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Consultant (C)

    Jean, age 40, is a consultant on software engineering and management issues. She has been hired to help ABC, Inc. to stay competitive by finding ways to shorten cycle times and get more products developed with fewer resources. She is expected to work primarily with Jim, the Portfolio Manager, and with all others in the organization as appropriate. To perform her assignment, Jean expects people resources to be available for investigation and for implementation of any accepted recommendations, as well as general cooperation and reasonable candor. She enjoys this kind of challenge and sees lots of opportunities: she sees this as a very capable organization. She realizes, however, that it will be a challenge to convince the Portfolio Manager that this is not just about tools and technology. Jean's guiding principle is the enjoyment she derives from the process of getting people to solve their own challenges.

Larry Latour
Tue Sep 19 00:30:00 EDT 1995