NURBSBlendSurface : NURBSSurface

This class defines a dependent Blend surface. A Blend surface connects the edge of one surface to the edge of another, blending the curvature of the parents to create a smooth surface between them. You can also blend from a surface to a curve, or from a curve to a curve.


NURBSBlendSurface [<property>:<val>]...

Any of the object's properties may be set via optional keyword arguments on the constructor.

getObject <nurbsset> <index>


<nurbsblendsurface>.parent1           : integer

The 1st parent by NURBSet index.

<nurbsblendsurface>.parent1ID         : integer

The 1st parent by NURBSId.

<nurbsblendsurface>.parent2           : integer

The 2nd parent by NURBSet index.

<nurbsblendsurface>.parent2ID         : integer

The 2nd parent by NURBSId.

<nurbsblendsurface>.edge1             : integer

Which edge of the 1st parent surface is used for the blend. The property's value is one of the following:

1: The low U edge

2: The high U edge

3: The low V edge

4: The high V edge

<nurbsblendsurface>.edge2             : integer

Which edge of the 2nd parent surface is used for the blend.

<nurbsblendsurface>.flip1             : boolean

Controls the matching of parent surface normals when creating the Blend surface. For example, normally when you create a Blend surface between two parent surfaces you don't want a 'bow tie' surface (one with the ends rotated 180 degrees so it crosses on itself in the middle). If you simply match the parent normals you'll occasionally get a 'bow tie' surface. To prevent this you use this property to set a state indicating that one or the other should be flipped before it's used. In this way, when the blend is created, a 'bow tie' won't occur. If true, the 1st parent's surface normal will be matched; if false the 1st parent's surface normal will not be matched.

<nurbsblendsurface>.flip2             : boolean

If true, the 2nd parent's surface normal will be matched; if false the 2nd parent's surface normal will not be matched.

<nurbsblendsurface>.tension1          : float

The tension value for the 1st parent.

<nurbsblendsurface>.tension2          : float

The tension value for the 2nd parent.

<nurbsblendsurface>.curveStartPoint1  : float

<nurbsblendsurface>.curveStartPoint2  : float

Adjusts the position of the start point at the two edges of the blend. Adjusting the start points can help eliminate unwanted twists or "buckles" in the surface. These values are not applicable if the edges or curves are not closed.


getParent <nurbsblendsurface> <index>

setParent <nurbsblendsurface> <index> <curve>

Get or set a parent by NURBSSet index. <index> = 1 - parent 1; 2 - parent 2.

getParentID <nurbsblendsurface> <index>

setParentID <nurbsblendsurface> <index> <curveID>

Get or set a parent by NURBSId. <index> = 1 - parent 1; 2 - parent 2.

getEdge <nurbsblendsurface> <index>

setEdge <nurbsblendsurface> <index> <edge>

Get or set which edge of the parent surface is used for the blend. <index> = 1 - parent 1; 2 - parent 2. See the edge1 property description for the <edge> value description.

See also