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The Assignment

The Portfolio Manager (PfM) begins to pitch the recommendation to other stakeholders. He prevails upon all projects under his direction to contribute funds to the domain analysis, and upon a particular project manager (PjM) Jane to oversee the effort. Derek (DA) is assigned to perform the domain analysis. *Jane is not happy about the additional responsibility since her project is already enough of a challenge. *Derek is somewhat apprehensive since this is a new type of activity for him. *The Portfolio Manager is concerned that there be a visible benefit from the effort during the current fiscal year. All of the Project Managers (PjMs), including Jane, revise their project plans to accommodate the change in budget and staffing. The issue arises as to whether there will be any money to support continued use of the Consultant (C), but this seems unlikely.

Risk factors:

  1. Stretching of project resources
  2. Inexperience in Domain Analysis
  3. Need for short-term win

Larry Latour
Tue Sep 19 00:30:00 EDT 1995