Const Generic

abs Number Values - in example with def, Camera Common Properties, Operators, and Methods - in example, Scripted Geometry Plug-ins - in example, Scripted Shape Plug-ins - in example, Scripted SimpleObject Plug-ins - in example, The Return Expression - in example, Time Values

addMultiplierCurve Controller Ease and Multiplier Curve Functions - in example with def

addNewNoteKey MAXNoteKeyArray Values - in example MAXNoteKeyArray_Value, MAXNoteKey Values - in example MAXNoteKey_Values, Working with Note Tracks- in example Working_with_Note_Tracks

addPluginRollouts Scripted Plug-in Methods Scripted_Plugin_Methods

AllowBlending PhyContextExport Values


appendCurve NURBS1RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBS2RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSMultiCurveTrimSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSULoftSurface : NURBSSurface,

appendCurveByID NURBS1RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBS2RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSMultiCurveTrimSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSULoftSurface : NURBSSurface

appendGizmo Atmospheric Effects Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Working with Atmospherics - example

appendObject Modifying Existing NURBS Objects, Creating New NURBS Objects - in example, NURBSSet : Value

appendUCurve NURBSUVLoftSurface : NURBSSurface

appendUCurveByID NURBSUVLoftSurface : NURBSSurface

appendVCurve NURBSUVLoftSurface : NURBSSurface

appendVCurveByID NURBSUVLoftSurface : NURBSSurface

applyEaseCurve Controller Ease and Multiplier Curve Functions - in example with def


buildTVFaces Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Working with Editable Meshes û in example

buildVCFaces Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

canConvertTo Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, NURBS Node Properties and Methods



clearAllAppData Access to MAXWrapper AppData


clearProdTess NURBSSet : Value, NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

clearViewTess NURBSSet : Value, NURBSSurface : NURBSObject


closeU NURBSCVSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSPointSurface : NURBSSurface

closeV NURBSCVSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSPointSurface : NURBSSurface

collapseface Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value


Conjugate Quat Values


ConvertToRigid PhyContextExport Values

createInstance MAXWrapper Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Scripted Manipulator- in example, Scripted Manipulators - in example, Scripted SimpleObject Plug-ins - in example with def

crop bgndRenderElement - superclass: MAXObject - in example, BitmapTex fnReload and fnCrop, bitmapTex interfaces: - in example, BitmapTexture : TextureMap


defaultVCFaces Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

deleteAppData Access to MAXWrapper AppData

deleteface Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

deleteGizmo Atmospheric Effect Types


deleteKey Attachment : PositionController, Biped Keys, Controller Key Functions, MAXKeyArray Values

deleteMultiplierCurve Controller Ease and Multiplier Curve Functions

deleteNoteKey MAXNoteKeyArray Values, Working with Note Tracks - in example

deleteNoteKeys MAXNoteKeyArray Values, Working with Note Tracks - in example

deleteObjects NURBSSet : Value


deletevert Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

deselectKey Controller Key Functions



disconnect Interface: paramWire - in example

displacementToPreset Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value






evalPos NURBSCurve : NURBSObject, NURBSSurface : NURBSObject,

evalTangent NURBSCurve : NURBSObject

evalUTangent NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

evalVTangent NURBSSurface : NURBSObject


exp Number Values, Mathematical Operations in MAXScript, Quat Values - in example with def

exprForMAXObject Mesher - superclass: GeometryClass

extrudeface Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Scripted SimpleObject Plug-ins

filepos FileStream Values, StringStream Values



findString String Values, Function Parameters, Pickbutton

flagChanged XRefScene Values

flush FileStream Values, StringStream Values, Turning On the Listener Log

getAfterORT Controller Out-Of-Range Functions Controller_Key_Reducer

getAppData Access to MAXWrapper AppData

getBeforeORT Controller Out-Of-Range Functions

getChannel Bitmap Values

getChannelAsMask Bitmap Values, Scripted RenderEffect Plug-ins - in example

getCurve NURBS1RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBS2RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSULoftSurface : NURBSSurface

getCurveID NURBS1RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBS2RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSULoftSurface : NURBSSurface

getCurveStartPoint NURBS1RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBS2RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface

getCV NURBSControlVertex : NURBSObject, NURBSCVCurve : NURBSCurve, NURBSCVSurface : NURBSSurface

getDisplacementMapping Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

getEdge NURBSBlendSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSNBlendSurface : NURBSSurface

getEdgeVis Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

getface Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Working with Editable Meshes

getFaceMatID Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

getFaceNormal Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

getFaceSmoothGroup Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

getFlip NURBS1RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBS2RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSULoftSurface : NURBSSurface, path interfaces:, Path_Constraint interfaces:

getFlipTrim NURBSFilletSurface : NURBSSurface

getGenerateUVs NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

getGizmo Atmospheric Effects Common Properties, Operators, and Methods

getIndexedPixels Bitmap Values


getKeyIndex Controller Key Functions


getKnot NURBSCVCurve : NURBSCurve

getModContextBBoxMax Modifier Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Modifier Sub-Object Transform Properties, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods

getModContextBBoxMin Modifier Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Modifier Sub-Object Transform Properties, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Scripting Vertex and Control Point Animation

getModContextTM Modifier Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Modifier Sub-Object Transform Properties, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods

getMultiplierValue Controller Ease and Multiplier Curve Functions

GetNode Biped and Physique - in example

getnormal Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Scripted Manipulators

getNoteKeyIndex Notetrack Values

getNoteKeyTime MAXNoteKeyArray Values, Notetrack Values

getNumCPVVerts Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

getNumFaces Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

getNumTVerts Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

getNumVerts Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Patches

getObject Patches

GetOffsetVector Biped and Physique - in example

getParent NURBSBlendSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSFilletSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSMultiCurveTrimSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSNBlendSurface : NURBSSurface, Trackviews

getParentID NURBSBlendSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSFilletSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSMultiCurveTrimSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSNBlendSurface : NURBSSurface

getPixels Bitmap Files, Scripted RenderEffect Plug-ins

getPoint NURBSIndependentPoint : NURBSPoint, NURBSPointCurve : NURBSCurve, NURBSPointSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSTexturePoint : NURBSObject, NURBSTextureSurface : Value, Curve Control, Scripted Manipulators

getProdTess NURBSSet : Value, NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

getPropNames Class and Object Inspector Functions, Array Values ûin example, ActiveX Controls in MAXScript Rollouts, Scripted Manipulators ûin example

getRadius NURBSFilletSurface : NURBSSurface

getSeed NURBSFilletSurface : NURBSSurface

getSplitMesh Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

getSubAnim Indexed Access to Animatable Properties in 3ds max Objects

getSubAnimName Indexed Access to Animatable Properties in 3ds max Objects, Subanim Indexing Operator, [], on 3ds max Objects Now Takes Subanim Names

getSubAnimNames Indexed Access to Animatable Properties in 3ds max Objects, Subanim Indexing Operator, [], on 3ds max Objects Now Takes Subanim Names

getSubdivisionDisplacement Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

getTextureSurface NURBSSurface : NURBSObject, NURBSTextureSurface : Value

getTextureUVs NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

getTiling NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

getTilingOffset NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

getTimeRange Controller Time Functions


getTrimSurface NURBSFilletSurface : NURBSSurface

getTVert Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods ûin example

getTVFace Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods ûin example

getUCurve NURBSUVLoftSurface : NURBSSurface

getUCurveID NURBSUVLoftSurface : NURBSSurface

getUKnot NURBSCVSurface : NURBSSurface

getVCFace Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

getVCurve NURBSUVLoftSurface : NURBSSurface

getVCurveID NURBSUVLoftSurface : NURBSSurface

getVert Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Patches, Script Controllers ûin example

getvertcolor Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

getVertexInterface PhyBlendingRigidVertex Values, PhyContextExport Values, PhyRigidVertex Values, Biped and Physique ûin example

getViewTess NURBSSet : Value, NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

getVKnot NURBSCVSurface : NURBSSurface

getWeight PhyBlendingRigidVertex Values, Class and Object Inspector Functions ûin example, LookAt_Constraint - superclass: RotationController, LookAt_Constraint interfaces:, Orientation Constraint Controller, Path_Constraint interfaces:, Position Constraint, Position_Constraint interfaces:

gotoFrame Bitmap Values


Inverse Matrix3 Values, Using Node Transform Properties ûin example

invert BigMatrix Values, VolumeSelect : Modifier, Volume_Light : Atmospheric, Volume_Fog : Atmospheric

isEmpty Box2 Values, Coercion of bitArray to array and integer arrays to bitArrays

isIdentity Matrix3 Values, Quat Values

isKeySelected Controller Key Functions, CS3Tools.cui Tutorial ûin example

isKindOf Working with Values, ObjectSet Values ûin example, Structure Inherited Methods

join BitArray Values, Array Values


LnDif Quat Values


LogN Quat Values

merge XRefScene Values, Zip-file Script Packages, NURBSSet : Value

moveKey Controller Key Functions

normalize Quat Values, Point3 Values, Point2 Values, Scripted Plug-in Methods ûin example

numEaseCurves Controller Ease and Multiplier Curve Functions

numKeys Controller Key Functions

numMultiplierCurves Controller Ease and Multiplier Curve Functions

numSelKeys Controller Key Functions


QCompA Quat Values

qorthog Quat Values

random Number Values, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods

readChar FileStream Values, StringStream Values

readChars FileStream Values, StringStream Values

readDelimitedString FileStream Values, StringStream Values

readExpr MAXScript System Globals, Value Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, FileStream Values, StringStream Values

readLine FileStream Values, StringStream Values

readValue FileStream Values, StringStream Values, Access to MAXWrapper AppData ûin example, Encrypted Files ûin example, MAXScript System Globals, Node User-Defined Properties and Methods ûin example

rectify Box2 Values

refine NURBSCVCurve : NURBSCurve, NURBSCVSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSPointCurve : NURBSCurve, NURBSPointSurface : NURBSSurface

refineU NURBSCVSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSPointSurface : NURBSSurface

refineV NURBSCVSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSPointSurface : NURBSSurface

removeObject Modifying Existing NURBS Objects, NURBSSet : Value

renderMap Material Editor, TextureMap Common Properties, Operators, and Methods

reparameterize NURBSCVCurve : NURBSCurve, NURBSCVSurface : NURBSSurface

replace String Literals


reset Curve Control, Flex interfaces:


save Bitmap Values

seek FileStream Values, StringStream Values, Controller Key Functions

setAppData Access to MAXWrapper AppData


setCurve NURBS1RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBS2RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSULoftSurface : NURBSSurface

setCurveByID NURBS1RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBS2RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSULoftSurface : NURBSSurface

setCurveStartPoint NURBS1RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBS2RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface

setCV NURBSCVCurve : NURBSCurve, NURBSCVSurface : NURBSSurface, Creating New NURBS Objects ûin example

setDisplacementMapping Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

setEdge NURBSBlendSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSNBlendSurface : NURBSSurface

setEdgeVis Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

setface Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Working with Editable Meshes ûin example

setFaceMatID Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

setfacenormal Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

setFaceSmoothGroup Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value


setFlip NURBS1RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBS2RailSweepSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSULoftSurface : NURBSSurface, path interfaces:, Path_Constraint interfaces:

setFlipTrim NURBSFilletSurface : NURBSSurface

setGenerateUVs NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

setIndexedPixels Bitmap Files

setKnot NURBSCVCurve : NURBSCurve, Creating New NURBS Objects ûin example

setMesh Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Scripted SimpleObject Plug-ins ûin example

SetNonUniformScale BipedExportInterface Values

setnormal Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

setNumCPVVerts Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

setNumFaces Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

setNumTVerts Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

setNumVerts Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Patches

setObject NURBSSet : Value, Modifying Existing NURBS Objects

setParent NURBSBlendSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSFilletSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSMultiCurveTrimSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSNBlendSurface : NURBSSurface

setParentID NURBSBlendSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSFilletSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSMultiCurveTrimSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSNBlendSurface : NURBSSurface

setPixels Bitmap Files, Scripted RenderEffect Plug-ins ûin example

setPoint Curve Control, NURBSPointCurve : NURBSCurve, NURBSPointSurface : NURBSSurface, NURBSTextureSurface : Value

setProdTess NURBSSet : Value, NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

setRadius NURBSFilletSurface : NURBSSurface

setSeed NURBSFilletSurface : NURBSSurface

setSize BigMatrix Values

setSplitMesh Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value


setSubdivisionDisplacement Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

setTextureSurface NURBSSurface : NURBSObject, NURBSTextureSurface : Value

setTextureUVs NURBSSurface : NURBSObject, Materials Assignment and Texture Coordinates

setTiling NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

setTilingOffset NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

setTrimSurface NURBSFilletSurface : NURBSSurface

settvert Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Working with Editable Meshes

setTVFace Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Working with Editable Meshes

setUCurve NURBSUVLoftSurface : NURBSSurface

setUCurveByID NURBSUVLoftSurface : NURBSSurface

setUKnot NURBSCVSurface : NURBSSurface

setVCFace Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

setVCurve NURBSUVLoftSurface : NURBSSurface

setVCurveByID NURBSUVLoftSurface : NURBSSurface

setVert Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Patches

setVertColor Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value

setViewTess NURBSSet : Value, NURBSSurface : NURBSObject

setVKnot NURBSCVSurface : NURBSSurface

showInterface Class and Object Inspector Functions, Trackviews

showInterfaces Class and Object Inspector Functions, List Controller

showProperties Apropos" and "ShowProperties" and now "Help" and "Show", Class and Object Inspector Functions


skipToNextLine FileStream Values, StringStream Values

skipToString FileStream Values, StringStream Values

Slerp EulerAngles Values, Quat Values

sort Array Values

sortNoteKeys MAXNoteKeyArray Values, Working with Note Tracks - in example

squad Quat Values

substring String Literals

superClassOf Working with Values, Structure Inherited Methods, Value Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Picking Scene Nodes By Hit

supportsTimeOperations Controller Time Functions


transpose BigMatrix Values

unDisplay Bitmap Files


updateXRef XRefObject : Node, XRefScene Values

XFormMat Matrix3 Values


See also