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Dec 1997


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Circuits, devices, data, emulators, and more
Directory : /elec_eng
22nce132.zip          Size:      50,073         Date: 02-26-96

Z80 CP/M emulator for MS-DOS systems. SYDEX
3dwave10.zip          Size:      13,059         Date: 02-26-96

Interesting surface wave in 3-d (req CGA)
455-0946.714          Size:       1,382         Date: 06-02-93

4bitjkff.zip          Size:      29,111         Date: 02-26-96

A program that display the operation of a JK Flip Flop quite well. Understand them better.
555.zip               Size:       5,116         Date: 02-26-96

Simple 555 oscillator designer (.BAS source)
68em10.zip            Size:      58,487         Date: 02-26-96

6800 emulator for DOS, includes a realtime O/S
a-filt.zip            Size:      44,513         Date: 02-26-96

Active filter circuit design, high pass low pass, notch
a-filter.zip          Size:      36,714         Date: 02-26-96

Calculate resistor/capacitor values for
ad18.zip              Size:      18,641         Date: 02-26-96

Speech recording system for IBM
adi_spec.zip          Size:      72,511         Date: 02-26-96

Analog Devices product selection guide
astater.zip           Size:      37,580         Date: 02-26-96

ASTATER v1.0: AHDL State Machine generator
atalk.zip             Size:      24,369         Date: 02-26-96

Some examples of Digitized speech
audiolab.zip          Size:      26,149         Date: 02-26-96

Test 9 different audio parameters on amp
autoelec.zip          Size:      50,181         Date: 02-26-96

bbfpro.zip            Size:     237,333         Date: 02-26-96

Burr Brown Filter Pro - This program allows you to design filters - Uses Burr Brown Components but is well worth using!
bbspice.zip           Size:      28,093         Date: 02-26-96

Spice models of Burr-Brown devices
bourns.zip            Size:     102,704         Date: 02-26-96

Bourns trim-pot catalog system
calcpad.zip           Size:      77,213         Date: 02-26-96

carms11d.zip          Size:     344,081         Date: 02-26-96

Reliability analysis based on Markov modeling
catvcalc.zip          Size:      99,900         Date: 02-26-96

CATV system calculator
ccicap.zip            Size:     118,346         Date: 02-26-96

Circuit Analysis (like PSpice)
ce-amp2.zip           Size:      45,733         Date: 02-26-96

Improved Xsistr Amp Design prog w/ docs
cheby.zip             Size:      49,933         Date: 02-26-96

Design Tschebyscheff filters in seconds!
circad20.zip          Size:     199,768         Date: 02-26-96

circuit cad program
circit12.zip          Size:      85,380         Date: 02-26-96

Microcomputer circuit analysis
circuits.zip          Size:      85,399         Date: 02-26-96

Electronic Circuit Analysis w/o docs
cores001.zip          Size:   1,092,733         Date: 09-22-96

CoreDbms for Windows is a database of ferrite and iron powder cores for the engineer or purchaser. This shareware version has cores from 3 popular vendors; the purchased version has 10000 cores from 15 vendors
ctrlsys1.zip          Size:     235,679         Date: 02-26-96

Set of interesting programs for EE's 1 of 2
ctrlsys2.zip          Size:     218,956         Date: 02-26-96

\____________________________________2 of 2
daubwave.zip          Size:      45,731         Date: 02-26-96

Wavelet analysis program, w/C source
demand20.zip          Size:     222,097         Date: 02-26-96

Calculate/report residential electrical demand
dfdp.zip              Size:     117,840         Date: 02-26-96

APPI's digital filter design package DEMO
dig13.zip             Size:      73,496         Date: 02-26-96

Amplifies 8-bit sound
digsim.zip            Size:      53,740         Date: 02-26-96

Digital simulator program
dlanet.zip            Size:      57,655         Date: 02-26-96

Polynomial/circuit analysis, w/built-in editor
dsp-mon.zip           Size:   1,094,184         Date: 02-26-96

MONARCH Digital Signal Processing working demo - full featured DSP toolkit, Very many features.
dspice0b.zip          Size:     171,657         Date: 02-26-96

128Mb Spice 2g6 circuit simulator. Req 386/387
dspice0s.zip          Size:     418,965         Date: 02-26-96

C Sources for Spice 2g6. Req. DJGPP & F2C_LIB0
dwelcalc.zip          Size:     165,504         Date: 02-26-96

Residential NEC electrical code calculations
ecd.zip               Size:      28,703         Date: 02-26-96

Electronic Circuit design
editpcb1.lzh          Size:     122,184         Date: 03-09-92

v2 EditPCB PC Board package, 1 of 3
editpcb2.lzh          Size:     121,663         Date: 03-09-92

v2 EditPCB PC Board package, 2 of 3
editpcb3.lzh          Size:      88,084         Date: 03-09-92

v2 EditPCB, PC Board package, 3 of 3
ee11.zip              Size:     324,108         Date: 02-26-96

Electrical Engineering design & analysis prog.
ee4120.zip            Size:     154,882         Date: 02-26-96

Antenia design progs from Va Tech EE4120
eepddsk1.lzh          Size:     134,069         Date: 08-07-89

Disk of Public Domain ElecEngr software
eepddsk2.lzh          Size:     153,581         Date: 08-07-89

Disk of Public Domain ElecEngr software
eepddsk3.lzh          Size:      96,769         Date: 08-07-89

Disk of Public Domain ElecEngr software
eepddsk4.lzh          Size:      54,967         Date: 08-07-89

Disk of Public Domain ElecEngr software
eepddsk7.lzh          Size:     149,872         Date: 08-07-89

Disk of Public Domain ElecEngr software
eepddsk8.lzh          Size:     167,654         Date: 08-07-89

Disk of Public Domain ElecEngr software
eepdnews.txt          Size:      21,760         Date: 06-21-89

ASME Electrical Electronic Pkg.Div.News!
eepd_1.zip            Size:     141,712         Date: 02-26-96

Electrical Engineering Programs - 1 of 5
eepd_2.zip            Size:      33,826         Date: 02-26-96

\ - 2 of 5
eepd_3.zip            Size:     115,185         Date: 02-26-96

\ - 3 of 5
eepower.zip           Size:     180,603         Date: 02-26-96

elcode1.zip           Size:     118,018         Date: 02-26-96

U.S. Electrical code database 1of2
elcode2.zip           Size:     216,080         Date: 02-26-96

U.S. Electrical code database 2of2
eleclern.zip          Size:      61,178         Date: 02-26-96

Learn Ohm's law w/ PC help
elect.zip             Size:      48,513         Date: 02-26-96

Electrician helper program
elect2.zip            Size:      48,570         Date: 02-26-96

Electrical Contractor's calculations
electgas.zip          Size:      54,855         Date: 02-26-96

Electric and Gas Analyzer
electrc3.zip          Size:      49,286         Date: 02-26-96

Performs most common electrical calculations
electrc7.zip          Size:     113,666         Date: 02-26-96

Electrical Contracting and Engineering
electrc8.zip          Size:     104,129         Date: 02-26-96

Figures Alot of Electrical Functions Motors,Lights,Load etc..
electrc9.zip          Size:     142,631         Date: 02-26-96

electrical calculation shareware, version 9
electron.zip          Size:      64,236         Date: 02-26-96

Electronics Package by HP v1.3
elias.zip             Size:       8,712         Date: 02-26-96

Elec Engr prog for LC Elliptic LowPass filte
faisyn20.zip          Size:      62,187         Date: 02-26-96

Electronic filter synthesis program
fb.zip                Size:      46,163         Date: 02-26-96

electronic formulas, conversions, etc.
fdk.zip               Size:      31,963         Date: 02-26-96

Simple filter development system
fet.zip               Size:      11,465         Date: 02-26-96

Charactorize FET's from simple tests
filtcad.zip           Size:     150,397         Date: 02-26-96

Design your own capacitive filters
filter.zip            Size:      61,269         Date: 02-26-96

Digital Filter Simulation Package
filters.zip           Size:     170,078         Date: 02-26-96

Old filter design tools - some useful ones with source in pascal and basic
filtry10.zip          Size:      61,876         Date: 02-26-96

Aids in design of active and passive filters
filt_bas.zip          Size:     159,309         Date: 02-26-96

Old filter design tools in basic
filt_dsg.zip          Size:     151,466         Date: 02-26-96

Digital and analog filter design aids (old)
form.exe              Size:      24,064         Date: 02-28-93

Load calculations for Power distribution
freqresp.lzh          Size:      61,433         Date: 08-07-89

frequency response curve analyzer (req 8087)
gmdlx13.zip           Size:     103,808         Date: 02-26-96

Sample VHDL file for gmvhdl13
gmvhdl13.zip          Size:     572,149         Date: 02-26-96

VHDL compiler and simulator v1.3. DEMO
hamtron1.zip          Size:      96,801         Date: 02-26-96

Ham radio-related Electronics & Contest Progs Turbo Pascal source available
harris.zip            Size:     128,874         Date: 02-26-96

Harris op-amp catalog system
ha_spice.zip          Size:      10,168         Date: 02-26-96

Models for Pspice of Harris devices
helm210.zip           Size:      23,636         Date: 02-26-96

Helmholtz design w/o docs
icbook.zip            Size:      39,827         Date: 02-26-96

IC reference list
imp-cvt.zip           Size:      54,688         Date: 02-26-96

Convert RF impedance values to any format
kmap33.zip            Size:      62,862         Date: 02-26-96

Simplify logic with mapping tool
lnap.zip              Size:     195,885         Date: 02-26-96

linear Network Analysis Package
logisy30.zip          Size:      51,990         Date: 02-26-96

Logisym v3.0 Digital Logic Simulator, VGA req.
logsim.zip            Size:      39,931         Date: 02-26-96

Simulation of digital circuits
lss.zip               Size:      74,641         Date: 02-26-96

Logic simulator
mc6801r2.zip          Size:     159,632         Date: 02-26-96

Next Ver. of MC68701 ICE. Contains all you need to build an ICE. Schematics, PC software, firmware and even examples on how to use. Cost is about $50 to build!!! Runs in real time. Many features including single step, unlimited break points, test probes, source level display etc. NO SOFTWARE REGISTRATION FEES!!! Have fun.. MRW
mc6801r3.zip          Size:     223,788         Date: 02-26-96

Updates for the 6801 emulator. Bug fixes and a few new options. Also schematics in EPSON format.
mc6801r4.zip          Size:     232,308         Date: 02-26-96

Rev 3.1 of the MC6801 ICE. Now has built in assembler, external editor support, better help file, support for Intel Hex records and more.
mc6801r5.zip          Size:     263,227         Date: 02-26-96

Version 3.2 of MC6801 ICE .. Mouse Support Larger Shell, Bug fixes.
mcx11v15.zip          Size:      70,911         Date: 02-26-96

MC68HC11 MicroController multitask eXecutive
mot2q92.zip           Size:     355,822         Date: 02-26-96

MOTOROLA - Complete parts catalog 1992 version.
motoro90.zip          Size:     413,873         Date: 02-26-96

complete motorola semiconductor referenc
mwpath.zip            Size:       4,744         Date: 02-26-96

Microwave path analysis spreadsheet
myz80103.zip          Size:      72,658         Date: 02-26-96

Simeon Cran's Z80 CP/M and Z-System emulator
network1.zip          Size:      36,168         Date: 02-26-96

Electronic network analysis for AC input
noise.zip             Size:      41,006         Date: 02-26-96

Op Amp noise calculations
npctrace.zip          Size:     152,767         Date: 02-26-96

pc board layout and route- later version
ntumin10.zip          Size:     285,139         Date: 02-26-96

Logic minimization pgm from NTU, w/TC2.0 src
padslink.exe          Size:     185,000         Date: 11-10-93

Translates PADS-PCB/Works & Perform PCB designs to DXF for AutoCad. Shareware ver. Translates accurately without errors compared to the PADS supplied program that can croak.
pcb-cad.zip           Size:      97,023         Date: 02-26-96

Printed circuit board cad program
pcfilter.lzh          Size:     149,406         Date: 08-07-89

Digital Filter Analysis
perfbox.zip           Size:     211,930         Date: 02-26-96

Build a perfect speaker box. Has spec for a LOT of speakers.
phil_mos.zip          Size:      83,477         Date: 02-26-96

Phillips MOSFET catalog in software
pinewood.zip          Size:      61,702         Date: 02-26-96

Electronic timing circuit and program
pll.zip               Size:     142,528         Date: 02-26-96

Phase locked loop designer (74HC46)
pmispice.zip          Size:      12,766         Date: 02-26-96

Spice models for Precision Monolithics (PMI)
powerpak.zip          Size:     103,111         Date: 02-26-96

Engineers & contractors electrical
projectx.exe          Size:      69,948         Date: 11-17-90

Compendum of Electrical Information
pspic54a.zip          Size:   1,043,047         Date: 02-26-96

PSpice analog/digital ckt sim for Win 3.1. 1/3
pspic54b.zip          Size:   1,190,189         Date: 02-26-96

PSpice analog/digital ckt sim for Win 3.1. 2/3
pspic54c.zip          Size:     933,090         Date: 02-26-96

PSpice analog/digital ckt sim for Win 3.1. 3/3
pspice5a.zip          Size:   1,170,222         Date: 02-26-96

PSpice 5.0a electrical circuit simulator, 1of2
pspice5b.zip          Size:   1,114,860         Date: 02-26-96

PSpice 5.0a electrical circuit simulator, 2of2
pspice5c.zip          Size:     800,524         Date: 02-26-96

PSpice schematics util install disk for WIN3.0
pspicmot.zip          Size:      21,072         Date: 02-26-96

Motorola based PSpice examples
qckt87.zip            Size:     104,285         Date: 02-26-96

Circuit Analysis program w/ graphics vg!
qfld32_1.zip          Size:     205,379         Date: 02-26-96

Students' QuickField(TM), formerly known as ELCUT, is minimum cost shareware for field simulation. It solves plane and axisymmetric problems of electrostatics, nonlinear DC magnetics, current flow, nonlinear heat transfer, stress analyis and coupled problems. QuickField enables you to perform field calculations and obtain various electro- mechanical design parameters in an extremely efficient and intuitive way. After
qfld32_2.zip          Size:     458,286         Date: 02-26-96

QuickField: Quick and easy field analysis, 2/4
qfld32_3.zip          Size:     392,310         Date: 02-26-96

QuickField: Quick and easy field analysis, 3/4
qfld32_4.zip          Size:     353,260         Date: 02-26-96

QuickField: Quick and easy field analysis, 4/4
qfld34-1.zip          Size:     247,508         Date: 09-22-96

Students' QuickField(TM), formerly known as ELCUT, is minimum cost shareware for field simulation. It solves plane and axisymmetric problems of electrostatics, nonlinear DC magnetics, AC magnetics, current flow, nonlinear heat transfer, stress analysis and coupled problems. QuickField enables you to perform field calculations and obtain various electro-mechanical design parameters in an extremely efficient and intuitive way. After
qfld34-2.zip          Size:     482,573         Date: 09-22-96

Quickfield, part 2 of 5
qfld34-3.zip          Size:     414,194         Date: 09-22-96

Quickfield, part 3 of 5
qfld34-4.zip          Size:     358,498         Date: 09-22-96

Quickfield, part 4 of 5
qfld34-5.zip          Size:     362,649         Date: 09-22-96

Quickfield, part 5 of 5
rascal21.zip          Size:     525,918         Date: 02-26-96

Single/Dual-reflector antenna designs w/source
res_clr.zip           Size:      96,188         Date: 02-26-96

Another resistor color band finder. This one will also help with tolerance variation
rfsv202.zip           Size:     132,086         Date: 02-26-96

Broadcast engineers program
scrl50.zip            Size:     630,899         Date: 02-26-96

Semiconductor Cross Reference Library v5.0
sgnls10.zip           Size:     138,319         Date: 02-26-96

Signal processing analysis with graphics
sgnls400.zip          Size:     129,661         Date: 02-26-96

Illustrates signal processing concepts w/plots
siliconi.zip          Size:     152,840         Date: 02-26-96

Siliconix devices catalog on disk
sim68102.zip          Size:      70,738         Date: 02-26-96

Motorola 68HC11 MicroController simulater
simic104.zip          Size:   1,044,757         Date: 02-26-96

SIMIC logic simulator, student version 1.0.4
sm97_10x.zip          Size:      84,773         Date: 02-26-96

Philips/Fluke ScopeMeter 97 setup/data utils
smithch.zip           Size:      84,654         Date: 02-26-96

RF impedance calculations using the Smith chart. EGA required.
spchrec.zip           Size:      48,844         Date: 02-26-96

Speech Rec. Program. Template Type. Train up to ten words. FUN
spctr3e2.zip          Size:     366,547         Date: 02-26-96

Spice TR3e2bl is a 32-bit shareware version of SPICE 3e2 for use on a 386 or 486 PC with 4 MB of RAM. Spice (Simulator Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) is a general- purpose circuit simulation program for non- linear DC, non-linear transient, and linear AC analysis. Also requires VGA display for graphics & Postscript printer (for hardcopy output). Math coprocessor recommended. Shareware ($45) from Howard LeFevre.
speech.zip            Size:     140,036         Date: 02-26-96

Speech / Waveform anal. Has filters, waterfall, time domain. Need Trident 8900 and QEMM to run.
spia.zip              Size:     141,715         Date: 02-26-96

Signal Processing Instructional Aid
spiademo.zip          Size:     106,066         Date: 02-26-96

Demo of SPIA (does transforms, etc.)
spice.zip             Size:     366,547         Date: 02-26-96

Spice TR3e2bl is a 32-bit shareware version of SPICE 3e2 for use on a 386 or 486 PC with 4 MB of RAM. Spice (Simulator Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) is a general- purpose circuit simulation program for non- linear DC, non-linear transient, and linear AC analysis. Also requires VGA display for graphics & Postscript printer (for hardcopy output). Math coprocessor recommended. Shareware ($45) from Howard LeFevre.
spice2g6.zip          Size:     226,660         Date: 02-26-96

UCB SPICE for OS/2. FAST! Inc benchmarks
spice4.zip            Size:   1,405,532         Date: 02-26-96

NUTMEG32 + SPICE32 = circuit simulation programs for WIN NT and WIN 3.1
spic_1-4.zip          Size:     175,683         Date: 02-26-96

Spice source Code and obj files 1 of 4
spic_2-4.zip          Size:     153,232         Date: 02-26-96

spice source code 2 of 4
spic_3_4.zip          Size:     118,340         Date: 02-26-96

source code for pspice prgm 3 of 4
spic_4_4.zip          Size:      79,029         Date: 02-26-96

Source code for PSPICE pgrm 4 of 4.
spp_pc.zip            Size:   1,002,895         Date: 02-26-96

Signal Processing Packages and Notebooks for Mathematica Ver 1.2 and higher. Phd work by B. Evans and assoc. A later version of this work is now a commercial package. For IBM_PC
sspice10.zip          Size:      93,889         Date: 02-26-96

Symbolic SPICE: Ckt analyzer and approximator
stepper.zip           Size:      36,072         Date: 02-26-96

Drive a stepper motor from your PC
tcalc41.zip           Size:      44,822         Date: 02-26-96

Good electronic spreadsheet
tcdpc.zip             Size:      60,180         Date: 02-26-96

Telsa coil design aid w/ theory
tdca.zip              Size:      49,563         Date: 02-26-96

Tiny Digital Circuit Analysis
ti.zip                Size:      82,889         Date: 02-26-96

PSpice macros for Opamp design.
timecrft.zip          Size:      34,437         Date: 02-26-96

WIN3: Electronic ckt timing diagram generator
tispice.zip           Size:      82,889         Date: 02-26-96

Spice models for Texas Inst chips
tmu.zip               Size:      63,188         Date: 02-26-96

Micro Time and Motion analysis
trans.zip             Size:      34,658         Date: 02-26-96

Class A transistor amplifier modeling
ttl_name.zip          Size:       9,723         Date: 02-26-96

TTL Name to description.
ttm.zip               Size:      24,180         Date: 02-26-96

Truth Table generator
ttm120.zip            Size:      23,452         Date: 02-26-96

Make/print truth tables from keyboard input
west_dig.zip          Size:     116,323         Date: 02-26-96

Western Digital catalog system
wirelist.zip          Size:      16,633         Date: 02-26-96

Recordkeeper for wires
dlav12a.zip           Size:     670,556         Date: 11-20-96

The Digital Logic Analyser for Windows transforms a standard PC into a fully functional hardware logic analyser, perfect for debugging those digital electronic circuits that you have been struggling to get to work. The unit offers features including 8 in put channels with a programmable trigger on 4 of the 8 input channels, a 2k sample buffer enabling long sample runs, an internally generated clock that produces a

Copyright ©1997 Walnut Creek CDROM