XRefObject : Node

A XRefObject value represents an XRef object in 3ds max. A XRefObject value is returned when the xrefs.addNewXRefObject() function is called. There are two objects associated with an XRef object in 3ds max û the non-proxy object and the proxy object. The proxy object is typically a lower resolution object that is used as a standin for the non-proxy object in the viewports.


xrefs.addNewXRefObject <filename_string> <objectname_string> [#proxy]

Loads the specified node object from the specified scene file as an XRef object. The case of objectname_string must match the object's name in the scene file. If #proxy is specified, the node object is loaded as the proxy object, otherwise it is loaded as the non-proxy object.

The XRefObject is always loaded at world center.


<XRefObject>.proxyFileName            String   default: varies

The file name of the proxy object.

<XRefObject>.fileName                 String   default: varies

The file name of the non-proxy object.

<XRefObject>.currentFileName          String   default: varies

The file name of the non-proxy object if the useProxy property is false, the file name of the proxy object if the useProxy property is true.

<XRefObject>.objectName               String   default: varies

The name of the proxy object.

<XRefObject>.proxyObjectName          String   default: varies

The name of the non-proxy object.

<XRefObject>.currentObjectName        String   default: varies

The name of the non-proxy object if the useProxy property is false, the name of the proxy object if the useProxy property is true.

<XRefObject>.useProxy                 Boolean   default: varies

If true, the proxy object will be displayed in the viewports, otherwise the non-proxy object will be displayed. If the XRef object is added to the scene using the xrefs.addNewXRefObject() method, this parameters default value will be true if #proxy is specified, false otherwise.

<XRefObject>.renderProxy              Boolean   default: false

If true, the proxy object will be rendered, otherwise the non-proxy object will be rendered.

<XRefObject>.updateMaterial           Boolean   default: false

If true, sets the Update Material option on.

<XRefObject>.ignoreAnimation          Boolean   default: false

If true, sets the Ignore Animation option on.


updateXRef <XRefObject>

Reloads the XRef object.

See also