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Domain Analyst (DA)

    Derek, age 30, is an engineer who finds himself becoming a domain analyst in this drama. His skills include the ability to understand different areas quickly, to mix with people, and to produce reusable assets. He is motivated by recognition: the pat on the pack, both peer and management approval. Most of all he wants to get ahead; he craves for promotion. He is least happy when seeing a project slip, and when doing boring work. For his new assignment as a domain analyst, Derek expects the cooperation of domain experts, and time to talk with them; in addition, he requires project documentation and appropriate tools. The reality of his situation is that he has a CASE tool and access to domain experts when they have time. As the drama unfolds he becomes impatient with the domain expert, and finds he does not like the person designated to be the domain maintainer.

Larry Latour
Tue Sep 19 00:30:00 EDT 1995