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YAM 2.0
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Made on Amiga
Marcel Beck Online

YAM 2.0 Product Description

Features | Screenshots | Requirements | Price | Awards

What's YAM?

YAM (short for 'Yet Another Mailer') is a MIME-compliant Internet mailer for the for the Amiga with built-in POP3 and SMTP clients. The latest public release, version 2.0, is a major upgrade of YAM 1.3.5 and contains dozens of additions and improvements.

Some features of YAM 2.0:

  • Basic functions: read, write, delete, reply, forward or bounce mail
  • Four folders for incoming, outgoing, sent and deleted mail plus an unlimited number of folders for archived mail
  • Folders can be compressed and/or protected with a password
  • Support for multiple users. Optionally, addressbooks and other config files can be shared
  • Searchable address book supporting groups and distribution lists
  • Built-in POP3/APOP client to check for mail on startup, on demand or at regular time intervals
  • Check up to 16 POP3 accounts in a single step
  • Message pre-selection: browse message headers before downloading large mails
  • Write or reply your messages offline and send them to the mail server using the built-in SMTP client
  • Extract sender information from message headers and create an address book entry with a simple mouseclick; a picture of the sender is automatically downloaded and displayed
  • Built-in support for UUencode and MIME to send and receive binary files
  • Co-operation with web browsers: send mail from your browser, pass an URL to a browser
  • Handle return receipts and read confirmation
  • Support for anonymous remailers and mailing lists
  • PGP/MIME support: encrypt and/or sign outgoing messages, check signatures, decrypt messages. Works with PGP 2.6 and PGP 5.
  • Fast internal editor that offers WYSIWYG textstyles and spell checking
  • Search your folders for messages (including full text search in header fields or message body)
  • Up to 100 filters to automatically process new or sent messages
  • Comprehensive ARexx interface that allows other programs to control YAM
  • The graphical user interface of YAM (including toolbars and status images) is fully user configurable
  • YAM runs either on the Workbench screen or on any other custom screen
  • Context related online help through help bubbles and AmigaGuide
  • Includes catalog files for many different languages
  • Easy installation with the Installer
  • Much, much more...


Click on an thumbnail image to view a larger version.
Login screen
Main window
Find messages
User settings
Message window
Internal editor
Address book entry
Address book
Message pre-selection

What do I need to run YAM 2.0?

  • Amiga Computer with an 68020 cpu or higher
  • at least 4 MB of RAM
  • AmigaOS/Workbench 3.0 or higher
  • MUI 3.8 or higher
  • bsdsocket.library compatible TCP/IP software like Miami, AmiTCP, Genesis or TermiteTCP
  • PGP 2.6.x or 5.x (required only for composing or reading encrypted mail)
  • XPK libraries (required only for compressed folders)

How much does YAM cost?

YAM is distributed as Freeware, so you don't have to pay anything for it.

Why should I use YAM?

Don't know, maybe because it's free or because 617 out of 1000 users rated it as the best e-mail client for the Amiga ;-)
YAM 2.0 has won the following awards:

AAA Award 1998   AU Award 1998   AmZeiger 06/98   Amiga Pro Platinum