Mailing lists
You can subscribe to two different kinds of mailing lists:
- The YAM Newsletter
The YAM Newsletter is issued about once per month by the author
of YAM. It contains information about new releases, known bugs, etc.
To subscribe, enter your e-mail address in the field below, then press the Subscribe button.
Earlier letters can be found in the List Archive.
- The YAM Mailing List
Join the YAM Mailing List if you want to discuss YAM related topics (suggestions, problems, Arexx scripts)
with experienced users. But be prepared to get 10 to 30 additional messages per day from the list.
You can browse and search the YAM Mailing List Archives
without subscribing to the list.
To subscribe, write a message with the line subscribe yam Your Name
to listserv@tu-clausthal.de.
To stop subscription, write signoff yam to the same address.