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Dec 1997


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Plotting data, curve fit, and scientific data presentation
Directory : /plot
3dbar.zip             Size:      48,096         Date: 09-22-96

Graph in 3D
3dgraph.zip           Size:      74,404         Date: 09-22-96

2d/3d plotting program with printer capability
3dplot02.zip          Size:     107,926         Date: 09-22-96

Standalone 3D plot interpreter, w/TurboC src
amvac130.zip          Size:      47,113         Date: 09-22-96

Automatic Multivariable curve fitter. Will fit a data set with up to 9 dimensions using combinations of 60 different functions.
autograf.zip          Size:      86,942         Date: 09-22-96

Graphing & data analysis, makes scatterplots
b-graph.zip           Size:      31,757         Date: 09-22-96

CGA charts with BASIC source
cf315a.zip            Size:      76,720         Date: 09-22-96

Science/Engineering curve fitting program Performs linear,power,exponential,logarithm and polynomial fits.
cf427.zip             Size:     125,340         Date: 09-22-96

CURVEFITS v4.27: Science/Engineering curve fitting program. Menu Driven; Supports 18 distinct kinds of curve fits; Has ability to read in data from text files; Supports math coprocessor although one is not required; Supports 286+, mono CGA EGA VGA.
cf502.zip             Size:     157,755         Date: 09-22-96

Curvefits v5.02 - Science/Engineering curve fitting program. Performs 18 distinct curve fits. Automatically selects best fits based on correlation coefficient and standard error. Built in text file conversion. Mouse Driven. Can handle virtually unlimited number of data points. Graph & Zoom capability. Req. EGA VGA. 286+ with FPU
coefs12.zip           Size:      35,174         Date: 09-22-96

Coefficients for reduction of expermental dat
contour.zip           Size:      66,856         Date: 09-22-96

Plot contour data
cu.zip                Size:      63,725         Date: 09-22-96

Charts Unlimited, prepare all kinds of charts
curvefit.zip          Size:      29,034         Date: 09-22-96

Menu Driven Curve Fitting in Lotus
cxplot.zip            Size:     572,525         Date: 09-22-96

CruX - Data Analysis & Visualization Full featured spreadsheet, Lotus and ASCII import, many funcs, curve fitting, sorting, smoothing. Graphically edit mouse driven data editing, error bars, multiple linear/log positionable axes, legends, contour plots, data pt. annotation. Multiple plots/page, broad printer support.
da12.zip              Size:     118,786         Date: 09-22-96

Latest version of DANALYST.ARC is here!
dataplot.zip          Size:     104,244         Date: 09-22-96

Good Graphing & plotting, HPGL & video
dtafit30.zip          Size:   4,328,049         Date: 09-22-96

(v3.0) DataFit is a tool which simplifies the tasks of data plotting, curve fitting and statistical analysis. What sets DataFit apart from similar curve fitting and regression programs is its ease of use. With the combination of the intuitive interface, online help and wide range of features, it is a tool which is used effectively by both experts and non-experts alike. With DataFit version 3.0 you can: - Enter your data in a
egagra.zip            Size:      60,448         Date: 09-22-96

Plot graphs, EGA only
egraph.zip            Size:     203,920         Date: 09-22-96

Engineering Graphics - plots data
epdemo.zip            Size:     189,350         Date: 09-22-96

EasyPlot scientific graphing EGA/VGA/Herc DEMO
exgrap15.zip          Size:     141,374         Date: 09-22-96

ExpressGraph:easy-to-use business graphics pgm
expr-grf.zip          Size:     147,489         Date: 09-22-96

ezgraph.zip           Size:     239,657         Date: 09-22-96

Nice engineering plotting program
fastplot.zip          Size:      21,888         Date: 09-22-96

Send HPGL plot files to plotter com1 or com2
gas138.zip            Size:     300,491         Date: 09-22-96

GNU assembeler ver 1.38, supports : 680x0, Intel, HP, Sparc, Ultrix. With GNU C source.
gdraw21.zip           Size:      86,521         Date: 09-22-96

GraphDraw v2.1: Function plotting program
gft12dos.zip          Size:     593,250         Date: 09-22-96

GNUFIT an extension to GNUPLOT. GNUFIT incorporates a nonlinear least squares fit feature for gnuplot for DOS. Uses the Marquart-Levenberg-algoithm. Includes new help file, protected mode version. Freeware
gif2jpg2.zip          Size:     181,821         Date: 09-22-96

Convert GIF files to JPEG & JPEG files to GIF
gle33b.txt            Size:       3,675         Date: 03-25-92

Installation instructions for GLE graphics pkg
gle33b_1.zip          Size:     347,834         Date: 09-22-96

GLE Scientific Graphs, Slides, (Core & Screen)
gle33b_2.zip          Size:     392,971         Date: 09-22-96

GLE PostScript Driver & Expanded Memory versns
gle33b_3.zip          Size:     611,671         Date: 09-22-96

GLE Epson & Laserjet device drvrs &extra fonts
gle33b_4.zip          Size:     459,776         Date: 09-22-96

GLE Utilities, surface plotting, HPGL driver
globe103.zip          Size:     244,502         Date: 09-22-96

Interactive 3D vector graphics with sphere
gmaster.zip           Size:      12,131         Date: 09-22-96

Graphing program - written in Basic
gnufit12.zip          Size:      59,131         Date: 09-22-96

GNUFIT v1.2 source code to modify GNUPLOT source code for a nonlinear least-squares fit feature. Includes DIFF, patch, and C src files.
gnujun93.zip          Size:      50,555         Date: 09-22-96

Free Software Foundation GNU semi-annual bulletin, June 1993 issue.
gnuplt32.zip          Size:     270,605         Date: 09-22-96

GNU PLOT v3.2 equation and data plotting program for 2-d and 3-d plots on screen or printer. Performs contour and surface plots, has online help, and demo's. Freeware
gplot386.zip          Size:     420,904         Date: 09-22-96

386, DPMI-compliant version of GNUPLT32.ZIP
gpt32src.zip          Size:     385,212         Date: 09-22-96

GNU Plot v3.2 C source code, help, documentation files. Excellent function and data 2-D, 3-D plotting package. Includes contours, and surfaces. For DOS, Amiga, Unix, VMS.
grafit20.zip          Size:      67,089         Date: 09-22-96

Graphs functions; solves sys. of inequalities
grafpak1.zip          Size:      28,660         Date: 09-22-96

grfsy201.zip          Size:     303,302         Date: 09-22-96

Grafsys: Scientific plotting package, v2.01
grid2con.zip          Size:      44,253         Date: 09-22-96

Grid/contouring data transformations
grphca23.zip          Size:     233,785         Date: 09-22-96

Interactive scientific plotting program, v2.3
grphme10.zip          Size:     180,816         Date: 09-22-96

Simple-to-use 3-D graphing package, vers 1.0
hp48ntrp.zip          Size:       6,024         Date: 09-22-96

linear quadratic & cubic interpolation
hpglvu10.zip          Size:      75,161         Date: 09-22-96

Viewer for HPGL files, with Turbo Pascal 5 src
hplot.zip             Size:      15,542         Date: 09-22-96

controls a HP plotter from keyboard
hplplot.zip           Size:      85,985         Date: 09-22-96

Send HPGL files to dotmatrix w/ .C
hptoscr2.zip          Size:       5,666         Date: 09-22-96

T Pas - conv HP plotter file to screen displa
id2000v4.exe          Size:     699,691         Date: 02-02-95

Demo of excellent data plotting software. Strip-Chart, X-Y, X-Y-Y, Multi-Plot, and FFT plots available. Full product supports SVGA and color printers. Very easy to use!
jwgraph.zip           Size:      45,358         Date: 09-22-96

Nice graphing/plotting program
kdgraf.zip            Size:      93,529         Date: 09-22-96

Good graphing program, EGA/VGA supported
lg_doc1.zip           Size:      62,904         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 1of10
lg_doc2.zip           Size:     197,042         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 2of10
lg_doc3.zip           Size:     125,037         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 3of10
lg_doc4.zip           Size:     131,438         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 4of10
lg_doc5.zip           Size:      61,181         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 5of10
lg_doc6.zip           Size:     130,963         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 6of10
lg_exe1.zip           Size:     160,364         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 7of10
lg_exe2.zip           Size:     177,325         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 8of10
lg_exe3.zip           Size:     138,382         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 9of10
lg_exe4.zip           Size:     238,820         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 10of10
lg_read.me            Size:       6,582         Date: 11-12-90

Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector pkg. info
linplot.zip           Size:      18,896         Date: 09-22-96

Nice line plots on dot matrix prn (req CGA)
linreg04.zip          Size:      31,521         Date: 09-22-96

Linear regression with graphing,plotting
maxgraf.zip           Size:     175,917         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific/engr graphing & fitting
mgvga443.zip          Size:     127,879         Date: 09-22-96

Master-Graph v4.43: 2D graph plotter (req VGA)
mousplot.lzh          Size:       5,082         Date: 05-30-93

move plotter pens with MS mouse
ohlmake.zip           Size:     466,781         Date: 09-22-96

MS_dos port of GNU Make 3.58 with C source code. Use with DJGPP GNU c/c++ compiler.
ozgis88.zip           Size:   1,003,851         Date: 09-22-96

Analysis/mapping of census, retail, GIS data
piper10.zip           Size:      52,554         Date: 09-22-96

Plot Piper diagrams using HP-GL/2 commands
plot2j.zip            Size:      95,983         Date: 09-22-96

Make plots in HPGL or on VGA monitor
plot2j_3.zip          Size:      87,443         Date: 09-22-96

updated x-y plotting and curve fit prog.
plot3d_a.zip          Size:      70,053         Date: 09-22-96

3D surfaces in any coord system, with TC src
plotd13a.zip          Size:      66,465         Date: 09-22-96

PlotData v1.2a: A plotter with analyzing data
plotdat.zip           Size:     211,639         Date: 09-22-96

plotm225.zip          Size:     167,162         Date: 09-22-96

PlotManager ver 2.25 view & convert HPGL files
plotr75.zip           Size:     189,397         Date: 09-22-96

PLOTTER v7.5 - A data plotting and analysis program for PC/AT DOS computers. Uses ASCII data files. Includes a File Selection Menu, Full Screen Data Editor, Curve Fitting, Fast Fourier Transforms and Digital Filtering. Plot screens can be sent to a printer, or can be saved to disk in PCX format. Requires CGA, EGA or VGA color monitor. Mouse support included. On-line instructions. Shareware. $15.00
plotv21.zip           Size:      46,864         Date: 09-22-96

plotxy.zip            Size:      73,597         Date: 09-22-96

X Y data plotting program.CGA EGA HP
polrgrf1.bas          Size:       1,536         Date: 05-30-93

Polar graphing program in basic
poly34.zip            Size:      46,625         Date: 09-22-96

Rational polynomial curve fitter (new version
prtgl118.zip          Size:      92,625         Date: 09-22-96

Output HPGL files on laser/ink/matrix LPT, CRT
pwrstr20.zip          Size:     119,786         Date: 09-22-96

Polynomial curve fit w/ graphics (Ver 2.0)
qplot100.zip          Size:     381,737         Date: 09-22-96

Makes quick plots of data. For engineering and general business plots. Scaleable axes.
rcdsplay.zip          Size:     157,253         Date: 09-22-96

Display/analyze/edit X-Y graphical data. w/src
rk_plot.zip           Size:      60,667         Date: 09-22-96

Renders z=f(x,y) plot with hidden line removal
sciplot.zip           Size:      74,755         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific plotting package for CGA
sicurv.zip            Size:      29,630         Date: 09-22-96

Curve fit w/ graphics
sp53.zip              Size:     143,876         Date: 09-22-96

Engineering-statistical plotting program
splt250.zip           Size:     186,518         Date: 09-22-96

Advanced HP-GL & DXY-GL pen plotter simulator
surf1311.zip          Size:     101,788         Date: 09-22-96

| Surface modeling ver 1.31 1of3
surf1312.zip          Size:     127,709         Date: 09-22-96

\ 2of3
surf1313.zip          Size:     190,577         Date: 09-22-96

\____________________________ 3of3
surfdat3.zip          Size:      99,775         Date: 09-22-96

3D surface modelling v3.00c, sample data files
surfdoc3.zip          Size:      59,008         Date: 09-22-96

3D surface modelling v3.00c, documentation
surfemu3.zip          Size:      12,183         Date: 09-22-96

3D surface modelling v3.00c, sundry utilities
surfer.zip            Size:     197,245         Date: 09-22-96

Surfer DEMO. surface model & topo plots
surfiff3.zip          Size:      52,359         Date: 09-22-96

3D surface modelling v3.00c, IFF version
surfins3.zip          Size:      31,911         Date: 09-22-96

3D surface modelling v3.00c, install program
surfm300.msg          Size:       1,851         Date: 02-06-92

Installation instructions for SurfModl v3.00c
surfmai3.zip          Size:     270,284         Date: 09-22-96

3D surface modelling v3.00c, main files
surfprn3.zip          Size:      27,867         Date: 09-22-96

3D surface modelling v3.00c, color print util.
surfsrc3.zip          Size:      84,271         Date: 09-22-96

3D surface modelling v3.00c, sources (TP 6.0)
surfuti3.zip          Size:      78,378         Date: 09-22-96

3D surface modelling v3.00c, util. for VAXMate
tblcurve.zip          Size:     235,154         Date: 09-22-96

techplt1.zip          Size:     318,257         Date: 09-22-96

Technical ploting and data processing, 1 of 2
techplt2.zip          Size:     411,765         Date: 09-22-96

Technical ploting and data processing, 2 of 2
tggraf.zip            Size:      67,168         Date: 09-22-96

Plot XY graphs on Hercules or IBM - beta
topov300.zip          Size:     115,515         Date: 09-22-96

3-D topographic map plotting program
tplot807.zip          Size:     308,553         Date: 09-22-96

Technical plotting program, batch oriented
tplotfon.zip          Size:     149,625         Date: 09-22-96

Fonts for TPLOT - the scientific plotter
triplt22.zip          Size:      58,126         Date: 09-22-96

Plot ternary diagrams using HP-GL/2 commands
trjmkr.zip            Size:     233,200         Date: 09-22-96

High precision trajectory generator & plotter
vmap120.zip           Size:     321,535         Date: 09-22-96

VERSAMAP v1.20 - Draws outline maps on many map projections. Maps may be printed on dot matrix or laser printers, or exported as PCX, PIC, CGM, or ASCII files. Maps may be annotated with Courier or Helvetica fonts. A digital map database is supplied with the program. V1.20 can save map design for later recall; export maps as CGM files; and import USGS Digital Line Graph .GRF boundary files. Supports CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules. $15.
xyplot.zip            Size:     117,070         Date: 09-22-96

zgraf27.zip           Size:     133,720         Date: 09-22-96

An interesting plotting utility

Copyright ©1997 Walnut Creek CDROM