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Project Manager (PjM)

    Jane, age 35, is responsible for developing a firmware platform for low-end printers. She manages a team of 7 software engineers, and also gets code from two other project teams for use in her product. Jane expects her boss, the Portfolio Manager, to be her ally in scheduling decisions and in helping to ensure smooth handoffs. She expects the project managers of the other teams that input to her product to be dependable, and communications between her and them to be open. Most valuable for Jane is having capable, experienced engineers on her staff. She is frustrated by the apparent duplication of efforts in other project teams, which are creating similar functionality; but because of schedule pressures she has no time to devote to improving processes. Fundamentally, Jane believes there should be more cooperative efforts in the laboratory, but her highest priority is to get products delivered - that is what she is rewarded for.

Larry Latour
Tue Sep 19 00:30:00 EDT 1995