Walnut Creek CDROM Logo
Dec 1997


Check out the


screen graphics, image tools, video drivers
Directory : /graph
100scrns.zip          Size:     201,844         Date: 09-22-96

100 ansi screens for BBS's
10earth.gif           Size:       5,504         Date: 02-10-91

View of earth from outer space.
3dbench.zip           Size:      65,488         Date: 09-22-96

3D Benchmark for VGA video. Give you the result in Frames Per Seconds and has a nice display to go along with it. Nice Benchmark.
3dkit1.zip            Size:     208,058         Date: 09-22-96

3-D wireframe tools, with C source, 3dv picts
3dv25.zip             Size:      67,233         Date: 09-22-96

3D wireframe graphics display pgm, needs mouse
3dwave10.zip          Size:      13,059         Date: 09-22-96

Interesting surface wave in 3-d (req CGA)
aaplay.zip            Size:      58,910         Date: 09-22-96

Projection program displaying animation
abart16.zip           Size:      59,148         Date: 09-22-96

Produces variety of graphic displays
addrv15r.zip          Size:      25,971         Date: 09-22-96

Advanced Cyrillic drivers for EGA/VGA & keybd.
addrv15u.zip          Size:      21,906         Date: 09-22-96

Advanced Ukrainian driver for EGA/VGA & keybd.
advmak10.zip          Size:      47,530         Date: 09-22-96

Edits screen advertisement/presentation rolls
alch161.zip           Size:     453,267         Date: 09-22-96

Image Alchemy v1.6.1 image format conversion
altimara.zip          Size:     107,757         Date: 09-22-96

Color graphics editor
ansi-sys.zip          Size:      15,982         Date: 09-22-96

ANSI.SYS demo and tutorial
ansi138.zip           Size:      36,661         Date: 09-22-96

Fast memory-resident ANSI.SYS replacement
ansitst.lzh           Size:       3,288         Date: 01-09-90

Check ANSI.SYS from batch files
ansix364.lzh          Size:       6,518         Date: 01-09-90

Use ANSI Esc codes in bat files without TYPE
apeaus11.zip          Size:       7,568         Date: 09-22-96

Persian-English-Arabic-Urdu CGA,EGA,VGA fonts
aplot2.0a             Size:      89,408         Date: 06-29-91

3-d surface plotter version 2.0a
artool.zip            Size:     231,527         Date: 09-22-96

ARTOOL v1.3 graphics editor and CASE tool for Borland C code generation. Create graphics and have source code generated for your application. Uses Object Oriented techniques. Shareware
ascr35.zip            Size:       9,547         Date: 09-22-96

Russian characters on screen in any video mode
ash16.zip             Size:      15,050         Date: 09-22-96

Shell for Image Alchemy 1.6 (req. VGA+mouse)
asme.pcx              Size:       9,695         Date: 03-07-92

Logo of the ASME with the cloverleaf and words in PCX format.
astron.gif            Size:     133,120         Date: 12-31-89

640x480x265 color Walk in space
ati256.zip            Size:      15,189         Date: 09-22-96

Super VGA Borland driver for ATI boards
atigif.zip            Size:      23,766         Date: 09-22-96

ATI VGA GIF Wonder viewer....
atmem10.zip           Size:      11,490         Date: 09-22-96

Identify VGA BIOS and report in environment
autofax.zip           Size:      12,786         Date: 09-22-96

Receive WEFAX PIX w KAM TNC & PC clone
bbl_v_1.zip           Size:      97,809         Date: 09-22-96

Big Block Letter (billboard) display dev drvr
bbord110.zip          Size:     169,773         Date: 09-22-96

Graphics drawing pgm with music/pictures/text
bgidriv.zip           Size:      76,277         Date: 09-22-96

Borland BGI Toolkit driver/docs (UPDATE)
bgifont.zip           Size:      57,143         Date: 09-22-96

Update: BGI Font Editor/develop your own fonts
bgifonts.zip          Size:      65,067         Date: 09-22-96

Set of BGI fonts, full IBM character set
bgiherc.zip           Size:      36,853         Date: 09-22-96

Hercules Monochrome and Incolor BGI driver
bgits4_0.zip          Size:       6,548         Date: 09-22-96

BGI driver for TSENG 4000 chipset
bgvga256.zip          Size:      19,077         Date: 09-22-96

BGI driver for VGA 320x200 256 color mode
bigd21.zip            Size:      30,836         Date: 09-22-96

save 9 windows screens for easy acess now!!
bigprt.zip            Size:      17,764         Date: 09-22-96

Screen dump w/ larger chars
bitmap.zip            Size:      11,685         Date: 09-22-96

perform bitmap graphics in C
bmp2bgi1.zip          Size:      89,355         Date: 09-22-96

Converts BMP images to Borland BGI format
boss.zip              Size:     105,419         Date: 09-22-96

Great windows toolbox in 'C'
brnot231.zip          Size:      20,609         Date: 09-22-96

A screen-blanking utility.
brtlin15.zip          Size:       7,643         Date: 09-22-96

Highlights entire cursor line in color
cbook.zip             Size:     156,209         Date: 09-22-96

Holloway's VGA+mouse coloring book for kids
cdcsuper.gif          Size:       9,216         Date: 01-01-80

A GIF picture of a CDC supercomputer
cdvi12.zip            Size:     204,503         Date: 09-22-96

Sullivan- TEX previewer v1.2 (5 adapt)
chgen.zip             Size:      10,843         Date: 09-22-96

Make any size charactor on the screen
chgle10.zip           Size:     954,174         Date: 09-22-96

Label graph created with GLE in Chinese char.
chiaro10.zip          Size:     123,979         Date: 09-22-96

Chiaro Suite of image utilities release 1.0
cinema10.zip          Size:      44,012         Date: 09-22-96

Multi-format graphics slide show pgm w/drivers
clrwiz10.zip          Size:     635,615         Date: 09-22-96

THE COLOR WIZARD V1.0 1-Apr-94 is more than just another coloring book: it tells stories and teaches art lessons too! Choose from over 700 different colors. Learn about perspective, color, value, light, reflections, and shadows. Includes 4 books to color: Dinosaurs, Sharks, Aesop's Fables, and Rapunzel. Requires VGA and Mouse. Soundblaster supported. ImagiSOFT, Inc.
cmpeg10.zip           Size:      35,924         Date: 09-22-96

CMPEG v1.0 MPEG Encoder for PC. DOS program to convert .PPM, .TGA, and .RAW image files into a standard MPEG movie sequence. Freeware
colorfb.zip           Size:      29,017         Date: 09-22-96

View and select COLOR F B Combinations
colors.zip            Size:       7,607         Date: 09-22-96

A VGA colors thing. Very good
conv120.zip           Size:       8,653         Date: 09-22-96

Convert MacPaint *.PIC into Windows Paint *.P
cosmos.zip            Size:      98,414         Date: 09-22-96

Good Planetary simulation
cosmos12.zip          Size:     146,715         Date: 09-22-96

Planetarium simulation program
crystal.zip           Size:      31,383         Date: 09-22-96

View crystals with rotation & movies
cshow6.zip            Size:      50,798         Date: 09-22-96

Gif file decoder (screen pictures)
cshow850.zip          Size:     138,682         Date: 09-22-96

Graphics viewer - GIF, etc.
cshow860.zip          Size:     166,600         Date: 09-22-96

CompuServe GIF viewers updated version
cylon.zip             Size:       2,459         Date: 09-22-96

A really unique cursor for CGA EGA
daynite.zip           Size:      60,215         Date: 09-22-96

Shows The movement of the sun on map
daze42.zip            Size:     118,454         Date: 09-22-96

EGA/VGA Keleidoscope. Great colors & patterns
dazle41.zip           Size:      98,048         Date: 09-22-96

Dazzle V41 Kilidoscope EGA VGA
dazzle.zip            Size:      24,144         Date: 09-22-96

A VGA screen thingie
dbwrendr.zip          Size:     247,549         Date: 09-22-96

Ray tracing graphics pgm. v1.02 (MCGA/VGA req)
dcview21.zip          Size:     250,449         Date: 09-22-96

ColorView v. 2.1 for DOS 2.x, 3.x, 5.x High Speed JPEG/JFIF, GIF, BMP Viewer, Converter, and Image Editor. Graphical User Interface with VESA compliant display. Batch file conversions in Text mode. JPEG Is A Highly Compressed 24 Bit "True Color" Picture File Format Which Has More Colors And A Smaller File Size Than GIF Files. HSV and Gamma correction. [Association of Shareware Professionals]
disp130.zip           Size:     261,781         Date: 09-22-96

Display/Convert images w/ different formats
dmorf11.zip           Size:     275,866         Date: 09-22-96

Dave's Morphing Program v1.1 Operates on a pair of TGA, GIF, or IMG images to create a sequence of TGA files of the morphed input images. Freeware
dmpeg11.zip           Size:      30,261         Date: 09-22-96

DMPEG v1.1 MPEG Decoder. DOS program to view MPEG image sequence. Freeware
dots151.zip           Size:     239,314         Date: 09-22-96

Interactive 3D vector graphics
drawfn3d.zip          Size:      75,903         Date: 09-22-96

Display 3D parametric surfaces, part of IRIT
drawfn3s.zip          Size:      68,491         Date: 09-22-96

Turbo C ver 2.0 sources for DRAWFN3D
drawfunc.zip          Size:      65,133         Date: 09-22-96

Display 2D parametric functions, part of IRIT
drawfuns.zip          Size:      52,361         Date: 09-22-96

Turbo C ver 2.0 sources for DRAWFUNC
dta207.zip            Size:     164,166         Date: 09-22-96

Dave's TGA Animation Program v2.0.7 Converts TGA, GIF, IMG, or PCX image file sequence into FLI or FLC animation file. Many features and post processing options.
dtp25614.zip          Size:     309,908         Date: 09-22-96

Desk Top Paint 256 v1.4: SVGA/Mouse paint pgm
esc.zip               Size:       8,498         Date: 09-22-96

Text about the escape codes for ANSI.SYS
et3bgi11.zip          Size:       8,043         Date: 09-22-96

BGI driver v1.01 for Tseng ET3000 SVGA cards
evolve10.zip          Size:      47,976         Date: 09-22-96

Evolution simulation-for all graph. card
ex-graph.zip          Size:     152,271         Date: 09-22-96

Graphs for CGA, EGA, and epson printers
expls122.zip          Size:      15,202         Date: 09-22-96

Screen Saver - Shows Fireworks Display
fastm301.zip          Size:     148,141         Date: 09-22-96

Alternative to windows disk 1 of 3
fastm302.zip          Size:     155,735         Date: 09-22-96

Alternative to windows disk 2 of 3
fastm303.zip          Size:     106,589         Date: 09-22-96

Alternative to windows disk 3 of 3
fc200d.zip            Size:      34,134         Date: 09-22-96

Latest ver Fansi Console (w/o doc file)
fcon2doc.zip          Size:      95,698         Date: 09-22-96

FansiConsole documentation. Great screen driv
fdesi313.zip          Size:     257,883         Date: 09-22-96

IFS fractal program w/C src, v3.08 and v3.13
fgdemo10.zip          Size:      98,737         Date: 09-22-96

Fastgraph GUI demo. See FGL105A & B & C ZIP
fgl110a.zip           Size:     126,022         Date: 09-22-96

Fastgraph/Light graphics library v1.10 (1/3) High-performance graphics library for BC++, TC, TC++, MSC, QuickC, Power C, QB, MS FTN, and Turbo Pascal. Over 140 routines, from pixel display to animation tools. 22 video modes, mouse and joystick, sound effects.
fgl110b.zip           Size:     184,760         Date: 09-22-96

Documentation for Fastgraph libraries
fingrvga.zip          Size:     170,690         Date: 09-22-96

FingerVGA v1.0: 256 color VGA paint program
flilib.zip            Size:      99,527         Date: 09-22-96

FLI graphics image manipulation library/player
flxpl101.zip          Size:      26,098         Date: 09-22-96

Shows FLI & FLC (320x200x256) animation files
fontedit.lzh          Size:      15,528         Date: 05-04-92

Allows full editing of EGA/VGA screen fonts and creation of new ones as loadable .COM files. Can edit at the pixel level.
fontedit.zip          Size:      40,642         Date: 09-22-96

Edit VGA text fonts interactively with mouse
forb01a.zip           Size:      91,132         Date: 09-22-96

Displays orbits of Mandelbrot mapping. C/E/VGA
fork2.gif             Size:     233,472         Date: 02-28-93

Forkli.ZIP downloaded from this BBS and rendered in RENDERIZE by VISUAL SOFTWARE. I bought Renderize for $100 on a dealer test basis, and would not have been unhappy with it at full price. Easy to use.
fracs181.zip          Size:     869,776         Date: 09-22-96

FRACTINT v18.1 fractal art generation and display for DOS C and ASM source code. Includes object files for ASM. See FRACT181.ZIP for executable.
fract181.zip          Size:     484,128         Date: 09-22-96

FRACTINT v18.1 fractal art generation and display program with support for large number of display types and fractal types. Best avail. for PC. DOS version. Freeware
fract30.zip           Size:      70,006         Date: 09-22-96

Mandelbrot/Julia set 2D/3D EGA/VGA Fractal Gen
fractfly.zip          Size:       9,015         Date: 09-22-96

Create Fractal flythroughs with FRACTINT
fractree.zip          Size:      46,660         Date: 09-22-96

Design and grow fractal trees in Windows 3.1
fraint18.zip          Size:     482,785         Date: 09-22-96

FRACTINT v18.0 fractal art generation and display program for DOS. Includes fractal inputs, documentation, and colormaps. Now includes 19 new fractal types. See FRASRC18.ZIP for C and ASM source code. Freeware
fraint19.zip          Size:     568,185         Date: 09-22-96

Fractint v19.0 Fractal art generation and display program for DOS. Supports large number of fractal types and display modes. Excellent freeware.
frasr172.zip          Size:     722,106         Date: 09-22-96

C & ASM src for FRACTINT v17.2 fractal gen.
frasrc18.zip          Size:     869,562         Date: 09-22-96

FRACTINT v18.0 fractal art generation and display program for DOS. C and ASM source code with object files for ASM. Includes support for TC, BC, MSC, and help file system. See FRAINT18.ZIP for Executable.
frasrc19.zip          Size:     972,850         Date: 09-22-96

Fractint v19.0 Fractal art generation and display for DOS C source code. Includes .OBJ for ASM files. See FRAINT19.ZIP for exectuable. Freeware
frcal040.zip          Size:     371,033         Date: 09-22-96

Fast fractal plotter, lets user edit formulae
frcaldmo.zip          Size:     334,389         Date: 09-22-96

800x600x256 demo images for FRCAL032.ZIP
frpor172.zip          Size:     729,917         Date: 09-22-96

Xfract-compatible Fractint 17.2 source
fscape.zip            Size:      39,598         Date: 09-22-96

Fractal landscapes for MCGA - nice
fuzzy.zip             Size:      46,452         Date: 09-22-96

Fuzzy Logic Fractals 640x480x16. Fractals based on fuzzy logic from ideas in Feb '93 Scientific American with C source code.
f_land13.zip          Size:      10,460         Date: 09-22-96

Fractal landscape generator w/3D viewing (VGA)
gcolor.zip            Size:       4,057         Date: 09-22-96

Graphics mode color changer
gemsv.zip             Size:     279,616         Date: 09-22-96

Graphic Gems V source code. Source code for the book Graphic Gems V with errata. Graphic techniques and operations.
gif2jpg2.zip          Size:     181,821         Date: 09-22-96

Convert GIF files to JPEG & JPEG files to GIF
giffie12.zip          Size:      43,550         Date: 09-22-96

Gif Viewer for VGA & VESA (640x480x256)
gifprgms.zip          Size:      95,518         Date: 09-22-96

Pascal routines for working w/ .GIFs
gifstd.zip            Size:      12,565         Date: 09-22-96

File format for GIF graphics files
gif_csrc.lzh          Size:      10,361         Date: 08-07-89

C source for GIF image compression
glformat.zip          Size:      12,314         Date: 09-22-96

Info: Grasp .GL,.PIC,.CLP,.FNT,.SET formats
gr.zip                Size:      33,532         Date: 09-22-96

Endless VGA line art - with C source
grafct30.zip          Size:     240,556         Date: 09-22-96

Catalog/print GIFs and other graphics
grafd10.zip           Size:      19,639         Date: 09-22-96

grafwk48.zip          Size:     263,829         Date: 09-22-96

Graphics Workshop Vers4.8 Great!
grafxlib.zip          Size:      38,269         Date: 09-22-96

MSC/TurboC routines CGA/EGA grafix, HALO comp
graph322.zip          Size:     304,789         Date: 09-22-96

Scientific graphics - executables and docs
graphics.zip          Size:     484,154         Date: 09-22-96

graphsrc.zip          Size:     101,910         Date: 09-22-96

GRAPH v3.21 scientific graphics, Turbo C src
grasp32c.zip          Size:      54,654         Date: 09-22-96

Grasp Art automation GL file viewer 3.2 Beta C
grfwk61t.zip          Size:     339,130         Date: 09-22-96

View/cvt/print MAC/IMG/GIF/TIFF/EPS graphics
grfwk61u.zip          Size:     396,937         Date: 09-22-96

Graphic Workshop - Gifs, Bitmaps, & more
grfwk61v.zip          Size:     349,831         Date: 09-22-96

Graphics Workshop v6.1v
grphca22.zip          Size:     234,062         Date: 09-22-96

Interactive scientific plotting program, v2.2
grphme10.zip          Size:     161,893         Date: 09-22-96

Simple-to-use 3-D graphing package, vers 1.0
gtar108s.zip          Size:     118,692         Date: 09-22-96

GNU Tar Version 1.08 C source code with Linux patch.
gv20.zip              Size:      26,362         Date: 09-22-96

GL-VIEW v2.0 - NOW FREEWARE (C) COPYRIGHT JULY 1993 GL-VIEW is the original shell for viewing ".GL". It will read the first 999 ".GL" in the selected path. NEW, change the overall look, support mouse,tag/untag files, better configuration file.
gwswin.exe            Size:   1,252,352         Date: 08-19-95

graphic workshop for windows ver 1.1r
hercturb.zip          Size:      33,893         Date: 09-22-96

Turb Pascal routines for Hercules video
hgrpcx10.zip          Size:      27,634         Date: 09-22-96

Convert Apple// HGR image to IBM PCX format
hilbert.zip           Size:      16,994         Date: 09-22-96

Hilbert curves w/ *.PAS for Hercules
horse.zip             Size:      13,021         Date: 09-22-96

Moving Hores Icon For Windows 3
hsa_grf.zip           Size:      89,494         Date: 09-22-96

HSA_Graf v1.12 C graphics f/ Herc,CGA,VGA,EG
hubble.gif            Size:      35,840         Date: 06-20-90

First picture from the Space Telescope
hv12.zip              Size:     280,909         Date: 09-22-96

Hiview: JPEG/GIF/TGA viewer, req. 386+, VCPI
hyper.zip             Size:       7,936         Date: 09-22-96

Animates a 4-D hypercube
i3d_demo.exe          Size:     113,400         Date: 08-16-93

I3D is a tool kit that provides a high speed, texture mapped, 3D virtual environment. I3D can be used to create MS-DOS or MS Windows applications.
iegeom21.zip          Size:      89,411         Date: 09-22-96

IE Geometry library v2.1 - basic 3D geometry manipulation C library and tools. Creates .PLG file format for Rend386 to render. Freeware
ifse100.zip           Size:     126,863         Date: 09-22-96

ImgFun Ver.1.00 *ASP*:Image Enhancement and compression utility. Powerful SVGA viewers for GIF, PCX, BMP and JPEG file. Fast JPEG compression to reduce gifs to a fraction. Instant ZOOM and scroll images on the screen. Adjust colors, brightness, contrast and cut area of images ALL INSTANTLY. Lean and fast: 286, 512k, VGA or SVGA Best GIF companion!!! Try to believe it!!!
image3eg.zip          Size:     132,306         Date: 09-22-96

3D wire graphics drawing. EGA and CGA
imdisp77.zip          Size:     327,733         Date: 09-22-96

Latest version(7.7) of Imdisp-Image Display Program from NSSDC
improc41.zip          Size:     331,519         Date: 09-22-96

* Version 4.1 of IMPROCES - The best * * shareware 256 Color Image Processor * * and paint program available. VGA and * * Mouse Req. Edit and enhance GIF, * * PCX, TGA, PRF images. Edit up to * * five images at one time. Over 40 * * fonts! SVGA to 1024x768x256 * * supported. Sprite animator! Tons of * * image processing filters. Paint * * tools, palette editor, color cycling * * and Plasma! Shareware:$25 *
info15.zip            Size:       7,416         Date: 09-22-96

intrlib1.zip          Size:      98,534         Date: 09-22-96

IRIT Interaction library 1.0. BC++, DJGPP
irit.zip              Size:     118,584         Date: 09-22-96

Polygonal CSG solid modeling program
irit386e.zip          Size:     494,306         Date: 09-22-96

IRIT 3.0 EXEs for 386/486 using DJGPP 1.05
iritsm3e.zip          Size:     541,324         Date: 09-22-96

IRIT 3.0 executables using BC++ 3.0
iritsm3s.zip          Size:     636,425         Date: 09-22-96

IRIT 3.0 solid modeler src for BC++/DJGPP/Unix
is16c.zip             Size:      31,978         Date: 09-22-96

Integrated Svga 16 color bgi for TC ++
is16p.zip             Size:      24,552         Date: 09-22-96

Integrated Svga 16 color bgi for TPas
is256c.zip            Size:      18,877         Date: 09-22-96

Integrated Svga 256 color bgi for TC ++
is256p.zip            Size:      24,910         Date: 09-22-96

Integrated Svga 256 color bgi for TPas
iterant.zip           Size:      40,894         Date: 09-22-96

Makes bifurcation graphical plots, w/QB4.5 src
iw2gif.zip            Size:       9,691         Date: 09-22-96

Convert Imagewise pictures to GIF format
joypaint.zip          Size:      42,841         Date: 09-22-96

A painting program using your joystick
jpeg4.zip             Size:      96,811         Date: 09-22-96

Converts JPEG images to/from GIF,Targa,PPM/PGM
jpeg4386.zip          Size:     188,454         Date: 09-22-96

Faster JPEG4.ZIP for 386 + 1.5Mb extended mem
jpegsrc4.zip          Size:     359,962         Date: 09-22-96

Source code for JPEG compression/decompression
jpg5ap.zip            Size:     227,456         Date: 09-22-96

Independent JPEG Groups protected mode executables v5a. Compress and decompress JPG formated image files. Freeware
jpg5ar.zip            Size:     132,523         Date: 09-22-96

Independent JPEG Group's real mode executables v5a. Compress and decompress JPG image file format. Freeware
jpgs5a.zip            Size:     576,269         Date: 09-22-96

Independent JPEG Group's image compression and decompression library C source code with support files for many machine/OS types. Include source code for sample applications.
jplot.zip             Size:      17,632         Date: 09-22-96

X-Y curve plot. You define the plotter
jupit_io.gif          Size:      59,392         Date: 04-08-92

NASA actual picture of Jupiter and IO BW - not color enhanced. (300x300x256)
kaotix23.zip          Size:      44,551         Date: 09-22-96

Interactive fractal generator - mouse.
kc-pal.zip            Size:      21,472         Date: 09-22-96

Ega Palette setter
loon.zip              Size:      43,452         Date: 09-22-96

makamess.zip          Size:     419,701         Date: 09-22-96

VGA graphical message maker/presenter. Req 386
mandelbr.zip          Size:      35,766         Date: 09-22-96

Mandelbrot's Set plotter, requires EGA or VGA
mandla17.zip          Size:      26,473         Date: 09-22-96

EGA/VGA VonKoch fractal and Hopalong images
mandzoom.zip          Size:      63,030         Date: 09-22-96

Popular mini-supercomputer demo for PC
mand_exp.zip          Size:     103,720         Date: 09-22-96

Mandelbrot set explorer, ver 2.0
mapmaker.zip          Size:     128,591         Date: 09-22-96

Create your own maps with color graphics
mathplot.zip          Size:      95,334         Date: 09-22-96

MATHPLOT - Math function plotting system
mbs.zip               Size:      49,348         Date: 09-22-96

Images from the Mandelbrot Set
mcdt101.zip           Size:      53,994         Date: 09-22-96

Mouse Cursor Design Tools--Designs mouse cursors and generates "C" source for use in your applications--Nice!
metademo.zip          Size:     159,521         Date: 09-22-96

METAWINDOW library demo
mfract.zip            Size:       7,312         Date: 09-22-96

Generates fractal maps on CGA
mge201a.zip           Size:     274,735         Date: 09-22-96

The Microstar Graphics editor is a drawing program similar to CorelDraw that uses the standard NAPLPS format for it's saved drawings. NAPLPS is a compact format that is VERY efficient to transmit via modem and decode on the fly with appropriate terminal software like PP3, CTLINK, Teledraw.
mind-1.zip            Size:     180,696         Date: 09-22-96

Mind over matter graphing utility disk 1of2
mind-2.zip            Size:     117,489         Date: 09-22-96

mindim20.zip          Size:     300,384         Date: 09-22-96

Random Dot Sterogram viewer. VGA required
mm30.zip              Size:     109,562         Date: 09-22-96

Draws Mandelbrots and Julia Sets, CGA/EGA/VGA
mvgavu51.zip          Size:     117,326         Date: 09-22-96

GIF & BLD/PLT viewer w/GIF slideshow (req VGA)
nalpanml.zip          Size:      33,936         Date: 09-22-96

Sample NAPLPS drawings of animals
napico11.zip          Size:      37,428         Date: 09-22-96

NAPICO version 1.1 will take a specially prepared NAPLPS drawing and insert Windows 3 icons into it as NAPLPS bitmaps. Includes sample images.
naplps.zip            Size:      49,054         Date: 09-22-96

Complete technical specs for NAPLPS protocol
newfont3.zip          Size:      16,436         Date: 09-22-96

Fonts for the EGA
nnans193.zip          Size:      69,136         Date: 09-22-96

Enhanced/fast ANSI.SYS driver/tsr with source
nocolor.zip           Size:       2,961         Date: 09-22-96

Sets color monitor to monochrome
okf204.zip            Size:      77,820         Date: 09-22-96

Very impressive paint prog. w/ Lotus menus
okf220.zip            Size:     243,863         Date: 09-22-96

Optiks 2.20, graphic viewer, converter, editor
oort10.zip            Size:     252,852         Date: 09-22-96

OORT v1.0 C++ library source code for ray tracing. Implements a variety of objects (polygons, planes, rings, spheres, quadratics, CSG, algebratics), solid and procedural textures, inverse mappings (sphere, cylinder, circle, cone, quadrilateral), antialising, blurry shadows, refelction and transmission. Freeware
ooze.zip              Size:      15,713         Date: 09-22-96

os2gif.zip            Size:      26,572         Date: 09-22-96

Display GIF Files in OS 2
pa.zip                Size:      92,813         Date: 09-22-96

Painter's Apprentice, a bitmap editor
paint.zip             Size:       4,496         Date: 09-22-96

File format for PC-Paintbrush PCX files
par256.zip            Size:      14,719         Date: 09-22-96

Super VGA Borland driver for Paradise boards
paradise.zip          Size:      39,222         Date: 09-22-96

800x600 Paradise VGA driver for v3.0
pc-chart.zip          Size:     111,872         Date: 09-22-96

Produce charts from PC-File or PC-Calc
pckd-1.zip            Size:     147,700         Date: 09-22-96

pckd-2.zip            Size:      74,362         Date: 09-22-96

pckd-3.zip            Size:     111,438         Date: 09-22-96

pckd-4.zip            Size:     127,011         Date: 09-22-96

pcxdmp80.zip          Size:     121,815         Date: 09-22-96

PCXDUMP v8.00 - THE screen capture program. The only shareware screen grabber that supports 1,2,4,8,15,16 and 24 bit video modes. Will grab almost any tweaked mode. Extensive SuperVGA support (also HiColor). Menu based installation with MANY options. A fast PCX viewer/converter/manipulation program is also included in this archive.
photo11.zip           Size:     248,956         Date: 09-22-96

Two-dimensional photogrammetry program. This is an update of PHOTO10.zip. Thanks!!!
photo12.zip           Size:     279,090         Date: 09-22-96

PHOTO12.ZIP is update of PHOTO11.ZIP a two-dimensional photogrammetry shareware program.
picem31b.zip          Size:      97,970         Date: 09-22-96

PICEM v3.1b Image file viewer/converter. Displays PCX, GIF, PIC, TGA, and saves BAS, PIC, GIF, PCX, and IMG file formats. Features support for all SVGA modes and most Hicolor modes, adjust brightness and contrast, positioning, scale to screen, and slideshow timing, screen clearing. Uses EMS/XMS and disk swapping for fast displays. Freeware
piclab15.zip          Size:      80,251         Date: 09-22-96

Manipulate color-mapped true color imags
piclabel.zip          Size:      85,965         Date: 09-22-96

Labels using PS or PM Graphics
piclb191.zip          Size:     170,143         Date: 09-22-96

24-bit disp.-independent graphics manipulation
piclb192.zip          Size:     182,119         Date: 09-22-96

PICLAB 1.92, DOS-based image processing program. Reads and writes GIF and TGA files, and performs area and point processes on images. By Lee Daniel Crocker and the Stone Soup Group.
piclb193.zip          Size:     182,401         Date: 09-22-96

PICLAB 1.93, DOS-based image processing program. Reads and writes GIF and TGA files, and performs area and point processes on images. By Lee Daniel Crocker and the Stone Soup Group.
pic_tc.zip            Size:      85,319         Date: 09-22-96

TC function lib makes Lotus123-type PIC graphs
plsrc193.zip          Size:     125,352         Date: 09-22-96

PICLAB 1.93 source code. Piclab is a DOS-based image processing program. C and ASM source written for Microsoft C and MASM. By Lee Daniel Crocker and the Stone Soup Group.
ply287.zip            Size:     236,415         Date: 09-22-96

POLYRAY v1.6a an algebraic input raytracer program with extensive modeling primatives and comprehensive renderer. 286/287 executables.
ply386.zip            Size:     192,730         Date: 09-22-96

POLYRAY v1.6a an algebraic input raytracer program with extensive set of modeling primatives and comprehensive renderer. Exexcutables with DOS extender.
plydat.zip            Size:     253,131         Date: 09-22-96

PLOYRAY v1.6a an algebraic input raytracer program with extensive set of modeling primatives and comprehensive renderer. Data and include files. Many examples including animation.
plydoc.zip            Size:      82,674         Date: 09-22-96

POLYRAY v1.6a an algebraic input raytracing program with extensive set of modeling primatives and comprehensive renderer. By Alexander Enzmann, Shareware. Documentation files.
plyexe.zip            Size:     163,093         Date: 09-22-96

POLYRAY v1.6a an algebraic input raytracer program with extensive set of modeling primatives and comprehensive renderer. Executables.
postogrf.zip          Size:     122,816         Date: 09-22-96

Add labels to GRAPHPS or GRAPHLI output
povibm22.zip          Size:     235,512         Date: 09-22-96

This is the executable IBM program for the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer POV-Ray version 2.2. It also includes machine specific documentation for IBM PC systems.
povsrc22.zip          Size:     426,236         Date: 09-22-96

This is the source code in highly portible C for the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer POV-Ray version 2.2. It also include machine specific source for all platforms except Macintosh. (Mac users see POVSRC.SEA) Create your own \POVRAY2 directory and un-zip this file using the -d option to insure that the proper sub-directories are created. Other files are needed. See POVINF.DOC from this library for more information.
pp111.zip             Size:      85,475         Date: 09-22-96

PRECISE POINT v1.11 - Graphical Mouse Driver. Installs as a dos TSR utility. Transforms the text mode block mouse cursor into a smooth moving graphical pointer. Works with EGA/VGA text mode applications. Now UltraVision compatible. By Andy Hakim.
pp3217a.zip           Size:     234,001         Date: 09-22-96

This is Personality Plus III, a NAPLPS terminal program that can be used on its own or in conjunction with another program such as Telix, etc. It gives the user full colour, realtime on-line graphics when calling a BBS supporting NAPLPS.
prbgi097.zip          Size:     336,098         Date: 09-22-96

BGI driver for dot matrix & laserjet printers
prism.zip             Size:      59,652         Date: 09-22-96

protoega.zip          Size:      65,494         Date: 09-22-96

Demo of PEGA, EGA prgmr's tools in C
psp30.zip             Size:   1,409,947         Date: 09-22-96

Paint Shop Pro v3.0 The complete windows graphics program for image creation, viewing, and manipulation. Features include painting with 8 brushes, photo retouching, image enhancement and editing, color enhancement, image browser, batch conversion, and scanner support. Included are 20 standard filters and 12 deformations. Supports plug-in filters. Over 30 file formats supported. Winner SIA & ZiffNet awards. From JASC, Inc.
psp311.zip            Size:   1,935,622         Date: 09-22-96

Paint Shop Pro v3.11 The complete windows graphics program for image creation, viewing, and manipulation. Features include painting with 8 brushes, photo retouching, image enhancement and editing, color enhancement, image browser, batch conversion, and scanner support. Included are 20 standard filters and 12 deformations. Supports plug-in filters. Over 34 file formats supported. Winner SIA & ZiffNet awards. From JASC, Inc.
qlibgv.zip            Size:      30,824         Date: 09-22-96

Very fast TurboC video functions
qruler21.zip          Size:      16,258         Date: 09-22-96

Memory resident ruler bar
qscr20.zip            Size:      61,051         Date: 09-22-96

rad386.zip            Size:     389,908         Date: 09-22-96

Radiance radiosity program for 386 machines
rr.zip                Size:     336,623         Date: 09-22-96

Fractals generator program.
rtag11.zip            Size:      82,197         Date: 09-22-96

RTAG v1.1 - Ray Tracing Animation Generator. RTAG accepts commands written in its animation control language and generates the necessary files to cause ray tracing programs like POV-Ray or Polyray to generate the sequence of frames. The language provides full arithmetic expressions, looping control and spline path generation. Using RTAG you can create animations with accelerations and object interactions.
rtnews.zip            Size:     549,987         Date: 09-22-96

Complete set of Ray-Tracing newsletters
rtrac800.zip          Size:     905,852         Date: 09-22-96

Antonio Costa's Ray Tracer v8.0.0, 1 of 3
rtsrc800.zip          Size:     408,530         Date: 09-22-96

Sources to RTRACE800 and utilities, 2 of 3
scnsh2.zip            Size:      51,036         Date: 09-22-96

UltraVision-aware text/graphics scrn capture, captures scrns to ASCII or PCX files, converts text scrns to PCX files, redisplays scrns in manual/timed shows, prints scrns to HPLJ or Epson dot-matrix printers. User-supp, $35, upl by author
scrlit16.zip          Size:      39,302         Date: 09-22-96

SCROLLit v1.6 Scrollback buffer utility. Lets you scroll back, in full color, through lines of text that have scrolled off the top of the screen. Features searching, block-writing, 43/50 line mode, and XMS/EMS support. Compression is used to squeeze more than twice the number of lines into the available buffer space. Desqview aware. A 9k TSR.
scrncom.zip           Size:      47,840         Date: 09-22-96

Grasp a screen and make it a COM file
scroll.zip            Size:       6,723         Date: 09-22-96

CRT scroller with dump to a file
sel605.zip            Size:      24,483         Date: 09-22-96

Batch utility to select screen colors
show_pcx.zip          Size:      16,425         Date: 09-22-96

slide show for .pcx
simgraff.zip          Size:      22,452         Date: 09-22-96

Graphics library for MicroSoft languages
sincga40.zip          Size:      13,227         Date: 09-22-96

cga on a herc latest version
slides.zip            Size:      63,722         Date: 09-22-96

Create slides and transparencies
spdcrt.zip            Size:       8,285         Date: 09-22-96

EGA speed-up program
ss3.zip               Size:       6,394         Date: 09-22-96

Good screen saver program
starfl12.zip          Size:     143,371         Date: 09-22-96

STARFLIC version 1.20 Grapics viewer for flick animations. From TRIUS
sugar2.zip            Size:      44,686         Date: 09-22-96

New VGA v. w enhancements. Free.
surfmod1.zip          Size:     172,757         Date: 09-22-96

Surface modeling program 1of3
surfmod2.zip          Size:     155,983         Date: 09-22-96

\ 2of3
surfmod3.zip          Size:      83,007         Date: 09-22-96

\_____________________ 3of3
svgabg40.zip          Size:     127,420         Date: 09-22-96

SuperVGA & TweakedVGA BGI drivers, release 4.0
svgabgi.zip           Size:       8,278         Date: 09-22-96

Super VGA BGI driver for Borland Languag
svgakt31.zip          Size:     296,540         Date: 09-22-96

SuperVGA test kit lib. Supports most SuperVGAs
tbw50.zip             Size:      12,830         Date: 09-22-96

Turbo Basic Window toolbox
tbwind30.zip          Size:      19,292         Date: 09-22-96

tcega.zip             Size:      38,368         Date: 09-22-96

TurboC functions for the EGA video
tcgraph.zip           Size:      11,197         Date: 09-22-96

tcwind16.zip          Size:      82,155         Date: 09-22-96

TurboC window toolbox w/ demos
tdraw461.zip          Size:     289,685         Date: 09-22-96

THEDRAW SCREEN EDITOR VERSION 4.61 - (03/93) A text-oriented screen design tool. Similar is some regards to a graphics paint program. Offers multiple page SPRITE editing, powerful Ansi ANIMATION support, Ansi/Ascii FONTS, pulldown menus, full mouse support & online help. Saves files for ANSI, ASCII, AVATAR, PCBOARD, WILDCAT, COM, BINARY, BSAVE, OBJECT (C/Pascal/QuickBasic), and source code in Asm Pascal and C formats. Registr: $22-$25
teapot.zip            Size:      20,335         Date: 09-22-96

3-D demo with rotation for EGA
tec256.zip            Size:      15,812         Date: 09-22-96

Super VGA Borland driver for Techmar boards
thumbs.zip            Size:     327,155         Date: 09-22-96

ThumbsUp v1.3d Copyright 1993-1994, Cerious Software. All Rights Reserved. ThumbsUp is a graphics image and clip-art browsing and catalog program which provides extensive viewing, thumbnailing, printing and file organization. It supports BMP, DIB, RLE, WMF, JPG (jfif), ICO, TTF, PCX and GIF files internally, and can use MS graphics import filters to also handle CGM, TIF, DXF, DRW, HGL, EPS and many more.
tiff.zip              Size:      22,801         Date: 09-22-96

File format for TIFF graphics files
tpaint.zip            Size:     116,807         Date: 09-22-96

TurboPaint shareware version of PCpaint
tpega.zip             Size:      47,933         Date: 09-22-96

TurboPascal tools for the EGA video
turbocgr.zip          Size:       7,015         Date: 09-22-96

Graphics routines for TurboC
turshow6.zip          Size:      71,870         Date: 09-22-96

TurShow v1.0 NAPLPS Viewer for DOS This program views NAPLPS frames from the DOS command line, and will work with CGA, EGA or VGA cards. A must have for NAPLPS users.
twiddle.zip           Size:      27,199         Date: 09-22-96

EGA VGA screen saver
t_enhanc.zip          Size:      92,014         Date: 09-22-96

Great TurbPas video and editing tool box
uranus.gif            Size:     119,808         Date: 12-31-89

640x480x256 grey Voyager view of planet
uvesa31.zip           Size:      22,168         Date: 09-22-96

Universal VESA TSR for most SuperVGA cards
vesa24_2.zip          Size:      39,064         Date: 09-22-96

VESA graphics tools for Hi-color & 24 bit
vesadrv2.zip          Size:      81,681         Date: 09-22-96

VESA TSR graphics drivers. For DCVIEW21.ZIP
vesa_ati.zip          Size:       5,469         Date: 09-22-96

Ati Vga Wonder SuperVGA VESA driver
vesa_tsr.zip          Size:     214,073         Date: 09-22-96

TSR drivers for VESA SuperVGA graphics std.
vga-mdl.zip           Size:      22,454         Date: 09-22-96

Mandelbrot for cga,ega,& vga graphics
vga.lst               Size:      11,520         Date: 06-28-88

A discussion of VGA boards w/ prices, stats
vgacad25.zip          Size:     303,740         Date: 09-22-96

Edit and colorize digitized images (VGA req)
vgadoc2.zip           Size:     134,950         Date: 09-22-96

Documentation on how to program SuperVGA disp.
vgakit52.zip          Size:      58,834         Date: 09-22-96

VGAKIT 5.2b, programmer's toolkit for SVGA/VGA
vgakit60.zip          Size:      84,454         Date: 09-22-96

VGA KIT v6.0 ASM routines to support programming vga/svga displays by John Bridges. Freeware, and includes .obj files and example programs.
vgamagic.zip          Size:      41,023         Date: 09-22-96

VGA graphics Kaleidoscope and line drawing
vid256.zip            Size:      15,502         Date: 09-22-96

Super VGA Borland driver for Video 7 boards
vifs.zip              Size:     210,084         Date: 09-22-96

Fractal editor/generate views from desc. files
vio.lzh               Size:      24,697         Date: 08-07-89

source from "IBM Video" book from Msoft Press
virtual.zip           Size:     108,771         Date: 09-22-96

An excellent interactive simualation and demonstration of virtual reality.
vivid.zip             Size:     146,989         Date: 09-22-96

nice (slow) ray tracing program. good example
vmi-util.zip          Size:      19,620         Date: 09-22-96

Post mono screens on VMI 1024 screen et
vmpeg11.zip           Size:      79,048         Date: 09-22-96

VMPEG v1.1 MPEG Player for DOS. View MPEG image sequence. Includes GO32 DOS extender for fast playing. Freeware
vort212.zip           Size:     534,083         Date: 09-22-96

VORT image rendering/ray-tracing package
vpic33.zip            Size:      88,904         Date: 09-22-96

Viewer for GIF and other graphics files
vpic50.zip            Size:     136,400         Date: 09-22-96

Picture viewer for .PIC and .GIF formats
vreal.zip             Size:     102,572         Date: 09-22-96

AMAZING Virtual Reality Demo - 1st Person Perspective - Shades of the Future
vx38613.zip           Size:     149,473         Date: 09-22-96

32bit DOS GIF/JPEG/TARGA viewer for SS24X
wc2pov20.zip          Size:     360,642         Date: 09-22-96

Convert 3DS and other formated files to POV 2.0 formant. Program WCVT2POV, and SNOW for Windows 3.x. Import &export .obj, .nff, .tpo, .raw, dxf. Import .geo. Export .pov Freeware
whatpic2.zip          Size:      16,398         Date: 09-22-96

Gives specs of graphic files GIF,JPEG,BMP&more
windowtc.zip          Size:      80,748         Date: 09-22-96

Another great TurboC window toolbox
worldx.zip            Size:     106,402         Date: 09-22-96

an EXCELLENT view the world prg!!!!!!
wpdraw35.zip          Size:      42,442         Date: 09-22-96

View/browse WordPerfect 5.x graphics (*.WPG)
yabmp097.zip          Size:     232,134         Date: 09-22-96

Mandelbrot and Julia pgm, requires 386/387/VGA
youart.zip            Size:      80,456         Date: 09-22-96

Your Art (Low Res Graphics program)
zeno3.zip             Size:       8,292         Date: 09-22-96

faster screen writes with pc compatibles

Copyright ©1997 Walnut Creek CDROM