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Int 14 Fn 1E  - X00 Fossil - Extended Line Control Initialization          [S]

   AH = 1Eh
   AL = break status
       00h if break
       01h if no break
   BH = parity (see below)
   BL = number of stop bits
       00h one stop bit
       01h two stop bits (1.5 if 5 bit word length)
   CH = word length (see below)
   CL = bps rate (see below)
   DX = port number

Return: AX = port status code (see AH=00h)

Notes: this function is intended to exactly emulate the PS/2 BIOS AH=04h call
   if the port was locked at X00 load time, the appropriate parameters are

See Also: AH=00h,AH=04h"SERIAL I/O"

Values for parity:
 00h   no parity
 01h   odd parity
 02h   even parity
 03h   stick parity odd
 04h   stick parity even

Values for word length:
 00h   5 bits
 01h   6 bits
 02h   7 bits
 03h   8 bits

Values for bps rate:
 00h   110
 01h   150
 02h   300
 03h   600
 04h   1200
 05h   2400
 06h   4800
 07h   9600
 08h   19200

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