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PLEASE NOTE: Due to a very large backlog,
your submissions may not be entered in the Archives
for many weeks. Your understanding is most appreciated.

~ #,### Classical Music files in Midi Format ~
You are visitor number #,###,### since February 1995.
The current subdirectory number needed for submissions and MailMidi rel.6.8.2 is: 6 (See this info.) [21 June 97]

Go to the INDEX, use the SEARCH ENGINE, or see the Archives' ORGANIZATION.

"It may not be as far as you think."
Visit the provider of the Archives.

If your setup includes MIDI capability, you may immediately listen to (or download) any of these collected (Western) Classical Music Midi Sequences...
Get Midi MIDIGATE -- Rel. 6.A.1 NEW
if you are a Windows user and your browser
cannot automatically play a sequence.
Connection too slow?
Check our

One of PC Magazine Top 30 Helper Apps & Plug-Ins - May 14, 1996
MidiGate allows you to click on several midi file links in quick succession:

You only need to wait until a file begins loading to click on another link. This is particularly convenient, say, with multi-movement pieces. MidiGate will automatically place the received files in its queue. Note however that the queue order is determined by the time at which the file has been fully received. For example, if you're downloading a piece with a long first movement followed by a short second movement, you may want to wait until that first movement is well on its way before clicking on the second movement. Otherwise you may hear the latter first.

Note to Netscape 3.x users: If you wish to use MidiGate as your midi player of choice and another midi player always wants to take over, do the following:

That'll deflect control from the default plugin and allow MidiGate to do its job.

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I am pleased and regret to say that some of these sequences are quite beautiful while others are rather atrocious... (Those marked with {╢} are particularly good. Those marked with {+} are most recent.)

Note: Only the sequences that are larger than 30k have an indicated size.
Please read the Archives' Notes - the Permission in particular.

You may want to Reset Your MIDI Setup.
(Note that MidiGate can do that automatically.)

Click the icon on the right to view a few suggested graphics
and text to create a link to the Archives in your own pages.

Pierre R. Schwob



Click on the desired composer's initial... or use the ARCHIVES' SEARCH ENGINE

(Some composers are on their own page)
J.S.Bach; Beethoven; Brahms; Chopin; Debussy; Handel; Haydn; Liszt; Mendelssohn; Mozart; Scarlatti; Schubert; [Others]; [Inspirations & Aspirations].

You may want to see the List of our ### Contributors.
Which brings to mind... Please read: How To Submit Your Sequences.


The Archives Are Organized In Eight Main Sections:

The Archives' Main Index
The Archives: A-E
The Archives: F-M
The Archives: N-S
The Archives: T-Z
The Archives: Others
Encores, and Inspirations & Aspirations
Use the Index to jump to the desired composer.

See also:
The Archives Notes - Thanks - Copyright and Permission -
How To Submit Your Sequences - How To Prepare Your Sequences -
When to send me and NOT to send me email - Notes to Mac Users -
How to Reset your Midi System - Some Suggested Links - etc.
Other Composers - not found in the fourth edition of the
Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music or born before the 17th Century.
Inspirations & Aspirations - from our living contributors
The Search Engine - to help you find a name, a title, or any text
The List of our Contributors - with their email addresses
The Archives' Server Statistics - (daily and weekly) - fairly impressive Gigabytes!
Mirrors of the Archives - "It may not be as far as you think!"
Mail-Midi - an easy submission method (Windows-only I'm afraid)
Some Of Our Software - Shareware and Freeware for Windows


Go to the Archives' Main Index, to HomeGate, or to our Comprehensive Search Page.

Classical Midi Archives copyright © 1994-97 of PRS Corporation; © 1997 of HomeGate Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The sequences were received under the understanding that no copyrighted material should be submitted to the Archives. They are offered in these pages, however, without any warranty as to their copyright status. Should you wish to have one or more sequence removed, please send an immediate request to copyright@homegate.net.

Sequences marked with an asterisk (*) have copyright © of Pierre R. Schwob.
HomeGate is a trademark of HomeGate Corporation.
ID LOGIC ® is a registered trademark of PRS Corporation.
See the Archives Notes for more details - the PERMISSION in particular.
If you wish to submit sequences to the Archives, please follow these instructions.

Page prepared by Pierre R. Schwob, HomeGate Corporation. Me