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Portfolio Manager (PfM)

    Jim, age 51, is responsible for profit and loss in an organization spanning several projects. He is expected to ensure that the projects under him are completed on time and within budget, and more generally to meet any goals set by his boss, the General Manager. In order to do this, Jim needs a competent accounting person and the relevant accounting and project data, including project metrics. He receives such data monthly, and tracks them against the approved fiscal year budget. Jim expects that the project managers reporting to him will develop high quality products on schedule and within budget, and that they will maintain a low staff turnover rate. Jim is happy when his customers are satisfied, and when he has stayed within his budget constraints. He is unhappy when either of these conditions fails to hold. Currently, he is unhappy: actuals are running at 25 corporate citizen and being "one up" on peer portfolio managers. Personally, Jim's main goal is to stay employed until retirement.

Larry Latour
Tue Sep 19 00:30:00 EDT 1995