Planning Your Own Amazon Adventure

Where to go in Amaz⌠nia
   Peruvian Amazon
  Brazilian Amazon
   Other Amazon
Necessary Precautions
Things to Take With You
Getting There
Places to Stay
Internet Connections
Companies and Services

Companies and Services

The following is a list of companies and services who might be useful to contact when planning out your trip to the Amazon, or visit once you're already there.


Aria· Towers Jungle Lodge
Also affiliated with the Terra Verde Lodge and the Amazon Fishing Lodge (see descriptions in Places to Stay and Locations)

Office Address Monaco Hotel, Ground Floor
Rua Silva Ramos, 20
Centro, Manaus AM 69010-180
Phone +55 92 234 7308
Fax +55 92 233 5615

Digital Brazil, Manaus
Information about some of the hotels in Manaus.

Nature Safaris
Information about jungle lodges in the Manaus area

Service Manaus
Information about some of the hotels in Manaus.

Also see the entry for Australian and Amazonian Adventures.

Manaus also has lots of small tourist companies offering jungle expeditions and tours ranging from 1 to 10 days in canoes and riverboats. Many companies have agents at the airport or in the centre of town, offering brochures and other information about their tours.


Lago Verde Turismo
Tourist services and information for visitors to SantarΘm and Alter do Chπo. Can arrange fishing expeditions, visits and stays at the nearby (reserve). May possibly be able to arrange visits to see the Caverna de Pedra Pintada and other archaeological sites.

OfficeAddress Rua Galdino Veloso, 384
SantarΘm PA
Phone +55 91 522 7577
Fax +55 91 522 2118

Centre for the Preservation of Indigeneous Arts, Culture and Sciences
Well worth a visit, the Indian Centre in Alter do Chπo has an impressive collection of Amazon Indian artefacts which amply demonstrate the traditional skills of the Amazon's native people. The shop behind the Centre also has traditional Indian handicrafts which you can buy.

Office Address Rua Dom Macedo Costa S/N
Alter do Chπo, SantarΘm PA 68.105
Fax +55 91 522 1098


Cuzco Tourist Information
This Internet site lists hotels and a selection of local services available in Cuzco.

Turismo Inkaiki
One of the many small tourist companies operating in Cuzco, offering guided tours and visits to locations in and around Cuzco, horse treks, and trips to Machu Picchu.

Visitors to Cuzco will find a wide selection of travel and adventure companies based in and around the Plaza de Armas. There's no need to have adventures pre-booked before arriving. Frequently the best deals can be had by comparing prices and services and haggling with local operators. Adventures include walking the Inca Trail, horse trekking around Inca ruins close to the city, river rafting, and expeditions into the Manu Reserve.

Manu Reserve

Adventure Specialists
Travel company offering expeditions into the Manu Reserve (via Manu Expeditions), as well as other treks in the Peruvian Andes.

Manu Expeditions
Travel company owned and operated by Barry Walker – an expatriate English adventurer type, and owner of Cuzco's CrossKeys Pub. Barry has a reputation as the area's leading birdwatcher and has a staff who are just as knowledgable. The tours are more expensive than most, but are well equipped, have excellent guides, and a strong commitment to not disturbing nature. Its a must if your interest is birdwatching – though the guides are also good at locating other animals. Take binoculars!

Telephone +51 84 226 671
Fax +51 84 236 706

Manu Nature Tours
Another company offering expeditions and lodge stays in the Manu Reserve.


Amazon Expedition-International Expeditions
US-based travel company offering jungle tours around Iquitos, staying in the Explorama Lodge and ACEER facilities

Australian and Amazonian Adventures
Travel company offering exciting adventures to a range of locations. They have expeditions into Brazil, archaeological expeditions into the Peruvian rainforests and the Andes, and adventures in the wilds of Austalia and New Zealand.

Other South American Travel Information

Aerolineas Argentinas (
Flight information. If flying from Australian or New Zealand, check the flights leaving from Sydney/Auckland to Buenos Aires. Also check flights from Buenos Aires to other destinations within South America, such as Lima, Sπo Paulo, or Rio de Janeiro.

Brazilian Mall (
Travel and other travel information for visitors to Brazil

BR - Online Travel to Brazil (
Online travel info for visitors to Brazil.

Eco-Voyager (
A USA-based travel company offering tours to the Amazon

Embratur (
Brazilian travel agency

Last Frontiers (
Brazil travel information from UK-based travel company.

Pantanal (
Tourist information for visitors wishing to visit Brazil's other great wildlife area.

Peru Travel Info (
Useful information for anyone planning a trip to Peru

Quest - Ecotourism and Adventure (
Travel and Adventures in Brazil. Pretty basic - but it includes links to tours and packages.

Sergio Koreisha's Meu Brasil (
The best source of Brazilian information available on the net. Information on major cities and locations, and a rich source of background information. Tons of links to other net sites.

South American Expeditions (
Specialist travel company offering trips into the rainforests, and hikes along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Visitors can explore the local culture, and there's even a yoga workshop at Machu Picchu.

Varig Airlines (
Website of Brazil's Varig airline.

Viverde Turismo (
Local tourist information for visitors to the Brazilian Amazon.

General Travel Information

City Net (
Information for travellers. Includes some city maps.

CNN travel site (
Excellent travel site from CNN. Click on city guides for maps and information and Brazil and Peru.

Fieldings Guides (
Publisher of travel guides

Lonely Planet Online (
Publishers of travel guides and other general information for travellers

Microsoft Expedia (
Microsoft's online travel magazine. Great site for travel maps.

The Rough Guide (
Publisher of travel guides

TravelFile (
General Travel and tourism site.

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