
MailMidi ~ Mail-Midi ~ MailMidi
(Current Rel.6.8.2 - If the bottom right of your form doesn't show this, download the new version.)

I've developed a helper application (freeware) which should help those who wish to submit a MIDI sequence to the Archives, but who have not the slightest idea on how to proceed.

Please follow these simple steps if you are a Windows 3.1 or Windows95 user.
(This has, so far, only been tested with Netscape 2.xx - this application needs a browser which supports "enctype" forms.)

If you use a Mac or another non-Windows machine, I must regretfully turn you away from this application. But I'm NOT turning you away from contributing to the Archives. You'll just have to use a good email program who can handle attachments. No binhex though! (I cannot program for the Mac since everything I write is in Visual Basic and MS has not yet ported this wonderful language to that wonderful machine. A shame... So, please send your email to Microsoft - not to me!) You may want to return to the Notes: there are some hints there for Mac users.

Now, follow these three simple steps:

(Skip No.1 if you already have downloaded and installed Mail-Midi)

  1. Download Mail-Midi's installation kit: MailMidi (freeware).
    (If you're using Netscape, press the SHIFT key while clicking this icon.)

    If that's busy - look for mail_mid.exe in one of our FTP MIRRORS.

    Run mail_mid.exe on your machine to produce mailmidi.exe (the executable).
    You can then erase mail_mid.exe from your machine. You won't need it again.
    (Don't erase mailmidi.exe -- That's Mail-Midi!)

  2. Run Mail-Midi.
    This will:

  3. Return to this page and use the form below:
    (Place a bookmark in your browser: http://www.prs.net/submit.html#submittal_form)

    1. Click the BROWSE button
    2. Select the file you created above with Mail-Midi
    3. Click the SUBMIT button

  4. That's it!


Click the BROWSE button and select the .UUE file you prepared with Mail-Midi
(see above) then click the SUBMIT bar.

If you do not see a BROWSE button below, you are using an incompatible browser.
You may want to upgrade to Netscape 2.xx or higher. Please do not click the SUBMIT bar.

After clicking BROWSE, list files of type *.* [all]
to find the .UUE file you prepared with Mail-Midi.
Do NOT point to a midi file! Your browser cannot submit a binary file.

(Please do not click on this bar unless you are really sending a .uue file
prepared with Mail-Midi. Otherwise you'll just waste bandwidth for nothing.)

After you click the SUBMIT bar, you will not receive a receipt acknowledgement.
Just watch your browser communication indicator for the end of transmission.

Thank you for your submission!

If there are no problems and I am not on a business trip,
it should be in the Archives fairly soon (1-2 days).


Go to the Archives' Main Index, to HomeGate, or to our Comprehensive Search Page.

Classical Midi Archives copyright © 1994-97 of PRS Corporation; © 1997 of HomeGate Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The sequences were received under the understanding that no copyrighted material should be submitted to the Archives. They are offered in these pages, however, without any warranty as to their copyright status. Should you wish to have one or more sequence removed, please send an immediate request to copyright@homegate.net.

Sequences marked with an asterisk (*) have copyright © of Pierre R. Schwob.
HomeGate is a trademark of HomeGate Corporation.
ID LOGIC ® is a registered trademark of PRS Corporation.
See the Archives Notes for more details - the PERMISSION in particular.
If you wish to submit sequences to the Archives, please follow these instructions.

Page prepared by Pierre R. Schwob, HomeGate Corporation. Me