Path_Constraint interfaces:

This class represents the interface to the Path Position Controller.

Interface: constraints


<integer>getNumTargets <node>getTarget <index>index

Returns one of the path nodes that the path controller follows, specified by targetNumber.

<index>index: The node number in the path list to be obtained.

<boolean>setTarget <node>target <index>index <float>getWeight <index>index <time>time

Gets the weight of one of the path nodes that the path controller follows, specified by targetNumber, and time. If the targetNumber is not relevant then 0.0f is returned.

<index>index: The node number in the path list whose weight is to be obtained.

<boolean>setWeight <float>weight <index>index <time>time

Sets the weight of one of the path nodes that the path controller follows, specified by targetNumber. Returns True if there is more than one path in the list and you are trying to set weight, False otherwise.

<index>index : The node number in the path list whose weight is to be set.

<float>weight: The weight to assign.

<void>appendWeightedTarget <node>target <float>weight

Appends the current path list by one and appends the current weight list by one.

<node>target: The node that is to be appended to the current path list.

<float>weight: The weight to be assigned to the newly appended path. Default: 50.0

<void>setFollow <boolean>isSetFollow

This method allows you to set the follow flag.

<boolean>isSetFollow: True for on, False for off.


This method returns the state of the follow flag; True if on, False if off.

<void>setBankAmount <float>bankAmount

Sets the bank amount parameter. Bank and tracking are scaled in the UI. The bank values are scaled in the user interface. The following macros may be used to convert to and from the UI values.

<float>bankAmount: The bank amount.


Returns the bank amount setting. See the remarks in SetBankAmount() above.

<void>SetBank <boolean>isSetBank

Sets the bank parameter to on or off.

<boolean>isSetBank: True for on; False for off.


Returns the on/off state of the bank parameter. True if on; False if off.

<void>setTracking <float>tracking

Sets the smoothness parameter. The smoothing (tracking) values are scaled in the user interface. The following macros may be used to convert to and from the UI values.

<float>tracking: The smoothness setting.


Returns the smoothness setting. See remarks in SetTracking() above.

<void>setAllowFlip <boolean>allowFlip

Sets the state of the 'Allow Upside Down' parameter.

<boolean>allowFlip: True for on; False for off.


Returns the state of the 'Allow Upside Down' parameter. True for on; False for off.

<void>setConstVel <boolean>constVel

Sets the state of the 'Constant Velocity' parameter.

<boolean>constVel: True for on; False for off.


Returns the state of the 'Constant Velocity' parameter. Returns True for on; False for off.

<void>setFlip <boolean>Flip

Sets the state of the 'Flip' parameter.

<boolean>Flip: True for on; False for off.


Returns the state of the 'Flip' parameter; True for on, False for off.

<void>setAxis <integer>isSetFollow

Set the state of the axis parameter.

<integer>isSetFollow: The axis setting. One of the following values:

0: X axis.

1: Y axis.

2: Z axis.


Returns the axis setting as one of the following values:

0: X axis.

1: Y axis.

2: Z axis.

<void>setLoop <boolean>Loop

This method allows you to set the state of the loop flag.

<boolean>Loop: True for on; False for off.


Returns the state of the loop flag; True for on, False for off.

<void>setRelative <boolean>relative

This method allows you to set the state of the relative/absolute flag.

<boolean>relative: True to set to relative; False to set to absolute.


Returns the state of the relative/absolute flag; True if relative is on; False is off (i.e. absolute).

<void>deleteTarget <integer>targetNumber

This method allows you to delete a specified target. Returns True if successful, otherwise False.

<integer>targetNumber: The node number in the orientation target list to delete.

See also Class IpathPosition, in the SDK Help file accompanying this product.