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Dec 1997


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Enhancements, AutoLisp, and drawings
Directory : /auto_cad
1986lisp.zip          Size:      31,343         Date: 02-26-96

CADence magazine code for ACAD
1987lisp.zip          Size:      77,931         Date: 02-26-96

CADence magazine code for ACAD
1988lisp.zip          Size:      94,395         Date: 02-26-96

CADence magazine code for ACAD
1989lsp.zip           Size:      39,295         Date: 02-26-96

CADence magazine code for ACAD
a7221v1b.zip          Size:      76,353         Date: 02-26-96

Converts and sends AutoCAD ADI files to HP7221
abbs0690.zip          Size:       6,709         Date: 02-26-96

AutoCAD BBS listing Updated 06 01 90
abkout.zip            Size:       8,442         Date: 02-26-96

Batch compatible lisp to wblock all blocks
acad25.fix            Size:       3,072         Date: 03-12-88

Unprotect patch for Acad ver2.5
acada.zip             Size:      63,433         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD - Icons collection 1of3
acadb.zip             Size:      65,371         Date: 02-26-96

\ 2of3
acadbbs.zip           Size:       6,979         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD bbs's around the country
acadbkd.txt           Size:       1,664         Date: 07-16-88

ACAD menu for block diagrams & org charts
acadc.zip             Size:      52,965         Date: 02-26-96

\________________________ 3of3
acaddwg.exe           Size:     137,327         Date: 05-04-92

acadedit.zip          Size:      10,170         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD - Text word processing program
acadexec.zip          Size:      20,436         Date: 02-26-96

acadfx.zip            Size:      36,596         Date: 02-26-96

Epson FX driver hi-res printout for ACAD
acadlayr.zip          Size:       9,821         Date: 02-26-96

Create / Use sets of layers in ACAD
acadlsp1.zip          Size:      17,782         Date: 02-26-96

Bunch of AutoLisp routines for Acad
acadmenu.zip          Size:     212,411         Date: 02-26-96

Here's a GOOD menu for AutoCAD r 10 and up lots of features and makes for really fast drawings!
acadpcb.zip           Size:      69,837         Date: 02-26-96

Tools and blocks for PC board design w/AutoCAD
acadprop.zip          Size:      19,238         Date: 02-26-96

IBM Proprinter hi-res prinouts for ACAD
acadsave.zip          Size:       4,333         Date: 02-26-96

Auto-file save & menu for Acad
acadsys.zip           Size:      72,065         Date: 02-26-96

System for managment of ACAD *.dwg
acadut.zip            Size:     120,640         Date: 02-26-96

acadut1.zip           Size:      17,355         Date: 02-26-96

Collection of Acad utilities
acadutl1.zip          Size:      17,346         Date: 02-26-96

acadw.zip             Size:      17,355         Date: 02-26-96

adiplot.zip           Size:     102,799         Date: 02-26-96

Hi Res ACAD printout on OKI & Epson prn
adiplt.zip            Size:      47,342         Date: 02-26-96

AutoCAD plots on mainframe printers
aflix1.zip            Size:     273,043         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD shareware movie maker
aflix2.zip            Size:     308,078         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD sample movie files for Aflix
aflix3.zip            Size:     314,902         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD shuttle movie for Aflix
aflixmov.zip          Size:     249,967         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD various Aflix movies from users
alisp01.zip           Size:      12,325         Date: 02-26-96

alisp01a.zip          Size:      13,294         Date: 02-26-96

Cut and paste in Acad
alladi.zip            Size:      93,360         Date: 02-26-96

General purpose ADI screen drivers for Autocad
ally211.zip           Size:     204,391         Date: 02-26-96

ALLY v2.11 AutoLISP Analyzer/Checker with programmers workbench. Cross-references all variables and functions, follows AutoLISP's dynamic scope, builds function call hierarchy, finds errors. Integrates your own favorite DOS text editor. For AutoCAD R9-12. ASP Shareware.
ally30.zip            Size:     246,171         Date: 02-26-96

ALLY - A Lisp Analyzer v3.0 - AutoLISP programming environment and debugging tools. Finds errors and cross-references functions and symbols. Shows scope and call hierarchy. Uses color coding to pinpoint parentheses and quote errors. Integrates your favorite DOS text editor and other developers tools. Shareware for AutoCAD R10-12 DOS or Windows. "Highly recommended" CADalyst, March 1991 "CADENCE Performer" CADENCE, March 1994
alphabet.zip          Size:      45,357         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD Elegant alphabet
am434.zip             Size:     167,459         Date: 02-26-96

ARCMaster arc, pak, lharc, zip utility
amate25.zip           Size:     157,940         Date: 02-26-96

AUTO-MATE v2.5--Front end AutoCAD DWG file manager and selection utility
amate270.zip          Size:     156,155         Date: 02-26-96

Auto-Mate v2.7: Front end AutoCAD dwg manager
amate31.zip           Size:     160,913         Date: 02-26-96

AUTO-MATE v3.1 -- Front end AutoCAD .DWG file manager (Now works w/ AutoCAD r12!)
amdemo.zip            Size:      74,706         Date: 02-26-96

AutoMaster:AutoCAD drawing mgr.&front end DEMO
ansimnu3.zip          Size:       4,864         Date: 02-26-96

AutoCAD: Color ANSI AutoLISP menu system
arctext.lsp           Size:       5,556         Date: 06-17-96

AutoCad, LSP for putting text on an arc
arrowpt.zip           Size:       3,268         Date: 02-26-96

Acad, snap to the head of an arrow
asaveimg.zip          Size:       6,920         Date: 02-26-96

Batch TIF, GIF or TGA image files of drawings
asclst10.zip          Size:      43,211         Date: 02-26-96

ASC2LIST v1.0 -- Convert ASCII data files to AutoLISP list format
asect.zip             Size:     115,237         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-Cylindrical intersection-Advertisement
athread.zip           Size:      11,990         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-"V" Thread generator-Advertisement
attrstyl.zip          Size:       7,719         Date: 02-26-96

Change block attribute text style & height
auto-mnu.zip          Size:      19,368         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD-Improved Menu w autolayering
autoarch.zip          Size:      59,332         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD - Architectural symbol drawings
autocad.c             Size:       4,511         Date: 09-20-88

Faster print AUTOCAD files to PostScript Prntr
autocad9.zip          Size:      42,253         Date: 02-26-96

VEGA VGA+Deluxe, drver's ACAD 9, AutoSkch
autocm.exe            Size:      45,529         Date: 11-25-91

Run 90 of ACAD with this LSP rountine
autodc.zip            Size:       9,904         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD decodes AutoLisp files that are coded
autograf.msg          Size:         719         Date: 08-30-87

Message from AUTOGRAF.PAS author, information
autograf.pas          Size:       3,336         Date: 08-14-87

Autocad .DXF File from Fortran & Turbo-Pascal
autolayr.zip          Size:       3,598         Date: 02-26-96

AutoLISP routine for auto-layer control
automgr2.zip          Size:     205,050         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD AutoManager 2.0 r10 demo of file viewer
autoplot.zip          Size:       6,264         Date: 02-26-96

Batch compatible lisp to create plot files
autoprnt.zip          Size:      34,674         Date: 02-26-96

Acad util, prints multiple drawings
autopurg.zip          Size:       7,964         Date: 02-26-96

Batch compatible lisp program to purge dwgs
autoship.zip          Size:      22,130         Date: 02-26-96

Batch compatible Lisp cleans up drawing setup
autovia.zip           Size:       4,615         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD Aid for drawing PCB's
autoview.zip          Size:     139,692         Date: 02-26-96

Demo of ACAD drawing viewer
axo_10.zip            Size:      19,902         Date: 02-26-96

Oblique axonometry of DXF files ver. 10,11,12
ballon1.zip           Size:       3,992         Date: 02-26-96

Create balloon numbers in AUTOCAD
balloon.lsp           Size:       6,272         Date: 07-18-88

ACAD draw balloons w/ leaders and text
bclean.zip            Size:      18,774         Date: 02-26-96

An autolisp utility with supporting files to 'clean' drawing files in batch mode. removes extra layers, unused blocks, etc. from any number of drawings at a time.
bearing.zip           Size:      45,336         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD ball bearing - 3D cutaway drawing
beep.lsp              Size:         256         Date: 02-11-89

ACAD lisp code for beep'n the speaker
bm-acad.zip           Size:      27,807         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD benchmarks for configuration
boxer.zip             Size:      16,744         Date: 02-26-96

Lisp program for autocad users
cadcmd.zip            Size:      46,957         Date: 02-26-96

Cad Commander Ver 1.0 Autocad ADS drawing file manager for acad rel 11+
cadence.zip           Size:      53,309         Date: 02-26-96

Cadence magazine prgms vol #2 thru vol #5
cadet403.zip          Size:     462,795         Date: 02-26-96

CADET v4.03 AutoCAD Text Editor w/ Spell Checker. Full featured; pull-dowm menus, mouse support, word wrap, cut & paste, much more. Edits & spell checks text, attributes, dwg notes, text tables, ASCII files. 112,000 word dictionary. ASP Shareware.
cadet5.zip            Size:     357,920         Date: 02-26-96

CADET, the CAD Text Editor v5.0 - Edit and spell check AutoCAD text and attributes. Full-screen text editor with menus, mouse support, search and replace, word wrap, cut and paste, justification and spell checker. Edits AutoCAD notes, text tables, attributes, bound X-ref dwgs and ASCII files. Imports and exports. For AutoCAD R10-12 DOS or Windows. Shareware, $49.95. Cadet is "hard to beat", PC Magazine, Vol.11, No.3.
cadscale.zip          Size:       6,163         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD chart for correct size lettering
cadtext.zip           Size:      34,442         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD import text files into drawing
cadwri.zip            Size:      14,669         Date: 02-26-96

Converts TXT file to DXF file f/input to DWG
calc.lsp              Size:       4,096         Date: 07-17-88

ACAD foot and inch calculator in Lisp
calc2.lsp             Size:       7,168         Date: 08-20-88

ACAD - Transparent math in commands v2.18+
calclisp.zip          Size:       3,636         Date: 02-26-96

Autocad R12.0 calculator Lisp & Dcl program from Cadance Mag.
calend.zip            Size:      15,577         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD perpetual calendar DWG w/ menu
cam.zip               Size:      15,607         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD computer aided manufacturing drawing
center.zip            Size:       3,865         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD - Center lines in circles or arcs
centerln.zip          Size:       3,865         Date: 02-26-96

Acad, alternate way to get circle centerline
channel.zip           Size:       4,668         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD - Channel shape files to/for all sizes
chart.zip             Size:       7,211         Date: 02-26-96

chg.zip               Size:       5,590         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD - entity access and modification
chg3.zip              Size:       7,159         Date: 02-26-96

AutoCAD low lvl entity access w/color graphics
chgtext.zip           Size:       4,695         Date: 02-26-96

Acad, Change all text on a layer to a colorLS
chop.zip              Size:       3,397         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD ver 2.5+ Break a text string
clip.lsp              Size:       9,088         Date: 04-08-92

Clips and scales autocad drawings for section views. Works well!
cnc1-5.zip            Size:      13,714         Date: 02-26-96

Create CNC codes for lathe from ACAD
cnc_r12.zip           Size:      43,381         Date: 02-26-96

Generate CNC mill codes with AutoCAD Includes Post and Pre-Post processors This program is for R12 but is available for R2.6-11. Nice Program.....
coil.lsp              Size:       2,048         Date: 07-16-88

Draws 3d coils w/ 3d faces (Acad 2.6 rel 9)
coil.zip              Size:      32,203         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD 3-d coil spring drawing
cprop.zip             Size:      72,269         Date: 02-26-96

Edit properties in AutoCad
cross.zip             Size:       3,588         Date: 02-26-96

Acad, Find intersect of two lines that don't
cstrip.zip            Size:      39,936         Date: 03-22-89

delete double lines in ACAD v10
ctext.lsp             Size:       3,328         Date: 07-17-88

ACAD write text on a curve or radius
culvrt11.zip          Size:       3,602         Date: 02-26-96

CULVERT v1.1 -- Draws drainage culverts w/ end sections in AutoCAD
curve13.zip           Size:       5,286         Date: 02-26-96

CURVEDAT v1.3 -- Compute/label highway curve data in AutoCAD
dbeam.lzh             Size:       1,247         Date: 01-11-89

Steel beam outlines for ACAD
dbeam.zip             Size:       3,861         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD draws & labels structural shapes
ddatts.zip            Size:       4,037         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-change X,Y & Z of existing blocks
deplot12.zip          Size:      35,722         Date: 02-26-96

Contruct ACAD .DWG file from any HPGL plot file
detail1.zip           Size:     222,946         Date: 02-26-96

Very detailed Acad details
dhline.zip            Size:       2,588         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD routine to chg ltype & draw lines
digitize.zip          Size:       5,974         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD use HP7580B plotter as digitizer
dim-dec.zip           Size:       2,997         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD v2.6 update of associated dimensions
dimcalc2.zip          Size:      66,920         Date: 02-26-96

Automatically dimension things in ACAD
disney.zip            Size:      62,467         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD disney character dwg
dleaders.exe          Size:      30,916         Date: 01-08-95

DLEADERS dialog box routine V-1.2 Gives user many leader and text options Allows user to interactively select what types of arrows and text bubbles are drawn by using a user friendly dialog box interface to graphically illustrate to the user how their selections will appear on the dwg.
dlglx122.zip          Size:      62,886         Date: 02-26-96

Converts USGS DLG data to DXF & layers attrib.
dlgmaps.zip           Size:      54,753         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-DLG map conversion Advertisement
dlog.zip              Size:       4,802         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-custon Dialog box creation
door.zip              Size:       3,980         Date: 02-26-96

AutoLISP: Two pick door program
doore.zip             Size:      17,936         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD-Parametric Elev Doors (12 styles)
dragon.zip            Size:       3,611         Date: 02-26-96

AutoLISP: Generates recursively defined dwgs
dtl.zip               Size:       5,052         Date: 02-26-96

AutoLISP: Extracts detail section of drawing
dwgdate.zip           Size:       3,039         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD add a date to drawing
dwgdocm.zip           Size:      12,083         Date: 02-26-96

Attach text files as an integral part of dwgs
dwgscr.zip            Size:       4,136         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD convert DWG to script for newer ACAD ver
dxf0192.zip           Size:       4,685         Date: 02-26-96

List of commercial components for CAD designers to use in drawing. January 1992 version. Save time and IMPORT rather than DRAW components in your drawings!
dxf0891.zip           Size:       4,015         Date: 02-26-96

Listing of DXF component files for CAD
dxf0991.zip           Size:       4,254         Date: 02-26-96

List of vendors offering CAD libraries.
dxf1191.zip           Size:       4,427         Date: 02-26-96

Commercial CAD components list - Nov 91
dxfr11.zip            Size:     101,897         Date: 02-26-96

econo3.zip            Size:       7,454         Date: 02-26-96

Redundant line replacement program for AutoCAD
eleblks.zip           Size:      50,524         Date: 02-26-96

Electrical symbols for AutoCAD
electlib.zip          Size:      15,271         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD electronic symbols
epson.pat             Size:       1,024         Date: 07-20-88

ACAD ver 2.6+ long print-plots on epson
esymbols.zip          Size:      10,505         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD another electric symbols library
et15.zip              Size:      14,561         Date: 02-26-96

Acad text editing .lisp from in program
et15a.zip             Size:      16,568         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-Text editor w/text export/import
extplot.zip           Size:     102,799         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD - external plotting routines
extrac.zip            Size:      26,354         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD Menu creation in text mode for autolisp
ezoff.zip             Size:       6,111         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD expanded offset command
f-18.zip              Size:      10,883         Date: 02-26-96

AutoCad drawing of the F-18 Hornet
facedi.lsp            Size:       8,448         Date: 10-15-89

Acad-hide/unhide edges,move vertices
faceit.lsp            Size:       3,072         Date: 10-15-89

Acad-replace 3DPoly Mesh w/3dFaces
facillib.zip          Size:      45,686         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD Library big/facility symbol DWGs
fastlook.zip          Size:      42,442         Date: 02-26-96

Autocad drawing viewer very good.
fl20.zip              Size:      92,995         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-Fastlook V2.0 Dwg Viewer Demo
flexdu.lsp            Size:       4,224         Date: 10-15-89

Acad-draws flexible duct
flg-pak.zip           Size:     109,853         Date: 02-26-96

fontpak.zip           Size:      30,099         Date: 02-26-96

Fonts for Autocad
fontpak2.zip          Size:      28,086         Date: 02-26-96

AutoCAD text fonts from several sources
fontsub.zip           Size:       9,014         Date: 02-26-96

Batch compatible lisp to substitute dwg fonts
forkli.zip            Size:      18,174         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-3D Dwg of forklift
fracs.zip             Size:      30,878         Date: 02-26-96

Utilities for AutoCad
gear.zip              Size:      15,484         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD 3-d gear/cam dwg
gears.lzh             Size:      17,792         Date: 09-01-92

aflix move of two gears
geo.zip               Size:       4,861         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD nth order geodesic sphere
geotol.zip            Size:      30,372         Date: 02-26-96

GD&T made easy for AutoCAD R12
getblk.lsp            Size:         768         Date: 05-05-90

Gets a block for reinsertion to DWG (ACAD)
hand.zip              Size:       5,755         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-freehand text font
handraw.zip           Size:       9,744         Date: 10-13-96

HANDRAW 2.1 for AutoCAD R9 @ R13 LISP routine to extend lines, arcs and splines. Your drawings will look like draw by hand. Allow fixed length extension or or random values.
harlen.zip            Size:     551,026         Date: 02-26-96

Autocad timber connection library
hatch.zip             Size:      31,324         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD concrete and glass hatch shapes
hatch1.zip            Size:       5,047         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD stone and true brick patterns
helmet2.zip           Size:     107,987         Date: 02-26-96

3-D 16th cent.Helmet - ACAD dwg
helvout.zip           Size:       2,977         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD bBlock char font
hex-lsp.zip           Size:       7,480         Date: 02-26-96

Acad, lisp routines for hex bolts
hpgl2scr.zip          Size:      31,786         Date: 02-26-96

Convert HPGL to AutoCAD script language
hpglprl.zip           Size:       7,223         Date: 02-26-96

Perl scripts convert HPGL to AutoCAD DXF/SCR
hpsrt08.zip           Size:     115,895         Date: 02-26-96

HPGL Pen Motion Optimizer (Test Rel)
hrdware.exe           Size:      21,686         Date: 09-01-92

AutoCAD lisp program to create 2D threads, Cbores, etc. Self extracting zip file.
hrsh2acd.zip          Size:      97,073         Date: 02-26-96

Hershey fonts for use with AutoCAD
hwycl20.zip           Size:      41,803         Date: 02-26-96

HWYCL v2.0 -- Construct/label horizontal highway CL alignments in AutoCAD
icedwg.zip            Size:      28,208         Date: 02-26-96

Lock an AutoCAD R10, 11 or 12 drawing so others can read it but not edit it
icpad.zip             Size:      11,358         Date: 02-26-96

Acad, ic pad masters for pcb design
imdemo2.exe           Size:     155,008         Date: 10-28-90

AutoCad Point & Shoot symbol insertion
import.zip            Size:       2,749         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD import any ASCII file into DWG
insrtmgr.zip          Size:      14,245         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD Choose symbols from slide (lsp)
itemb102.zip          Size:       7,956         Date: 02-26-96

Ver 1.02 Itemb.lsp - Item ball creation pgrm
kelv.zip              Size:      30,815         Date: 02-26-96

John Walker's AutoLISP code protection program
kelvin.zip            Size:      29,570         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-Kelvinator-encrypt files
keypad.zip            Size:       4,649         Date: 02-26-96

Redefine Acad function keys w/ template
laticret.zip          Size:     109,964         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD vendor drawing and specs for tile
layers.zip            Size:       3,676         Date: 02-26-96

Acad, Lisp routine for all-on or all-off
lck11a.zip            Size:      16,959         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD Lisp parens checker
lisphl.zip            Size:      22,035         Date: 02-26-96

AutoLISP Reference Chart
lisphlp.lzh           Size:      17,043         Date: 12-07-88

AutoLisp reference sheet - ACAD
lk11a.lzh             Size:      12,457         Date: 12-07-88

AutoLisp code checker - ACAD
loadit.zip            Size:     115,418         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-Loadit V2.5 Dos/Acad interface-V.G.
log.zip               Size:       4,093         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD 9.0 creates a log of name & time used
logic.zip             Size:      11,859         Date: 02-26-96

Draw logic circuits w/ AutoCad
logidrw.zip           Size:      70,860         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD Logic symbol menu and dwg files
lokdwg.zip            Size:      11,166         Date: 02-26-96

Lock your ACAD dwg. Dwg cannot be chged
lyrmastr.lsp          Size:       7,552         Date: 05-03-91

Layer Master VER 2.0 ACAD layer Utilitie
lyrmastr.zip          Size:      18,983         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD util. Lyr & lyr group by entity pic
lz.zip                Size:     145,147         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-Lightning Zoom Demo-Great!
lz2demo.zip           Size:     514,699         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-Lightning Zoom DPL v2.0 demo
mdaldemo.zip          Size:     102,374         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD Matheson Design Arch Lib demo
mech.zip              Size:       4,864         Date: 02-26-96

Mechanical drawing LISP programs (ACAD)
menu0218.zip          Size:       4,530         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD Create a menu in text mode lsp
mexp.zip              Size:      45,789         Date: 02-26-96

Master Explode ver 1.0 Autocad ADS unequally scaled block exploding command
mid.zip               Size:       2,421         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD find virtual midpoint
misclisp.zip          Size:      11,452         Date: 02-26-96

Acad, lots of misc autolisp files
moment-i.zip          Size:       3,282         Date: 02-26-96

nap_.exe              Size:      29,440         Date: 12-20-92

necadi.zip            Size:       8,532         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD - driver for NEC 24 pin printers
netpwd.exe            Size:      45,912         Date: 09-08-93

Use to manage ACAD.PWD file online (AutoCAD) Fixes corupted PWD while others on network!
newtext.zip           Size:       2,986         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD lisp way to change text in dwg
nozero.lsp            Size:       2,048         Date: 08-20-88

ACAD - strips leading zero from DEC string
numcmd.zip            Size:      83,375         Date: 02-26-96

Number-Pad based Interface for AutoCAD R12/386
offbroad.zip          Size:      21,639         Date: 02-26-96

List of files on Acad BBS-$$
osr.zip               Size:       2,742         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD auto repeat of osnap
parnch.zip            Size:      31,120         Date: 02-26-96

AutoLISP parentheses checker/ pretty printer
pcxdxb11.zip          Size:      12,362         Date: 02-26-96

Paintbrush PCX to AutoCAD translation utility
pcxslt18.zip          Size:      33,286         Date: 02-26-96

Converts Paintbrush PCX to AutoCAD DXF files
pdist.zip             Size:       3,760         Date: 02-26-96

AutoLISP: Finds dist betwn two pts on pline
picang.zip            Size:       2,785         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD set crosshair angles with pick
pkey12_1.zip          Size:     227,212         Date: 02-26-96

PowerKey1.02: Menu system for AutoCAD, 1of3
pkey12_2.zip          Size:     318,780         Date: 02-26-96

PowerKey1.02: Menu system for AutoCAD, 2of3
pkey12_3.zip          Size:     262,759         Date: 02-26-96

PowerKey1.02: Menu system for AutoCAD, 3of3
plotmbw.zip           Size:     118,380         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD automatic plotting of multiple plots
pltmgr.zip            Size:     177,439         Date: 02-26-96

Plot AutoCad files and cnvrt HPGL to DXF
pntplt10.zip          Size:       9,052         Date: 02-26-96

POINTPLT v1.0 -- Plot ASCII coordinate point files in AutoCAD
points11.zip          Size:       4,136         Date: 02-26-96

POINTS v1.1 -- Generate ASCII coordinate point files from AutoCAD by picking points in a drawing
pp-n8023.zip          Size:      11,396         Date: 02-26-96

Printer plot to NEC 8023 via file
ppepf.zip             Size:       4,356         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD 9.0 Epson FX driver 13.59 x 22
ppepo.zip             Size:       4,629         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD epson drivers for acad
ppeps4.zip            Size:       8,162         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD 13.5" x 11" pp driver for Epson
ppp.zip               Size:       5,161         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD info for plotting on mylar, vellum etc
prplot.zip            Size:      29,432         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD -Printer plotter for EPSON printers
puldgw22.zip          Size:      55,252         Date: 02-26-96

puldwg14.zip          Size:      58,626         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD front end & shell menu for dwg and scrip
qs187.zip             Size:      61,819         Date: 02-26-96

QuickSurf: contour utility for AutoCAD
qs2.zip               Size:      88,771         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD QuickSurf V2.0 fast contouring
qsurfdem.zip          Size:      61,819         Date: 02-26-96

AutoCAD convertible demo of Surf.Contour
r-calc.zip            Size:       4,521         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD-lisp based RPN feet-inches calcultr
r12dxf.zip            Size:      38,050         Date: 02-26-96

AutoCAD Drawing Exchange and File Formats specfication text file. Release 12
rdots.zip             Size:       2,851         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD lisp routine for random dots
rec.zip               Size:       5,045         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD lisp routine for rectangle
rect.lsp              Size:       2,048         Date: 07-17-88

ACAD draw polyline rectange in drag mode
rect.zip              Size:       4,003         Date: 02-26-96

AutoLISP: Rectangle drawing routines
ref.lsp               Size:       1,024         Date: 08-20-88

ACAD - reference from a 3rd point
refs.lsp              Size:       5,120         Date: 08-20-88

ACAD - 2D and 3D reference point functions
remextra.lsp          Size:       1,664         Date: 01-25-91

Remv redundant colinear lines in ACADdwg
runlisp3.zip          Size:   1,119,264         Date: 10-27-96

Batch process drawings in AutoCad/Win3.1/Win95/NT using AutoLisp or script files. Updated RUN LISP 3.0 lets you quickly select drawings from MULTIPLE subdirectories, select MULTIPLE AutoLisp programs from MULTIPLE subdirectories, automatically respond to input requests. Process up to 1000 drawings, using up to 100 AutoLisp programs at a time. Build and run scripts in just seconds. Many batch
sal.zip               Size:      85,527         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-Son of Autolog-logs time in Dwg +
screwit.zip           Size:     149,859         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD drawing library: Socket Head Cap Screws
seldwg.zip            Size:       8,045         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD - select and load DWG from menu
seldwg_3.zip          Size:      19,528         Date: 02-26-96

Select drawings from DOS for AutoCAD
sfill.zip             Size:       3,567         Date: 02-26-96

AutoLISP: Fill between 2 Arcs, Lines, Plines
sfor102.exe           Size:      16,202         Date: 12-04-91

New archive util for Autocad and others
sharelib.zip          Size:      11,416         Date: 02-26-96

1st shareware AutoCad library
shb.zip               Size:       3,062         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD Lisp routine aws shadow b. Great for hi-liting text in ACAD dwgs!
short.zip             Size:       3,609         Date: 02-26-96

Acad, for 2 char commands (ie: change = ch)
showlisp.zip          Size:       6,317         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD points out block requested
shx2shp.exe           Size:      17,050         Date: 09-01-92

Autocad shape, pattern, font file decompiler. Self extracting zip file.
shx2shp.zip           Size:       9,766         Date: 02-26-96

Convert ACAD SHX fonts to SHP files for edit
shxfonts.zip          Size:      58,085         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD 14 different fonts
signit.lsp            Size:       1,280         Date: 04-05-88

ACAD add signiture and date to title block
sizer.lsp             Size:       1,152         Date: 07-17-88

ACAD Lisp program resizes drawing files
skip.lsp              Size:         494         Date: 08-16-88

ACAD lisp routines for line jump
skull.zip             Size:      71,376         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-2D Dwg of human skull
sldm515a.zip          Size:     131,532         Date: 02-26-96

SlideManager version 5.15a is a complete management system for AutoCAD slide (.SLD) files and libraries. SlideManager's Presentation Mode can be used to create automated presentations of slide files. It converts slides to DXF format, so that you can reload then to AutoCAD. It offers also an extremelly powerful visualization mode called Gyroview. Output to HPGL, plotter and printer. SVGA resolution available.
sldmg513.zip          Size:     132,423         Date: 02-26-96

Slide Manager for ACAD ver. 5.13
sldmgr4.zip           Size:      95,372         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD Slide manager add,deletes,views slides
slick.zip             Size:     121,989         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-Slick V4.0 Dwg Viewer Demo
slot.lsp              Size:       1,536         Date: 07-17-88

ACAD for any size slot at any angle
spdsdemo.zip          Size:     103,107         Date: 02-26-96

AutoCAD-SPDS interfaces and SPDS Demo
stair3.zip            Size:      10,246         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD 3D stair LISP and blocks
steel.zip             Size:     128,650         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-Parametric steel detailing-mnu & lsp
steel1.zip            Size:     128,650         Date: 02-26-96

steelx.zip            Size:      18,881         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD structural shapes LISP program
stepdemo.exe          Size:      14,592         Date: 11-19-89

STEP's AutoLISP debugger demo
strekdxf.zip          Size:     229,643         Date: 02-26-96

DXF format of Enterprise drawing for Autocad
sumlin.zip            Size:       3,258         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD add length of lines
svdwg.zip             Size:     294,054         Date: 02-26-96

SirlinView Lite acad .dwg viewer use w/o acad
sv_env.zip            Size:       3,913         Date: 02-26-96

AutoLISP: Saves AutoLISP environment to file
swlok.zip             Size:      32,691         Date: 02-26-96

swagelok fitting template for acad
symbols.zip           Size:      45,686         Date: 02-26-96

Acad, elec symbol library w/ menu file
table.lsp             Size:       1,792         Date: 07-16-88

Parts list/#'s at bottom of DWG in ACAD
tanker.zip            Size:      14,916         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD 2d oil tanker dwg
tht.lsp               Size:       2,048         Date: 08-12-88

ACAD global text height change
tigerm.zip            Size:     132,443         Date: 02-26-96

titleblk.zip          Size:       5,437         Date: 02-26-96

Acad, mech drawing title block
tline.zip             Size:       3,800         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD trim selected lines to 2 points on axis
truss.zip             Size:      58,306         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD structural truss shop DWG
turbocad.zip          Size:     157,031         Date: 02-26-96

Demo of cheap Acad clone (compat .DWG files)
uck.zip               Size:     321,577         Date: 02-26-96

Units conversion for measurements, volumes, metric, engineering, etc. If it can't convert it, you don't need to know it.
usmap.zip             Size:      14,367         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD map of USA
valley.zip            Size:       3,074         Date: 02-26-96

Acad-Draw 3D line @ inter. of 3DFACES
vert11.zip            Size:       5,051         Date: 02-26-96

VERT v1.1 -- Construct label highway profiles in AutoCAD
view.zip              Size:      93,870         Date: 02-26-96

Aflix-Archetectural proposal
vol1no2.lzh           Size:       2,971         Date: 01-02-89

CADence magazine code for ACAD
vol1no3.lzh           Size:       6,753         Date: 01-02-89

CADence magazine code for ACAD
vol1no4.lzh           Size:       8,069         Date: 01-02-89

CADence magazine code for ACAD
vol1no5.lzh           Size:       1,821         Date: 01-02-89

CADence magazine code for ACAD
vol1no6.lzh           Size:       2,614         Date: 01-02-89

CADence magazine code for ACAD
vol2no1.lzh           Size:       3,578         Date: 01-02-89

CADence magazine code for ACAD
vol2no2.lzh           Size:       8,771         Date: 01-02-89

CADence magazine code for ACAD
vol2no3.lzh           Size:       1,934         Date: 01-02-89

CADence magazine code for ACAD
vol2no4.lzh           Size:       5,994         Date: 01-02-89

CADence magazine code for ACAD
vol2no5.lzh           Size:       4,230         Date: 01-02-89

CADence magazine code for ACAD
volare10.zip          Size:      20,222         Date: 02-26-96

Volume & area of DTM from DXF file w/3DFACES
walls.zip             Size:      10,133         Date: 02-26-96

Walls, Doors, & Windows for AutoCad.
wblk.zip              Size:       3,796         Date: 02-26-96

Write AutoCAD block reference to specified dir
windows.zip           Size:       7,268         Date: 02-26-96

ACAD-draws windows (plan & elevation)
world.zip             Size:     113,962         Date: 02-26-96

xleadr.zip            Size:      10,434         Date: 02-26-96

Enhanced AutoCAD leader function. When terminated on the left side it generates dynamic text that is left justified and moves to the left to aid in entering note text.
xplot.zip             Size:      24,359         Date: 02-26-96

Aflix-Fastplot V1.1 offline XON/XOFF Plotting
xydim.zip             Size:       8,019         Date: 02-26-96

A nice dimensioning aid for Autocad.
zwgin02.zip           Size:       3,932         Date: 02-26-96

ZWGINSRT v0.2� -- Insert AUTO-MATE .ZWG files into AutoCAD as blocks into AutoCAD as blocks
nctools.exe           Size:     526,021         Date: 10-13-96

Adds mouse controls to AutoCad to enable alternate mouse buttons and window features

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