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Int 14 Fn A0  - 3com Bapi Serial I/o - Connect To Port                     [S]

   AH = A0h
   ES:BX -> ASCIZ internet host name
   CX = length of name

Return: AH = return code (00h,04h-06h,08h,0Ah-0Ch) (see below)
   CL = session ID
Program: the Bridge Application Program Interface is a set of functions which
     makes many of the details of LAN communications transparent

Note:  Novell TELAPI.EXE returns AH=09h (not supported) and CL=00h

See Also: AH=A1h"BAPI",AH=A2h"BAPI",AH=A5h"BAPI",AX=AF00h

Values for return code:
 00h   successful
 01h   no characters written
 02h   no characters read
 03h   no such session
 04h   clearinghouse name not found
 05h   no response from host
 06h   no more sessions available
 07h   session aborted
 08h   invalid clearinghouse name
 09h   not supported
 0Ah   internal (general) network error
 0Bh   out of memory
 0Ch   invalid IP address

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