Proposed description:

The Classical Midi Archives offer thousands of classical music files you can listen to at the click of your mouse. Most composers are represented. A major award-winning cultural site on the Web which provides its own search engine.

You may use any one of these graphics in your home page to offer a link to the Classical Midi Archives.
Remember the correct form is
<A HREF=""><IMG BORDER=0 WIDTH=xx HEIGHT=yy SRC="path/filename.gif" ALT="CMA"></A>

88 x 31 GIF

110 x 55 GIF
(Black background: do NOT make transparent)

580 x 60 GIF

468 x 48 GIF

The Classical Midi Archives
400 x 300 GIF (Also available as a JPEG file)


Go to the Archives' Main Index, to HomeGate, or to our Comprehensive Search Page.

Classical Midi Archives copyright © 1994-97 of PRS Corporation; © 1997 of HomeGate Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The sequences were received under the understanding that no copyrighted material should be submitted to the Archives. They are offered in these pages, however, without any warranty as to their copyright status. Should you wish to have one or more sequence removed, please send an immediate request to

Sequences marked with an asterisk (*) have copyright © of Pierre R. Schwob.
HomeGate is a trademark of HomeGate Corporation.
ID LOGIC ® is a registered trademark of PRS Corporation.
See the Archives Notes for more details - the PERMISSION in particular.
If you wish to submit sequences to the Archives, please follow these instructions.

Page prepared by Pierre R. Schwob, HomeGate Corporation. Me