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 Int 14  - Serial - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* Extender Int 14 (xapcm232.sys
 Int 14 Fn 00  - Serial - Initialize Port
 Int 14 Fn 00  - Fossil (fido/opus/seadog Standard Interface Level) - Initial
 Int 14 Fn 00  - Mbbios - Initialize Port
 Int 14 Fn 00  - Connection Manager - Modify Default Connection Parameters
 Int 14 Fn 01  - Serial - Write Character To Port
 Int 14 Fn 01  - Connection Manager - Send Character
 Int 14 Fn 02  - Serial - Read Character From Port
 Int 14 Fn 02  - Fossil - Receive Character With Wait
 Int 14 Fn 02  - Connection Manager - Receive Character
 Int 14 Fn 03  - Serial - Get Port Status
 Int 14 Fn 03  - Connection Manager - Return Communication Port Status
 Int 14 Fn 04  - Serial - Extended Initialize (convertible,ps)
 Int 14 Fn 04  - Fossil - Initialize Driver
 Int 14 Fn 04  - Multidos Plus Iodrv - Initialize Port
 Int 14 Fn 04  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Change Baud Rate
 Int 14 Fn 04  - Mbbios - Installation Check
 Int 14 Fn 04  - Connection Manager - Open Communication
 Int 14 Fn 0400  - Microsoft Systems Journal Tsrcomm Int14 - Installation Che
 Int 14 Fn 0401  - Microsoft Systems Journal Tsrcomm Int14 - Initialize Mode
 Int 14 Fn 0402  - Microsoft Systems Journal Tsrcomm Int14 - Extended Initial
 Int 14 Fn 0403  - Microsoft Systems Journal Tsrcomm Int14 - Set Timeout
 Int 14 Fn 0404  - Microsoft Systems Journal Tsrcomm Int14 - Clear The Receiv
 Int 14 Fn 0405  - Microsoft Systems Journal Tsrcomm Int14 - Get Receive Buff
 Int 14 Fn 0406  - Microsoft Systems Journal Tsrcomm Int14 - Clear The Transm
 Int 14 Fn 0407  - Microsoft Systems Journal Tsrcomm Int14 - Get Transmit Buf
 Int 14 Fn 0408  - Microsoft Systems Journal Tsrcomm Int14 - Uninstall
 Int 14 Fn 05  - Serial - Extended Communication Port Control (convertible,ps
 Int 14 Fn 05  - Fossil - Deinitialize Driver
 Int 14 Fn 05  - Multidos Plus Iodrv - Read Character From Port
 Int 14 Fn 05  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Change Protocol
 Int 14 Fn 05  - Mbbios - Drop Dtr And Rts
 Int 14 Fn 05  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Change Port Protocol
 Int 14 Fn 05  - Connection Manager - Close Communication
 Int 14 Fn 06  - Fossil - Raise/lower Dtr
 Int 14 Fn 06  - Multidos Plus Iodrv - Write Character To Port
 Int 14 Fn 06  - Mbbios - Raise Dtr And Rts
 Int 14 Fn 06  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Driver 'id' Function
 Int 14 Fn 06  - Telapi - Write???
 Int 14 Fn 06  - Connection Manager - Send Character Block
 Int 14 Fn 07  - Fossil - Return Timer Tick Parameters
 Int 14 Fn 07  - Multidos Plus Iodrv - Get Port Status
 Int 14 Fn 07  - Mbbios - Send Break
 Int 14 Fn 07  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Send Rs-232 Break
 Int 14 Fn 07  - Telapi - Write???
 Int 14 Fn 07  - Connection Manager - Receive Character Block
 Int 14 Fn 08  - Fossil - Flush Output Buffer Waiting Till All Output Is Done
 Int 14 Fn 08  - Multidos Plus 4.0 Iodrv - Get And Reset Port Line Status
 Int 14 Fn 08  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Alternate Status Check
 Int 14 Fn 08  - Mbbios - Non-destructive Read
 Int 14 Fn 08  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Input Status Check
 Int 14 Fn 08  - Connection Manager - Return Default Connection Parameters
 Int 14 Fn 09  - Fossil - Purge Output Buffer Throwing Away All Pending Outpu
 Int 14 Fn 09  - Multidos Plus Iodrv - Reset Port Status
 Int 14 Fn 09  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Clear Buffers
 Int 14 Fn 09  - Mbbios - Get/set Options
 Int 14 Fn 09  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Reset I/o Buffer Pointe
 Int 14 Fn 09  - Connection Manager - Send Break
 Int 14 Fn 0A  - Fossil - Purge Input Buffer Throwing Away All Pending Input
 Int 14 Fn 0A  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Input Queue Check
 Int 14 Fn 0A  - Mbbios - Write Buffer
 Int 14 Fn 0A  - Connection Manager - Modify Active Connection Parameters
 Int 14 Fn 0B  - Fossil - Transmit No Wait
 Int 14 Fn 0B  - Mbbios - Read Buffer
 Int 14 Fn 0B  - Connection Manager - Prepare For Inbound Connection
 Int 14 Fn 0C  - Fossil - Non-destructive Read Ahead
 Int 14 Fn 0C  - Mbbios Paccom Support - Buffer Management
 Int 14 Fn 0C  - Connection Manager - Test For Inbound Connection Request
 Int 14 Fn 0D  - Fossil - Keyboard Read Without Wait
 Int 14 Fn 0D  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Get Pointer To Ch_key_rdy Flag
 Int 14 Fn 0D  - Mbbios Paccom Support - Set Txd
 Int 14 Fn 0D  - Connection Manager - Terminate Connection Client Activity
 Int 14 Fn 0D00  - Mbbios - Get Available Bytes
 Int 14 Fn 0D01  - Mbbios - Lower All Modem Control Signals
 Int 14 Fn 0D02  - Mbbios - Raise All Modem Control Signals
 Int 14 Fn 0D03  - Mbbios - Set Handshake Byte
 Int 14 Fn 0E  - Fossil - Keyboard Read With Wait
 Int 14 Fn 0E  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Write String
 Int 14 Fn 0E  - Mbbios Paccom Support - Set Persistence
 Int 14 Fn 0E  - Connection Manager - Set Hardware Flow State
 Int 14 Fn 0F  - Fossil - Enable/disable Flow Control
 Int 14 Fn 0F  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Read String
 Int 14 Fn 0F  - Mbbios Paccom Support - Set Slot Time
 Int 14 Fn 0F  - Connection Manager - Return Active Connection Parameters
 Int 14 Fn 10  - Fossil - Extended  k Checking And Transmit On/off
 Int 14 Fn 10  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Clear Receive Buffer
 Int 14 Fn 10  - Mbbios Paccom Support - Set Crc Wait
 Int 14 Fn 10  - Connection Manager - Query Service Names
 Int 14 Fn 11  - Fossil - Set Current Cursor Location
 Int 14 Fn 11  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Clear Transmit Buffer
 Int 14 Fn 11  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Disable Port
 Int 14 Fn 12  - Fossil - Read Current Cursor Location
 Int 14 Fn 12  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Get Transmit Buffer Free Space
 Int 14 Fn 12  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Get Current Port Parame
 Int 14 Fn 13  - Fossil - Single Character Ansi Write To Screen
 Int 14 Fn 13  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Register A Port With A
 Int 14 Fn 14  - Fossil - Enable Or Disable Watchdog Processing
 Int 14 Fn 14  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Output String
 Int 14 Fn 15  - Fossil - Write Character To Screen Using BIOS Support Routin
 Int 14 Fn 15  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Input String
 Int 14 Fn 16  - Fossil - Insert/delete Function From Timer Tick Chain
 Int 14 Fn 16  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Ccb Command
 Int 14 Fn 16  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Link To Another Serial
 Int 14 Fn 17  - Fossil - Reboot System
 Int 14 Fn 17  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Write Modem Control Reg
 Int 14 Fn 18  - Fossil - Read Block
 Int 14 Fn 18  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Send BIOS Command
 Int 14 Fn 18  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Get Driver Description
 Int 14 Fn 19  - Fossil - Write Block
 Int 14 Fn 19  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x* - Special Character Interrupt
 Int 14 Fn 19  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Selective Buffer Flush
 Int 14 Fn 1A  - Fossil - Break Begin Or End
 Int 14 Fn 1A  - Digiboard Digichannel PC/x - Special Character Flag/counter
 Int 14 Fn 1B  - Fossil - Return Information About The Driver
 Int 14 Fn 1C  - X00 Fossil - Activate Port
 Int 14 Fn 1D  - X00 Fossil - Deactivate Port
 Int 14 Fn 1E  - X00 Fossil - Extended Line Control Initialization
 Int 14 Fn 1F  - X00 Fossil - Extended Serial Port Status/control
 Int 14 Fn 20  - X00 Fossil - Destructive Read With No Wait
 Int 14 Fn 20  - Alloy Mw386 - Attach Logical Communications Port To Physical
 Int 14 Fn 20  - Multidos Plus - Initialize Port
 Int 14 Fn 20  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Check Output Queue
 Int 14 Fn 21  - X00 Fossil - Stuff Receive Buffer
 Int 14 Fn 21  - Alloy Mw386 V1.x Only - Release Physical Communications Port
 Int 14 Fn 21  - Multidos Plus - Transmit Character
 Int 14 Fn 21  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Output Character, With
 Int 14 Fn 22  - Alloy Mw386 V2+ - Release Logical Communications Port
 Int 14 Fn 22  - Multidos Plus - Receive Character
 Int 14 Fn 22  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Receive Character, With
 Int 14 Fn 23  - Alloy Mw386 V2+ - Get Port Number From Logical Port Id
 Int 14 Fn 23  - Multidos Plus - Get Port Status
 Int 14 Fn 23  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - Declare Port Ownership
 Int 14 Fn 24  - Alloy Mw386 V2+ - Change Physical Port Parameters
 Int 14 Fn 24  - Multidos Plus - Set Monitor Mode
 Int 14 Fn 24  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 $serial.sys V5.04 - ???
 Int 14 Fn 25  - Multidos Plus - Clear Buffers
 Int 14 Fn 27  - Multidos Plus - Get Buffer Character Count
 Int 14 Fn 56  U - Bwcom14 - Installation Check
 Int 14 Fn 57  U - Bwcom14 - Initialize
 Int 14 Fn 58  U - Bwcom14 - Shutdown
 Int 14 Fn 6F  U - Connection Manager - ???
 Int 14 Fn 6F  - Connection Manager - Installation Check
 Int 14 Fn 7E  - Fossil - Install An External Application Function
 Int 14 Fn 7F  - Fossil - Remove An External Application Function
 Int 14  - Communications Fossil
 Int 14 Fn 80  - Couriers.com - Installation Check
 Int 14 Fn 8000  - Articom - Installation Check
 Int 14 Fn 8001  - Articom - Unload Asynchronous Redirector From Memory
 Int 14 Fn 8002  - Articom - Get Asynchronous Redirector Status
 Int 14 Fn 8003  - Articom - Translate Error Code To Error String
 Int 14 Fn 8004  - Articom - Attach Asynchronous Resource
 Int 14 Fn 8005  - Articom - Detach Asynchronous Resource
 Int 14 Fn 8006  - Articom - Get Resource Information
 Int 14 Fn 8007  - Articom - Get Redirected Port Information
 Int 14 Fn 8008  - Articom - Get Available Server Name
 Int 14 Fn 8009  - Articom - Set Send And Receive Timeouts
 Int 14 Fn 800A  - Articom - Modify Flow Control
 Int 14 Fn 8025  - Articom - Set Internal Send/receive Vector
 Int 14 Fn 8035  - Articom - Get Internal Send/receive Vector
 Int 14 Fn 81  - Couriers.com - Check If Port Busy
 Int 14 Fn 81  - Egberto Willies Comm-drv - Extended Initialization
 Int 14 Fn 8100  - Video Fossil - Return Vfossil Information
 Int 14 Fn 8101  - Video Fossil - Open Vfossil
 Int 14 Fn 8102  - Video Fossil - Close Vfossil
 Int 14 Fn 8103  - Video Fossil - Uninstall
 Int 14 Fn 82  - Keyboard Fossil
 Int 14 Fn 82  - Couriers.com - Configure Port
 Int 14 Fn 83  - System Fossil
 Int 14 Fn 83  - Couriers.com - Start Input
 Int 14 Fn 84  - Couriers.com - Read Character
 Int 14 Fn 85  - Couriers.com - Flush Pending Input
 Int 14 Fn 86  - Couriers.com - Start Output
 Int 14 Fn 87  - Couriers.com - Output Status
 Int 14 Fn 88  - Couriers.com - Abort Output
 Int 14 Fn 89  - Couriers.com - Send Single Character
 Int 14 Fn 8A  - Couriers.com - Send Break
 Int 14 Fn 8C  - Couriers.com - Set Speed
 Int 14 Fn 8D  - Couriers.com - Deconfigure Port
 Int 14 Fn A0  - 3com Bapi Serial I/o - Connect To Port
 Int 14 Fn A0  - Interconnections Inc. Tes - Installation Check/status Report
 Int 14 Fn A1  - 3com Bapi Serial I/o - Disconnect From Port
 Int 14 Fn A1  - Interconnections Inc. Tes - Get List Of Sessions With Status
 Int 14 Fn A2  - 3com Bapi Serial I/o - Write Character
 Int 14 Fn A2  - Interconnections Inc. Tes - Get List Of Server Names
 Int 14 Fn A3  - 3com Bapi Serial I/o - Read Character
 Int 14 Fn A3  - Interconnections Inc. Tes - Start A New Session
 Int 14 Fn A4  - 3com Bapi Serial I/o - Write Block
 Int 14 Fn A4  - Interconnections Inc. Tes - Hold Currently Active Session
 Int 14 Fn A5  - 3com Bapi Serial I/o - Read Block
 Int 14 Fn A5  - Interconnections Inc. Tes - Resume A Session
 Int 14 Fn A6  - 3com Bapi Serial I/o - Send Short Break
 Int 14 Fn A6  - Interconnections Inc. Tes - Drop A Session
 Int 14 Fn A7  - 3com Bapi Serial I/o - Read Status
 Int 14 Fn A7  - Interconnections Inc. Tes - Switch To Next Active Session
 Int 14 Fn A8  - Interconnections Inc. Tes - Send String To Command Interpret
 Int 14 Fn A8  - Novell Telapi V4.01 - Connection Information???
 Int 14 Fn A9  - Novell Telapi V4.01 - Connection Control???
 Int 14 Fn AF00  - 3com Bapi Serial I/o - Installation Check
 Int 14 Fn B0  - 3com Bapi Serial I/o - En/disable "enter Command Mode" (ecm)
 Int 14 Fn B1  - 3com Bapi Serial I/o - Enter Command Mode

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson