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Int 14 Fn 24  - Alloy Mw386 V2+ - Change Physical Port Parameters          [S]

   AH = 24h
   CX = physical I/O port number
   DS:DX -> configuration table (see below)

Return: AH = 00h

Note:  invalid port numbers are merely ignored

See Also: INT 17/AH=96h

Format of configuration table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    baud rate (see below)
 01h   BYTE    data bits (00h=5, 01h=6, 02h=7, 03h=8)
 02h   BYTE    parity (00h none, 01h odd, 02h even)
 03h   BYTE    stop bits (00h=1, 01h=2)
 04h   BYTE    receive flow control
       00h none, 01h XON/XOFF, 02h DTR/DSR, 03h XPC, 04h RTS/CTS
 05h   BYTE    transmit flow control (as for receive)

Values for baud rate:
 00h   38400
 01h   19200
 02h   9600
 03h   7200
 04h   4800
 05h   3600
 06h   2400
 07h   2000
 08h   1200
 09h   600
 0Ah   300
 0Bh   150
 0Ch   134.5

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