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The Plan

Since a payoff is required by the end of the current fiscal year, an approach is taken in which a "mini" domain analysis based on two projects is performed initially, with the goal of identifying and satisfying common component needs in a rapid manner. The hope is to be able to report on this success by the end of the fiscal year. Following this "win," the intention is to expand the analysis, in particular descriptive modeling, to two other projects, and then to embark on a more rigorous prescriptive modeling phase than was done for the early "win."

In addition to the timeline with its product rollout schedule, the plan specifies the following information:

  1. Domain of focus (refined from previous discussions)
  2. Stakeholders: which organizations and individuals will provide information? How much of their time and resources are required?
  3. Success criteria - in particular any metrics other than the supporting projects' bottom line*
  4. Learning objectives (this item advocated by the Consultant)*
  5. Revised project schedules, and DA/project convergence and product transfer milestones*
  6. Budget
  7. Supporting infrastructure
  8. Risk mitigation plan

Risk factors:

  1. Small initial exemplar set
  2. Focus on project needs postpones systematic prescriptive modeling

Larry Latour
Tue Sep 19 00:30:00 EDT 1995