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Marcel Beck Online

Wish List

This list contains suggestions for future versions of YAM, submitted by numerous users.

Sections: Address book | Reading messages | Composing messages | Download mail | Send mail | Miscellaneous | Filters | ARexx interface | User interface | Internal stuff

Column 1Reference number
Column 2Short description
Column 3Priority1High; implementation planned soon
2Normal; might be implemented in future
3Low; implementation unlikely
DDone; will be featured in the next release
Column 4ExpenseLLow; doesn't require much work
AAverage; can't be implemented in a few hours
HHigh; requires lot of programming

Please note that I don't guarantee to implement any of the features listed below. Don't even try to persuade me to give your suggestion a higher priority, I'm not bribable :-)

Address book   up
055Display world map with cities of the people in the address book.3A
058Set language for phrases based on selected address book entry.3A
068Birthday reminders should only appear once a day.3A
070Possibility to save modified address book when quitting.1L
073Multiple e-mail addresses for a person in the address book.2A
080Support localized month names in birthday entry field.1L
093De-select alias in address book list when address book is opened.1L
113Print address book group including all entries in that group.1L
124Specify a sound for each address book entry that is played if you get a message from that person.3L
147Support line breaks '\n' in address book fields.2L
152When clicking on 'save address', edit existing entry if available.1L
157'Save address' should ask if replyto or from address should be saved.1A
163Encrypt and/or sign message based on selected address book entry.2A
168Use signature and return address based on selected address book entry.2A
201Read and write vcard.vcf (virtual business cards).2H
233Optionally check for birthdays when YAM starts iconified.2L
235Only ask once for each sender if his personal information should be saved in the address book.2A
245LDAP directory server support.3H
253History buffer of people when reply NO to the requester asking if you want add or not this people in your address book.1L
Filters   up
021Update message size after 'Execute' filter action.2L
028Immeditately send replies when filtering and YAM is online.2L
122Delete filters that link to removed folders.1L
150Restrict filters to certain POP3 servers.2A
180New filter actions: 'show requester with text' and 'label as important'.2A
203Search in To: and CC: fields simultaneously.3A
204Possibilty to abort filtering (when manually started).2L
219Universal filter list, so that you can use the same filters for different configurations.2A
226New filter action: 'no further filter matches'.1L
248Allow filters to move messages into folders of other users.2A
Download mail   up
010Run filters on imported mail.2A
025Select multiple files when importing mail.3A
084Separate incoming folders for each POP3 account.3H
104Remember POP3 password if it isn't entered in the configuration.1L
139Create dummy messages for e-mails larger than those above the size limit in the pre-selection options.2L
141Display download progress in the status bar at the bottom.1L
146Specify mail check interval for each mail server individually.2A
149Import/export compressed spoolfiles.2A
208Specify custom names for POP3 accounts.2L
215Show info bubbles for selected mails in the transfer window too.1L
228Display number of selected messages in info bubble.1L
241Display first few text lines of a message from pre-selection window.3L
247IMAP/4 support.1H
256Don't activate transfer window each time a mailbox is checked.1L
260Only update message status when newer messages have been downloaded.2A
261Download and immediately display a singe message from the pre-selection window.2A
Internal stuff   up
035Create YAM: assign if it doesn't exist3L
071Look for the online manual in the HELP directory.1L
112Open multiple socket connections for sending/receiving mail to and from multiple servers simultaneously.1H
188True commodity support, 'show interface' should bring YAM to the front.2L
205Keep not so often used modules on disk, as MCC's.3H
206Folder-index handling should be done by a shared library.3H
213Protecting the indices with a semaphore, and then let another task save them.2A
252Allow other windows to be closed while downloading/sending mail.1A
254Don't decode a displayed, PGP encrypted message a second time when you reply to it.3A
Miscellaneous   up
013Update folder indices using a journal file.3A
015Configurable text for the mailbox status appicon.2L
029Format strings using RawDoFmt() instead of sprintf().2A
030Menu item to delete old mail manually.2L
031Add 'max number of messages' value for each folder.2L
045On startup, automatically login as default user after some delay.2L
050Create *.bak files when saving configuration or address book.1L
054Protect messages from deleting (user-definable flags).2A
057Automatically subscribe/unsubscribe from mailing lists.2A
059'Explore dir' function to list messages in any directory.3A
067Get reminded if some sent messages haven't been answered yet.3A
081'Exchange' folder that is accessable for each user.2L
082Menu item to mark a message as important.3L
092Provide pattern strings with suitable defaults in file requesters.1L
097Start ICQ client if user double-clicks on ICQ UIN in message text.2L
098Crop selected attachments.2L
115Automatically move messages older than x days to another folder.2L
130Multi-level undo that covers delete move, copy, set message status.3H
138Option to forget the PGP pass phrase.2L
143Ability to sort messages by their file date.3A
154Optionally delete unread messages too when deleting old mail.1L
160Group messages from a mailing list by subject and list them in a sub-tree.3H
165DEL key should not delete messages when folder list is active.1L
171Specify editor for each MIME type.3A
174Put up confirmation requester before cropping attachments.1L
176Menu option to directly change the user (ie. a list with available names).3L
181Protect messages from being deleted due to their age.1A
184Find messages giving a range of date among which to search.2A
190Add option 'find in current search results' in the find window.1L
194Sort by sender/receiver for 'recieved and sent' type folders.2L
196Specify location of '.' files in the main configuration file.2A
198Menu item to set the date of a message to the current date.3A
222Insert signature seperation line in front of the 'attachment cropped' line.1L
227Load folder indices in background after opening the main window.3A
229Cache the log file entries before writing them to disk.2A
230Edit received messages.2L
234Add status indicator to the search results.1L
250Option to choose what the user wants to do with a mail in the outgoing folder when it gets doubleclicked.1L
251Own popup menu for message list: read, edit, reply, move, get address.1L
255Crop selected attachments only.1L
257Specify other, obsolete e-mail addresses for the current user.3L
262Support of X-Face header line.3A
264Installation script should allow to keep already installed icons.1L
Reading messages   up
002'Next unread message' cycles in the current folder and searches in other folders too.2L
038Support of 'message/partial' type messages1H
039Support of 'text/enriched' format3H
077Status field in the read window has popup menu to change status.3A
099Sort message headers in read window.3A
109Bring YAM screen to front after viewing an attachment.2L
118Display different message headers in received/sent folders.3A
119Menu item in read window to toggle between proportional and fixed width font.1L
151Optionally use wbstart.library to launch MIME viewers.2L
156Unpack LhA/LZX/ZIP packed attachments.3A
172'Read' button should load the first unread message when there's no active mail.2L
179Make homepage URL in message header clickable.2L
193Overwrite attachment requester should offer 'Yes To All, No to All, Yes to All if Newer'.2L
211Word-wrap messages before printing.1A
218Skip alternative HTML versions when printing messages.2L
223Pass multiple attachment filenames to a single MIME viewer.3A
242Enable/disable textstyles on a per-folder basis.3A
246Print button should only bring up requester if Shift is pressed, otherwise print visible part.2A
Send mail   up
012Automatic sending of the outgoing mail.1A
016Crop attachments automatically after sending.1L
103Delay sending of messages until a certain date.2A
153Don't open status window when sending outgoing mail.2A
158Update date header line when sending a message.3L
170Don't embed attachments in composed messages, only link to them and encode on sending.3A
210Don't send a message in the outgoing folder if it's being edited.2L
221Split outgoing messages if they have attachments over a predefined size.2H
231SMTP authentification.1A
User interface   up
052Disable functions with checkmark button instead of zero value.2A
126Toggle the folder list or display it in a separate window.2A
132Separate attachment list/icons in the read window.2A
166Select app icon position using popxxx.mcc.2A
177Split configuration in a global and local (for each user) part.2H
202Optionally don't update outgoing/sent folder list while sending mail.2L
236Lay out folder and message list vertically.2A
238Allow to disable the window activation.1L
249User configurable titlebar in the main window.1L
Composing messages   up
001Special greetings phrase when replying to multiple people.2A
004After selecting receiver from the address book, insert his name on the first line if letter is unchanged.2A
005Set return address based on selected address book entry.3A
007Add name of sender to mailing list address when replying to a message from a mailing list.1L
011When cutting signatures, search for the last appearance of '-- ' instead of the first one.2L
014Add 'private reply' menu item that sends to the From address.3L
037Make user-defined content-types available in the write window2L
042Use LCC: header for mailing lists.2L
043Insert personalized greetings in birthday cards.1L
046Replace send button with a queue button in TCP stack is offline.3L
051Add variable for subject in re-mailer configuration.2L
060'Tolerant' mode for recognizing the signature separation line.2L
063Remember cursor position when saving a message to the queue.3L
078Separate tagline files for each language.2L
079When replying, try to find real name in the address book if it's not specified in the From/ReplyTo header.2L
086Menu that contains the most used e-mail addresses.3A
087Editor menu option that reflows the block that is highlighted.3A
096Set expiration date for outgoing messages.3H
100Enable/disable quoting for a specific message.2L
102Display ratio of quoted to new text.3A
107Automatically append domain to addresses of type 'user@subdomain.'.2L
116Assign different signatures to different folders.2A
117Add real name to return address.2L
120Allow messages to be saved to the queue when alias/name is unkown.1L
121Allow attachments in PGP encrypted messages.1A
123Save current word-wrap setting in message header for later editing.2A
125User-definable presets for Options page in the write window.2A
136Automatically move replied messages to another folder.2A
137Add a hotkey that inserts the quote-intro.2A
148Button to select a different random tagline in the write window.3A
155When cancelling a new message, check receiver fields and attachment list for changes.2L
161Make Send/Hold buttons in the write window user-definable so they can be used to sign/encrypt.3A
164Notify when second attempt to find a PGP ID fails.1L
175In the recipient field, Ctrl-Help should cycle through possible aliases.2A
178Add 'always from/reply-to' button in multi-reply requester.3A
182Phrase option to output the sender's real date & time(zone).2L
183Add support for different archivers for 'Pack&add'.2A
185Output swatch time in reply phrases.2L
186Prompt the user if there are previous autosave files and offer: 'continue editing' or 'delete'1L
187Autosave should also save recipients and message settings.2L
192Combine new and hold messages to a multi-reply message.3A
197Option 'Verify recipient address' [] on reply [] on save address.2A
200Support of S/MIME encryption.3H
212When entering an email address, and the name-completion kicks in, comma (',') begins a new name.2L
220Combine multireply/address verification options in one single requester.1A
232Alternative From: line when sending/replying to mailing lists.1A
237Assign charset-translation to address given by a pattern.3A
239Special greeting phrases for multi-replies into mailing lists.3A
243Pressing arrow-up in first line of the texteditor should activate the subject gadget.1L
244Use 'Delete' key as a shortcut for deleting an attachment from the list.1L
258Shortcut to force updating of the .autosave file.2L
259Ignore 'mailto:' prefix in recipient fields.3L
ARexx interface   up
024ARexx command to abort downloading/sending.2L
036Access what mail is selected in the Search window through ARexx2A
072WriteLetter NIL: should clear the message body.1L
094'Execute script' file requester should start in YAM:rexx/.1L
106New Arexx event hooks: Before/After exchanging mail.2L
127New Arexx event hook: Before deleting a message.1L
144Arexx command to activate special parts of the write window.2L
199ARexx command to get the mode of a write window (new, reply, forward).1L
216List used scripts in Config/ARexx in a different color.1L
217Add ARexx event hooks for filtering.1L
225READINFO should get file type recognized by YAM if 'identify binary files' is enabled.2L
240Make the ARexx menu available from the read/write windows too.1L
263Use some sort of QUIET function when writing mails from an Arexx script.2L
List automatically created on 09 Aug 1999, 198 entries