CUSTOMISE the programme to suit yourself ( all in CUSTOMISE on the menu bar )
* colours * - set back ground, foreground & overlay colours
* design rooms * - set max aligning (merging) distance & room colours
* dimensions * - wall offset distance & text size & text orientation
* doors * - select opening angle & door thickness
* design room layout grid *- grid spacing & colour
* plan titles * - plan titles - change title names ('ground floor','site plan' etc.,
* printer * - calibrate printer for accuracy

* centre * - find the centre of two points (an ICON )
* centre centre * - find the centre of a rectangle (an ICON )
* change colour * - change the pen colour ( under TOOLS )
* change text or number * using same font and text size(EDIT)
* copy & paste * ( under EDIT on the menu bar )
* datum * - toggle a reference point to measure from (an ICON )
* delete * - erase objects ( EDIT & ICON )
* delete external wall *- the only way to delete an external wall ( WALLS)
* design rooms * - self align, moveable rooms ( DESIGN ROOMS & ICON)
* expand floor plan base *-increase the floor plan ( WALLS)
* floor area * - gives the area of current floor ( VIEW )
* libraries * - add in pre drawn objects ( LIBRARIES )
* line style * - change the line thickness, style - dot ,dash, solid ( TOOLS)
* maximum design room size available * find the maximum room size left
* move or rotate * - part of drawing can be moved or rotated ( EDIT )
* room layout grid *- toggle a grid to help using layout design rooms ( ICON )
* shrink floor plan base *- shorten the floor plan in one direction ( WALLS)
* text & text size * - size direction of text ( TOOLS & an ICON )
* undo * - delete last object drawn ( an ICON )

* display mode * - display wall hatching, solid walls & external sizes( VIEW )
* fit on screen * - show entire drawing on screen ( ZOOM )
* layout grid * - show boundary & screen grid for room layouts ( ICON)
* show overlays * - show floor below to help draw next floor ( VIEW )
* plan views *- show floors (VIEW )
* rotate or mirror complete drawing * - rotate or mirror image ( FILE )
* save as .BMP * - save drawing to display elsewhere as bitmap ( FILE )
* zoom up * - get detail of part of drawing ( ZOOM )

* arc * - draw an arc ( TOOLS )
* change an external wall * - change the thickness of an external wall ( WALLS )
* circle *-draw a circle( TOOLS )
* doors - single hanging, multi or sliding * - cuts wall and draw doors (ICON)
* ellipse * - ( TOOLS )
* external wall * - to mark external walls for design room layout (ICON)
* internal wall or partition * - draw a 2 line internal wall ( WALLS & an ICON )
* line & line with text on it * - draw lines - with text on if wanted ( TOOLS )
* manual dimensions * add internal dimensions and arrows (OTHER)
* multiple lines *- draws an array of lines ( TOOLS & an ICON )
* opening * - cuts an opening in internal wall ( WALLS & an ICON )
* fixed room * - draw room complete with text & sizes ( OTHER & an ICON )
* split external wall * - divide an external wall into 2 different wall ( WALLS )
* windows * - inserts plan view of a window - text & cill options (OTHER )