member Properties