Mesher - superclass: GeometryClass

Mesher - superclass: GeometryClass; super-superclass:node - 8:0 - classID: #(998877, 32670)


Mesher ...


<Mesher>.pick             UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  node

Click this button and then select the object to be instanced by the Mesher object. After doing so, the name of the instanced object appears on the button.

<Mesher>.renderTimeOnly   BooleanClass      default: false   --  boolean

When on, the Mesher particles do not appear in the viewports, but only when you render the scene. Default=off.

<Mesher>.extranodes       ArrayParameter    default: #()   --  node array

<Mesher>.time             Float             default: 0.0   --  float

The number of frames ahead of or behind the original particle system that the Mesher's particle system will run. Default=0.

<Mesher>.radius           Float             default: 10.0   --  float

<Mesher>.useCustomBounds  BooleanClass      default: false   --  boolean; Use_Custom_Bounds

When on, Mesher replaces the dynamic bounding box derived from the particle system and modifier with a static bounding box of the user's choice.

<Mesher>.boundsMin        Point3            default: [1,1,1]   --  point3; BoundsA

<Mesher>.boundsMax        Point3            default: [-1,-1,-1]   --  point3; BoundsB

The coordinates of the opposite corners of the custom bounding box.

See also