Walnut Creek CDROM Logo
Dec 1997


Check out the


Managment, accounting, planning, & business tools
Directory : /mgmt
ac_loctr.zip          Size:     128,927         Date: 09-22-96

Area Code locator, very handy
amtax88.zip           Size:     128,577         Date: 09-22-96

Shareware Income Tax Program
amtax89.zip           Size:     133,145         Date: 09-22-96

Highly recommended Tax shareware for 89 taxes
amtax90.zip           Size:     135,594         Date: 09-22-96

Famous shareware federal tax program for 1990
amtax91.zip           Size:     173,283         Date: 09-22-96

Famous shareware tax prgm 1991 version
amtax92.zip           Size:     222,114         Date: 09-22-96

amtax93.zip           Size:     230,241         Date: 09-22-96

That time of year, AmTax fed taxes for 93
amtax94.zip           Size:     282,767         Date: 09-22-96

area.zip              Size:      15,579         Date: 09-22-96

Finds area codes for U. S. and abroad
areacode.zip          Size:      12,390         Date: 09-22-96

Area Code Locale information
autobas.zip           Size:     586,999         Date: 09-22-96

This is the QuickBasic Source code to one of my older MRP systems. I have placed this in the public domain, so it is now FREE. This system is powerful and fast. Has had several great reviews.
bam351.zip            Size:     210,304         Date: 09-22-96

Bank Account Manager is an easy to use full featured bank manager. This program tracks more than just checking accounts!
blcc12.zip            Size:     162,317         Date: 09-22-96

Building life cycles and cost analysis
buslibrn.zip          Size:      98,410         Date: 09-22-96

business technical library manager
buslttrs.zip          Size:      58,327         Date: 09-22-96

Samples of many typical business letters
cashfl15.zip          Size:      41,902         Date: 09-22-96

CashFlow: Controls expenses and monthly income
cgzcd32c.zip          Size:     337,522         Date: 09-22-96

Capital Gainz 3.2 - portfolio manager Calculate total return, time-adjusted performance. Generate Schedule B and D of tax forms. Maintain price history. Save broker information. Load/commission calculator. Redistribute sale proceeds. Additional graphics program available. Additional download program allows price retrieval from CompuServe, Prodigy. There are two archives: CGZC[P,D]32n.zzz.
cgzcp32c.zip          Size:     446,941         Date: 09-22-96

Capital Gainz 3.2 - portfolio manager For small investors and investment managers. Ideal for a 'dollar-cost averaging' strategy. Record purchases, sales, dividends, capital gains; calculate gain/loss and total return. Execute sales using FIFO, LIFO, max gain, max loss, specific ID, avg cost. View data over a range of dates; reinvest dividends; record splits. HD, 640K, DOS 3.0+. ASP - $49. There are two archives: CGZC[P,D]32n.zzz.
cgzdc31a.zip          Size:     184,389         Date: 09-22-96

Capital Gainz 3.1-portfolio mgr, docs, 4/6
cgzdm31a.zip          Size:     148,846         Date: 09-22-96

Capital Gainz 3.1-portfolio mgr, tutorial, 6/6
cgzdt31a.zip          Size:       9,955         Date: 09-22-96

Capital Gainz 3.1-portfolio mgr, data, 3/6
cgzex31a.zip          Size:      25,408         Date: 09-22-96

Capital Gainz 3.1-portfolio mgr. examples, 5/6
cgzlb31a.zip          Size:     145,405         Date: 09-22-96

Capital Gainz 3.1-portfolio mgr, library, 2/6
cgzpr31a.zip          Size:     251,569         Date: 09-22-96

Capital Gainz 3.1a - portfolio manager For small investors and investment managers. Ideal for a 'dollar-cost averaging' strategy. Record purchases, sales, dividends, capital gains; calculate gain/loss and total return; view information over a range of dates; reinvest dividends; record splits; sell shares with FIFO, LIFO, max gain/loss, specific ID, avg. Graphics also available. Hard disk, 640K, DOS 3.0. ASP Shareware, $49.
chex24.zip            Size:      87,545         Date: 09-22-96

Checkbook is fast easy not overloaded.
cinvt55c.zip          Size:     156,521         Date: 09-22-96

Inventory pgm for tracking store stock/orders
cjpos133.zip          Size:     254,510         Date: 09-22-96

CJPOS is a complete point-of-sale program for small businesses. This EXTREMELY easy-to-use program will write invoices or estimates, track inventory and salespersons, perform sales analysis for any period, handle accounts receivable/payable, and keep a customer database. A powerful program that costs only $100 to register.
ckitot11.zip          Size:     293,783         Date: 09-22-96

Personal double-entry accounting system v.1.1a
cnademo.zip           Size:      50,971         Date: 09-22-96

consol21.zip          Size:     104,803         Date: 09-22-96

Financial mgt: Mutual funds/stocks/bonds/cash
costanal.zip          Size:      87,374         Date: 09-22-96

costest.zip           Size:       8,636         Date: 09-22-96

crbmstr.zip           Size:     442,176         Date: 09-22-96

CRIBMASTER is an asset management and tool tracking system. This program also monitors service and preventive maintenance logs on any asset or tool. The demonstrator program handles only 50 assets or tools, the licensed version can handle over 200,000 assets.
critpath.lzh          Size:       1,486         Date: 03-05-89

critical path analysis
ct608-a.zip           Size:      98,248         Date: 09-22-96

VG. finance checkbook manager 1of2
ct608-b.zip           Size:     102,500         Date: 09-22-96

VG. finance checkbook manager 2of2
debtfr30.zip          Size:     186,089         Date: 09-22-96

DEBT-FREE 3.0: Promotes early payoff of your home mortgage. Includes a "What-If" calculator, a printing amortizer, and a "Payment Log" to calculate and date-record mortgage payments of various amounts and/or interest rates. Useful for recording mortgage receivables, automatically allocating the interest, principal, and current balances monthly. Shareware ($29.95) from Accutax.
des.zip               Size:       9,133         Date: 09-22-96

This program is a data security program that uses the DES standard of encryption. It requires a 386 or better, is written is assembly language to offer better program speed. This copy is shareware and a doc file is included to obtain a registered copy.
dmail51.zip           Size:     243,672         Date: 09-22-96

Great mail list management system v5.1
dv321.zip             Size:      78,855         Date: 09-22-96

Cash Flow Analysis - Internal & Equity ROR, Life Cycle Cost, Capitalized Present Value. Good demo program, especially for Civil Eng.
eebond10.zip          Size:     423,656         Date: 09-22-96

EEBond v-10.0 Maintain Serial-Numbered Records of your Series EE and E Savings Bonds and US Savings Notes. Compute the Redemption Values for Dates Between 09/01/93 and 12/31/93. Now Includes Mouse Support and Program Support for Updating Redemption Calculations.
empsch10.zip          Size:      63,286         Date: 09-22-96

Employee Scheduler, up to 1 week, 60 employees
eproje.zip            Size:     127,477         Date: 09-22-96

EasyProject Project Manager - Shareware
est19.zip             Size:     139,538         Date: 09-22-96

Estimate building construction costs. Focus is on foundation and wall construction detail Good for contractors.
estatepl.zip          Size:     140,739         Date: 09-22-96

An estate planning prgm (What, me retire? )
estimate.zip          Size:      93,396         Date: 09-22-96

Quick and easy job cost estimator
expensrp.zip          Size:       3,763         Date: 09-22-96

Track business travel expenses
export1x.zip          Size:     233,348         Date: 09-22-96

Full export compliance procedures. This is a must for all companies and individuals. This group of text files can keep you out of a lot of hot water with the government.
ezff_10b.zip          Size:     131,806         Date: 09-22-96

EZ-Forms First: Free program to create forms
ezfl_e20.zip          Size:     227,322         Date: 09-22-96

EZ-Forms LT: Makes custom forms, easy to use
ezfx_v24.zip          Size:     244,908         Date: 09-22-96

EZ-Forms EX: Makes custom forms, easy to use
ezprj402.zip          Size:     183,203         Date: 09-22-96

Project management and tracking system v4.02
fads2.zip             Size:     172,089         Date: 09-22-96

Database system for tracking fixed assets
fax0690.zip           Size:      30,143         Date: 09-22-96

Fax numbers of many large businesses
fcookbok.zip          Size:      36,503         Date: 09-22-96

all purpose financial calculator
fdrw225a.zip          Size:     110,503         Date: 09-22-96

FLODRAW v2.25: Flowchart, Org. chart, EXEs
fdrw225b.zip          Size:     133,205         Date: 09-22-96

FLODRAW v2.25: Flowchart, Org. chart, LIBs
fdrw225u.zip          Size:     142,422         Date: 09-22-96

Files to update FLODRAW v2.2 to v2.25
fedtax86.zip          Size:      23,203         Date: 09-22-96

123-2.0 Federal Tax Temp 1040 A B C G W
fedtax87.zip          Size:      34,272         Date: 09-22-96

Do your taxes with shareware
fe_v10.zip            Size:     125,893         Date: 09-22-96

Create/fill forms. Features math & auto-entry
fgen331.zip           Size:      84,987         Date: 09-22-96

utility to generate forms
finan10.zip           Size:     141,309         Date: 09-22-96

Ray Zimmerman's 'The Financial Analyzer' v1.00
finance3.zip          Size:      66,483         Date: 09-22-96

Checkbook/Home finance
flowchrt.zip          Size:      47,893         Date: 09-22-96

Create and print a flowchart
flwchrt.zip           Size:      28,919         Date: 09-22-96

Flow charting program for printer
fmgen40a.zip          Size:     101,242         Date: 09-22-96

FormGen v4.0a, a form generator/editor
form40.zip            Size:     111,668         Date: 09-22-96

fos22.zip             Size:      28,037         Date: 09-22-96

Checkbook w/ savings & net worth
freecqe.zip           Size:     445,007         Date: 09-22-96

Quality control educational program
fw540.zip             Size:     123,496         Date: 09-22-96

FINANCIAL WIZARD (TM), V5.4, - A very powerful, easy to use investment and loan analysis program that calculates dozens of personal and business financial situations with ease. Amortization, future and present values, depreciation,and date calculations are just a fraction of the options the program can calculate. Full mouse and color support along with exceptional documentation make this a first rate program. $25.
gantt.zip             Size:      42,335         Date: 09-22-96

GANTT chart program for MS-DOS
ganttman.zip          Size:      70,574         Date: 09-22-96

Easy project manager, makes GANTT charts
gl_4_131.zip          Size:     139,616         Date: 09-22-96

Bibliographic database program - with manual
guide756.zip          Size:     310,554         Date: 09-22-96

Home/office legal guide & forms generator
hbms430.zip           Size:     212,132         Date: 09-22-96

Home Budget Management System, v4.3; an easy to use financial record-keeping and reporting system. Simple & fast data entry, extensive screen, printed reports. Check reconciliation & printing, fiscal year support, transaction editing ability and automatic entries via "templates". Sample data and an introductory style "test drive" included for new users. New features for v4.3:Install program, pop-up calculator, macros, and support for foreign dates and currency.
i-sim.zip             Size:      83,581         Date: 09-22-96

Investment Simulation for Civil Engineer
ic31_1.zip            Size:     307,692         Date: 09-22-96

IN-CONTROL Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker1/2
ic31_2.zip            Size:     297,617         Date: 09-22-96

IN-CONTROL Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker2/2
ipm.zip               Size:      25,906         Date: 09-22-96

Harvard Project Manager clone
irr-pv.zip            Size:      39,049         Date: 09-22-96

Cash Flow Analyzer. IRR & Present Values
isodocs.zip           Size:      22,363         Date: 09-22-96

Docs for professional ISO9000 program
jpro.zip              Size:     148,036         Date: 09-22-96

Journal-Pro: Keep a computerized journal diary
judy.zip              Size:      55,553         Date: 09-22-96

Calendar progam and more
legal11.zip           Size:     109,946         Date: 09-22-96

Collection of 150+ legal forms, with index
logit300.zip          Size:     170,390         Date: 09-22-96

Log computer usage (tax purposes, etc.)
lrnfrm.zip            Size:      36,337         Date: 09-22-96

'Teach' printer to fill in forms
magee.zip             Size:      24,456         Date: 09-22-96

General Ledger for Lotus 123
mngx22a.zip           Size:      78,442         Date: 09-22-96

MANAGER x III v2.2 Time and billing 1of3
mngx22b.zip           Size:      98,643         Date: 09-22-96

program for professionals & consultants 2of3
mngx22c.zip           Size:     115,995         Date: 09-22-96

with 15 or fewer employees 3of3
mnlin2p2.zip          Size:     157,298         Date: 09-22-96

MainLine Project Management software rev 2.2
moneymgr.zip          Size:      16,944         Date: 09-22-96

3 spreadsheets to track expenditures
mtrac2.zip            Size:      42,685         Date: 09-22-96

Extensive stock charting program
pc-ar.zip             Size:      40,382         Date: 09-22-96

Accounts receivable and sales analysis
pc-check.zip          Size:      32,684         Date: 09-22-96

Checkbook program with windows
pc-gl27.zip           Size:      44,002         Date: 09-22-96

PC General Ledger v2.7
pcacctii.zip          Size:     243,436         Date: 09-22-96

Accounting Pack for small business
pcarea-1.zip          Size:      86,011         Date: 09-22-96

Powerful Area code finder disk 1 of 2
pcarea-2.zip          Size:     189,735         Date: 09-22-96

\_________________________disk 2 of 2
pcexpert.zip          Size:     185,181         Date: 09-22-96

Financial Forecasting Program
pcmech.zip            Size:     305,689         Date: 09-22-96

Facilities management - database, planning and other mgmt functions for fleet mgmt
pco324.zip            Size:     134,124         Date: 09-22-96

PC-Outline Ver 3.24 - Latest Version of an aid to creative thinking.
pert3.zip             Size:       8,378         Date: 09-22-96

CPM Critical Path Method Scheduler
pertcht.zip           Size:       7,599         Date: 09-22-96

Basic program to draw PERT chart
pfroi220.zip          Size:      78,377         Date: 09-22-96

Investment analysis prgm w/ lots of functions
phygen.zip            Size:     224,775         Date: 09-22-96

AstroFormulaCalculator 3 Version 3.10 (c) Copyright PCSCC, Inc. 1981, 1993 spreadsheet/calculator shareware release with Physics, Applied Physics and ..... SPREADSHEET CALCULATOR EDUCATION MATH SCIENCE ENGINEERING FINANCE BUSINESS
plan-it.zip           Size:      19,299         Date: 09-22-96

Planning and scheduling aid
platchek.zip          Size:     113,946         Date: 09-22-96

plat and check your deed calls.
porc150.zip           Size:      36,577         Date: 09-22-96

A retirement planning program
promis26.zip          Size:       5,529         Date: 09-22-96

Review of project management software
prty12d1.zip          Size:     357,592         Date: 09-22-96

Parity 1.2 is a sophisticated stock charting and T/A program for Windows 3.x. Over 30 indicators, multiple charts and panes, user defined formulas, candlestick, point & figure and Equivolume charts. Unique, powerful user interface. MetaStock, ChartPro, and comma delimited ASCII data file compatible. Imports & exports to Excel, Lotus, and text files. Must have PRTY12D2.ZIP also. Requires 2 MB DRAM, Mouse, and VGA. File 1 of 2.
prty12d2.zip          Size:     354,471         Date: 09-22-96

Parity 1.2 is a sophisticated stock charting and technical analysis program for Windows 3.x. Parity is fully functional shareware. This is File 2 of 2. Must also have PRTY12D1.ZIP to install Parity.
psdldemo.zip          Size:     147,981         Date: 09-22-96

Nassi-Shneiderman diagram editor/compiler DEMO
qmanual.zip           Size:     177,558         Date: 09-22-96

Quality manual for Ford Q1w, ISO-9003 or QS-9003 requirements. File format include Word Perfect and Microsoft Word.
qtax-104.zip          Size:     100,644         Date: 09-22-96

QuickTax v1.04 ASP \ - A super tax planner and estimator. Ideal for client interviews by Tax Professionals. New 1993 tax laws. Get the most from deductions, credits, IRAs, savings plans, pensions, social security, capital gains, dividends and interest. Get filing status, dependecies, withholding allowances and estimated payments right. NO Tax Forms to wade through or understand. Automatic prompts guide you through all necessary entries.
qwikgant.zip          Size:      81,356         Date: 09-22-96

make quick Gantt chart
rambadem.zip          Size:      57,985         Date: 09-22-96

rats.zip              Size:      89,969         Date: 09-22-96

Small but nice Rolodex replacer.
remind.zip            Size:      12,397         Date: 09-22-96

Reminds you of tasks at specified time
review.zip            Size:      29,787         Date: 09-22-96

easy annual review process
sam.zip               Size:     234,145         Date: 09-22-96

Budget balance software
schop11.zip           Size:      34,515         Date: 09-22-96

Optimizes schedules based on your preferences
scta.zip              Size:     115,324         Date: 09-22-96

Stock charting and technical analysis
sim201.zip            Size:      80,094         Date: 09-22-96

Investment/Portfolio manager graph value, gain
siv2b.zip             Size:     136,656         Date: 09-22-96

An expert system for staff scheduling
slv42doc.zip          Size:      77,391         Date: 09-22-96

SolveIt v4.2 financial calculator - Docs. 1of3
slv42txt.zip          Size:      10,610         Date: 09-22-96

SolveIt v4.2 financial calc. - Features. 2of3
slvit42.zip           Size:     259,803         Date: 09-22-96

SolveIt v4.2 financial calculator - EXEs. 3of3
softlist.zip          Size:      83,919         Date: 09-22-96

solvit25.zip          Size:      77,932         Date: 09-22-96

Version 2.5 of the business/finance solver
stax93.zip            Size:     270,240         Date: 09-22-96

1993 SHARE-TAX/1040 v2.0 -Full-featured 1040 tax program for individual and paid pre- parers. 1040, A, B, C, D, E, EIC, F, R, SE, 2106, 2119, 2441, 3903, 4137, 4562, 6251, 8606, 8615, 8829 plus worksheets. Printouts IRS-approved. LaserJet, DeskJet, dot-matrix graphic 1040. Enter data in any order, any- time. Pulldown menus, mouse-aware, on-line help & install program. $19 Shareware. Registrants sent 1994 diskette when ready.
stckt700.zip          Size:     353,367         Date: 09-22-96

Stock Trader v7.00: Stock history, buy, sell
stkan110.zip          Size:       6,416         Date: 09-22-96

THE STOCK ANALYST v1.10 (ASP) \- A powerful, yet easy to use stock analysis program. * Features include: - Buy/sell analysis of stocks - Line, Bar, P&F Charts. - Up to 1,500 stocks with 32,000 prices each. - Entirely menu driven - Context-sensitive help. - Full mouse support.
stkchart.zip          Size:      62,612         Date: 09-22-96

Chart your stocks
stkmndr3.zip          Size:      73,059         Date: 09-22-96

Stock minder program
survey36.zip          Size:     177,478         Date: 09-22-96

Survey development and analysis
t1mrp1.zip            Size:     385,203         Date: 09-22-96

mrp system 1/5 (Complete system for Materials Requirements Planning)
t1mrp2.zip            Size:     308,805         Date: 09-22-96

mrp system 2/5
t1mrp3.zip            Size:     428,448         Date: 09-22-96

mrp system 3/5
t1mrp4.zip            Size:     113,828         Date: 09-22-96

mrp system 4/5
t1mrp5.zip            Size:      92,499         Date: 09-22-96

mrpsystem 5/5
tam11b.zip            Size:     132,780         Date: 09-22-96

Time and Money finance program
tcard28.zip           Size:     250,551         Date: 09-22-96

Time Card is a Small Business accounting tool to track employee work hours. It works by employees punching in and out from the keybrd Includes neat features like: Network support, E-Mail, Report generation, printing. Comes in 4 versions depending on number of users and network support. by Stephen Balbach Version 2.80 (February, 1993).
tcbap10c.zip          Size:     187,577         Date: 09-22-96

Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Acc'ts Payable, 1of7
tcbar10c.zip          Size:     180,019         Date: 09-22-96

Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Acc'ts Recvable, 2of7
tcbgl10c.zip          Size:     170,337         Date: 09-22-96

Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c General Ledger, 3of7
tcbin10c.zip          Size:     145,120         Date: 09-22-96

Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Inventory, 4of7
tcbma10c.zip          Size:     278,246         Date: 09-22-96

Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Main Program, 5of7
tcbpr10c.zip          Size:     226,482         Date: 09-22-96

Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Payroll, 6of7
tcbps10c.zip          Size:     139,280         Date: 09-22-96

Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c POS/Invoicing, 7of7
tep88nyd.zip          Size:      33,486         Date: 09-22-96

J&R Tecknowledge 1988 US Tax planner
tfm111.zip            Size:     243,557         Date: 09-22-96

Mutual fund analysis program
tfo51a.zip            Size:       9,358         Date: 09-22-96

Sales leads and office managemt -install 1of2
tfo51b.zip            Size:     200,750         Date: 09-22-96

Sales leads ... -program and docs 2of2
thor183.zip           Size:     114,467         Date: 09-22-96

Thought Organizer needs BASRUN.EXE
tmastr23.zip          Size:     265,042         Date: 09-22-96

Task Master v2.3: All purpose project tracking
tsfima12.zip          Size:      75,992         Date: 09-22-96

Programs of financial mathematics, T.Salmi
tx40a.zip             Size:     127,928         Date: 09-22-96

Time Billing system from Integra 1of5
tx40b.zip             Size:     114,251         Date: 09-22-96

\ 2of5
tx40c.zip             Size:     119,241         Date: 09-22-96

\ 3of5
tx40d.zip             Size:     148,321         Date: 09-22-96

\ 4of5
tx40e.zip             Size:      80,201         Date: 09-22-96

\___________________________ 5of5
ups.zip               Size:      87,765         Date: 09-22-96

Help for shipping via UPS
vac-sc.zip            Size:      13,918         Date: 09-22-96

Vacation schedule manager for up to 50 people
will.zip              Size:      24,113         Date: 09-22-96

Create your own last will
winwealt.zip          Size:      78,007         Date: 09-22-96

Windows - Analyze Finances (High Sierra BBS)
yearcal.zip           Size:      23,277         Date: 09-22-96

Create many kinds of calendars.
zipcodes.zip          Size:     253,721         Date: 09-22-96

USA Zipcode data in DBASE .DBF format
zk0890.zip            Size:     119,730         Date: 09-22-96

Zipcode lookup, v2.00, data, 8/90, 2 of 2
zk200.zip             Size:      88,295         Date: 09-22-96

Zipcode lookup, v2.00, prog & doc, 1 of 2

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