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E-Mail related links

The Beginner's Guide To Email by Kaitlin Duck Sherwood should help people to write better e-mail.

There are several Do's and Don'ts when sending e-mail messages to other individuals. Read about it in the Email Etiquette.

Learn how to express your feelings using Emoticons from The Unofficial Smiley Dictionary.

Finding e-mail addresses
If you're looking for an e-mail address, try Yahoo! People Search, the Bigfoot directory or the MetaEmailSearch Agent.

E-mail standards
The Internet Mail Consortium is the only international organisation focused on cooperatively managing and promoting the world of electronic mail on the Internet.
Request of Comments (RFC) is a series of documents published by the Internet Engineering Task Force and cover a broad range of topics. Here are some of the e-mail relevant documents:

  • RFC 0821: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
  • RFC 0822: Standard for the format of ARPA Internet messages
  • RFC 1521: MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for specifying and describing the format of Internet message bodies
  • RFC 1522: MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Two: Message header extensions for non-ASCII text
  • RFC 1725: Post Office Protocol - Version 3
  • RFC 1730: Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4
  • RFC 2015: MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

Mailing lists
The Guide to the Internet Mailing Lists is a comprehensive guide to thousands of e-mail discussion groups. Daniel Lundqvist maintains a huge list of Amiga mailing lists.