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Int 14 Fn 07  - Connection Manager - Receive Character Block               [N]

   AH = 07h
   DX = FFFFh
   AL = connection ID
   BL = flag
       00h wait for data
       nonzero do not wait if no data avaiable
   CX = size of receive buffer
   ES:DI -> buffer for received characters

Return: AH = return code (00h-02h,04h,FFh) (see AH=00h/DX=FFFFh)
   BH = line status (see AH=03h/DX=FFFFh)
   CX = number of characters received
Program: Connection Manager by Softwarehouse Corp. permits the sharing of
     serial ports over an IPX or NetBIOS-based network

See Also: AH=01h/DX=FFFFh,AH=04h/DX=FFFFh,AH=06h/DX=FFFFh

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