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Int 14 Fn 1B  - Fossil - Return Information About The Driver               [S]

   AH = 1Bh
   DX = port number
   CX = size of user buffer
   ES:DI -> user buffer for driver info (see below)

Return: AX = number of characters transferred
   CX = 3058h ("0X") (X00 FOSSIL only)
   DX = 2030h (" 0") (X00 FOSSIL only)

Format of driver info:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    size of structure in bytes
 02h   BYTE    FOSSIL spec driver conforms to
 03h   BYTE    revision level of this specific driver
 04h   DWORD   pointer to ASCIZ identification string
 08h   WORD    size of the input buffer
 0Ah   WORD    number of bytes left in buffer
 0Ch   WORD    size of the output buffer
 0Eh   WORD    number of bytes left in buffer
 10h   BYTE    width of screen
 11h   BYTE    length of screen
 12h   BYTE    actual baud rate, computer to modem

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson