YAM - Official Support Site
YAM 1.3.5
YAM 2.0
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Made on Amiga
Marcel Beck Online

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the current version of YAM, and where can I get it?

The current Aminet version is 2.0. You can download it from the YAM Support Site or from any Aminet server (the path is comm/mail/YAM20*.lha). Users who are new to the internet or own a small Amiga are adviced to use version 1.3.5 which is easier to install and uses less resources.

Why can't I get new mail from my POP3 server? YAM displays a bad password/unknown user error.

Please verify your POP3 password, your POP3 user id and the address of your mail server. The password is case-sensitive and may differ from the one you need to login to your ISP!

Can I use YAM to read newsgroups from the Usenet?

No, YAM doesn't support newsgroups and it's not planned to implement this in a later version. If you're looking for a small, easy to use newsreader, try mNews by John Brooks, FFNews by Thorsten Stocksmeier or NewsPro by Paul Huxham (Aminet:comm/news).

What features are planned for future versions?

  • Built-in support for reading and composing HTML formatted messages
  • Inline display of graphical attachments (pictures)
  • Support for ContactManager
  • Hierarchical folder structure
  • IMAP/4 support
There will be no support for newsgroups, don't ask me to implement it, because I never read the Usenet news.

Is the YAM mailing-list at dsdelft.nl out of order?

Yes, but there's a new one at yam@tu-clausthal.de. Just send "subscribe yam" (without the quotes) in the message body to listserv@tu-clausthal.de.

How can I reduce the risk of crashes on exit and on other occasions?

  1. If you're starting YAM from the shell or in CLI mode, you have to set the stack size to 16 KB or larger. Some program launchers use a default stack size of 4 KB, which is to small for YAM. Try starting YAM from the Workbench, too.
  2. Remove any system patches that may interfere with YAM or MUI. Critical programs are UrouHack, certain options of MCP, etc.
  3. Open MUI Prefs, select the WINDOWS page and set the 'Positions' settings to 'Remember' or 'Forget on exit'.
  4. Re-Install the latest versions of MUI and YAM.
  5. Terminate Miami first and quit YAM using the menu, not the close-gadget.

How can I permanently save the position and size of a window?

Start the MUI settings interface by selecting 'Settings/MUI'. Select the 'Windows' section and make sure the third of the little system gadget buttons is activated. After saving the settings every window will have an additional system gadget in the upper right corner. one click on this gadget will snapshot the actual size and position of the window for future sessions.

Where can I find the latest MUI classes for YAM?

While fetching new mail YAM always hangs on the same message. (version 1.3.x)

Switch off the 'Avoid duplicates' option and set 'Confirm download' to OFF. Now you should be able to download the new messages.

When sending mail, I'm getting a message like 'Bad HELO command response: 553 Local configuration error'. (version 1.3.x)

Make sure that you're using YAM 1.3.4 or 1.3.5. If you still get this error message, change the domain part of your email address (maybe you have to put the hostname of your Amiga in the front of the domain name, e.g. 'amiga.isp.com' instead of 'isp.com').

How can I setup YAM for different e-mail addresses? (version 1.3.x)

If you're a single user owning multiple e-mail addresses, then you can save a configuration file for each of your addresses. Go to the configuration window and select 'Save as' from the 'Project' menu. Use 'Open' from the same menu to load the required settings.
If more than one person is using YAM for his/her email, then try one of the available multi-user tools (YUAdmin or MultiYAM, both in Aminet:comm/mail).

How do I change the font used in the editor gadget? (version 1.3.x)

Save the settings and load the configuration file (YAM:.config) into an editor. Look for the keyword /EditorFont/ and enter the desired fontname and size, e.g. EditorFont = topaz/8

Sending mail always brings up an error window saying 'Read error on mail file'.

In most cases this problem is caused by an old version of AFS. Either run YAM from a standard filesystem partition (OFS/FFS) or update your copy of AFS. The same error message appears if you're using VisualPrefs 1.2. A bug-fixed version of VP is available.

Why does my system freeze for a short delay when I click the right mouse button in the editor window?

You are probably using a patch like MagicMenu. Please install /SaveGIRPort/, it can be found in the gadgets directory of the YAM 1.3.4/5 distribution archive. The latest version of MagicMenu works without this patch.

I'm a registered user of YAM, but my registration code doesn't seem to work anymore. Why?

You probably modified your real name in the configuration. The registration code is only valid for the name you entered at registration time. You have three choices:
  1. Get YAM 1.3.5, it's now freeware and doesn't require a registration.
  2. Get YAMCode to calculate the registration code yourself.
  3. Send a new registration request.

While fetching new mail YAM always hangs on the same message (version 2.x)

Switch off the 'Avoid duplicates' option and set 'Pre-selection' to NEVER. Now you should be able to download the new messages.

The installer script aborts because a file is missing (version 2.0)

New There was a bug in the installer script of the very first release. The script only fails when you select the NewIcons set. For those who don't want to download the whole YAM 2.0 archive again, here are the modified files. (added 09-Jul-99)

How do I stop the Toolbar MUI class from reporting errors? (version 2.x)

New Open a shell and type 'Delete YAM:Icons/#?_s.toolbar'. If this doesn't help, delete the whole YAM:Icons directory and run the installer script again. (added 09-Jul-99)

When sending mail, I'm getting a message like 'Bad HELO command response: 553 Local configuration error'. (version 2.x)

Adjust the domain parameter in the TCP/IP section of the configuration. Maybe you have to put the hostname of your Amiga in the front of the domain name, e.g. 'amiga.isp.com' instead of 'isp.com'.

How can I setup YAM for different e-mail addresses? (version 2.x)

If you get mail from multiple e-mail accounts, but use only one of them to send mail, then setup your e-mail accounts in the TCP/IP - POP3 section of the configuration. YAM can check up to 16 accounts automatically.
If more than one person is using YAM for his/her email, or if you need to send messages from different e-mail addresses, then go to 'Settings/Users' and add a user account for each of them.

How do I change the font used in the editor gadget? (version 2.x)

Start MUI prefs using 'Settings/MUI', go to the TextEditor page and select the desired fonts (there are two settings, one for the proportional and one for the fixed-width font).

The buttons don't fit in the window, the rightmost buttons can't be accessed. How can I fix this?

Some users think that the graphics are too large, but in fact the button labels are eating so much space. If you're using topaz/8 as the label font, then some of the buttons become invisible on a 640 pixel wide screen. Solution: select 'Settings/MUI' and go to the 'Toolbar' section. Now you can either choose a thinner font (helvetica/9 works well) or switch off the labels completely ('image only' mode).

The toolbar buttons and other graphics are displayed in wrong colors.

This usually due to a bug in the ILBM.datatype and only happens if YAM is running on a hicolor or truecolor screen. An update of the ILBM.datatype can be found on Aminet or on the homepage of the Toolbar.mcc class.

Why does YAM crash when I enter the 'Mixed' section in the configuration window?

This is because of bugs in the XPK system (a collection of libraries used to compress and encrypt files). XPK Release 4.31 contains a bug in the xpkQuery() function, so you should upgrade to version 4.32, 4.34 or newer. In XPK Release 4.33 there's a buggy version of xpkNONE.library which can be found in the libs:compressors directory. I suggest to delete this file (who's using it at all?).
The XPK system can be found on the Aminet.

How do I use the mailing list support?

Some users complained that the mailing list support is not working. Here's what you should pay attention to:
  • Mailing list support is only required if the mailing list software doesn't set the Reply-To field to the return address of the list. If From: contains the sender address and Reply-To: is the list address, there's no need to use ML support.
  • ML support only works in one single folder. Usually you move incoming messages from a mailing list to a special folder using filters. Then you read the messages and reply to some of them. The ML support should be setup for that particular folder only.
  • The To: pattern is compared against the whole To: header. So if you only specify the E-mail address, then you must put #? around it.
From: List Member <member@private.com>
Reply-To: List Member <member@private.com>
To: The List <list@listserver.com>

Note that the reply-to field should be set to list@listserver.com. It isn't, so we could now use the mailing list support feature:
To: pattern: #?list@listserver.com#?
To: address: The List <list@listserver.com>

How can I display messages using a fixed-width font?

To use fixed width fonts in the read window and the editor of YAM, it doesn't suffice to enable 'Fixed width font' in the Read section of the configuration window. Select 'Settings/MUI' to open MUI Preferences, then go the the TextEditor page. Now you can select the desired font in 'Fonts/Fixed'.

How can I automatically launch the TCP/IP software before downloading new mail?

Using two small ARexx macros, you can now retrieve your mail without starting or stopping Miami manually. YAM automatically connects to the Internet, gets new mail and goes offline to keep your phone bill as low as possible.
These two scripts are included in YAM 2 Preview and can be found inYAM's Arexx directory (probably YAM:rexx or REXX:).
Load MiamiOnline.yam in an editor. Verify the variable 'miamipath' and modify it if required. The default is 'Miami:Miami' which should work in most cases. Now edit MiamiOffline.yam. If Miami should be terminated after disconnecting from the Internet, set the variable 'quitmiami' to 1. The script doesn't go offline if another Internet application is running (imagine you're downloading a large file using IBrowse and YAM disconnects...). Just add the names of the ARexx ports of your Internet applications to the variable 'ports'.
Finally, open the YAM configuration window and go to the ARexx section. Select the event 'Before getting mail' and enter the following settings:
Script: yam:rexx/miamionline.yam
[ ] Open console window
[X] Wait for termination

And for the event 'After getting new mail':
Script: yam:rexx/miamioffline.yam
[ ] Open console window
[X] Wait for termination

Save the configuration and try the new feature by clicking on [Get].

I've setup a filter to archive messages whose subjects start with [stricq] to a special folder. Why does YAM move all messages to that folder?

The characters [ and ] have special meanings. [stricq] means everything that contains on of the letters s, t, r, i, c or q (this matches most messages :-)
You have to "escape" the [ ] characters with an apostrophe: '[stricq']
For more information, read chapter 3.6.2 of your AmigaDOS manual.