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Marcel Beck Online

Amiga related links

This is my small selection of recommendable Amiga sites.

Amiga International is the company behind the Amiga.
The Amiga Web Directory has the largest index of Amiga websites.
The Aminet is the world's biggest collection of freely distributable software for the Amiga.
The Aminet Charts Archive - my other Amiga related homepage - contains lists of the most popular Amiga FD software. Updated weekly!

Internet Software - WWW browsers
IBrowse - user-friendly, supports many HTML tags, MUI interface
AWeb - very fast and stable browser, ClassAct interface
Voyager - another MUI based browser, supports SSL

Internet Software - YAM
TextEditor.mcc - MUI class used to edit and read messages, by Allan Odgaard
Toolbar.mcc - MUI class used for YAM's button bars, by Benny Kjær Nielsen
NList.mcc - Set of MUI classes used for the different lists, by Gilles Masson
Kai's ARexx scripts - A great collection of ARexx scripts for YAM by Kai Nikulainen
Dick's ARexx scripts - Another collection of ARexx scripts by Dick Whiting
YAM 1.3.1 review - A review of YAM 1.3.1 written by Steve Kompel
YAM 2.0 P3 review - A review of YAM 2.0 Preview3 written by Stephan Bischoff for an Austrian online magazine

Internet Software - Miscellaneous applications
Miami - Very powerful but easy to use TCP/IP stack, MUI interface
AmFTP - MUI based FTP client, many features, good Aminet interface
Cyberwlf's Amiga Domain - An almost complete list of internet applications for the Amiga, with short reviews and recommendations for Internet newbies