Safari Reference Library Apple Developer

About Safari Developer Tools

Safari 4.0 and later includes built-in tools to help you prototype, analyze, debug, and optimize websites and web applications. Safari 5.0 and later has additional tools you can use to enable, develop, test and debug Safari extensions.

Figure I-1  The Safari Develop menu and Web Inspector

If you develop websites, web applications, or browser extensions, you should learn about Safari’s built-in developer tools.

At a Glance

Safari has tools for prototyping HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, tools for interactively inspecting and debugging elements, attributes, properties, and styles, an integrated JavaScript debugger, and optimization tools such as a latency and download timeline and a JavaScript profiler.

These tools are built into Safari on the desktop (Mac OS X and Windows) and you can enable them in other Webkit-based applications. A subset of the tools are available in Safari on iPhone OS (iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch).

Enable the Developer Tools in Safari Preferences

You enable the developer tools Safari Preferences, as illustrated in Figure I-1.

Figure I-2  Showing the Develop menu

Speed Up Prototyping by Interactively Testing for Errors

Show the Error Console while prototyping your website to quickly spot HTML and JavaScript structure and syntax errors. The Error Console shows you errors and warnings, highlights the line number of the problem in your source file, and tells you how Safari dealt with the error (by ignoring an extra closing tag, for example). For details, see “Using the Error Console,” “Viewing Errors,” and “Using the Error Console to Prototype JavaScript.”

Safari also comes with a Snippet Editor, where you can type in HTML and JavaScript snippets and see them evaluated interactively. No more having to create a dummy HTML page to test an element or a JavaScript function—just type in the part you’re working on and see the results. When it works as you want it to, copy and paste into your actual webpage. For details, see “Using the Snippet Editor.”

If your website has different code paths for different browsers, have Safari give different user-agent strings to test the code branches—verify the behavior changes for Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome, or Safari on iPhone OS without having to switch browsers, operating systems, or devices. When you’re ready to open your website in another application, make the switch from inside Safari, without having to quit, open another application, and navigate to your site. For details, see “Changing the User Agent String” and “Switching To Another Application.”

Relevant Chapter: ‚ÄúPrototyping Your Website‚Äù

Debug Your HTML and CSS Interactively Using the Web Inspector

The Error Console finds and identifies syntax and structural errors, but sometimes your website doesn’t look or behave as you want, even though all the syntax and structure is legal. That’s when you need the Web Inspector. The Web Inspector shows you the DOM as it exists in memory—for a static HTML page, that’s often identical to the page source, but for websites that modify the DOM using JavaScript and CSS, it can be very different.

Relevant Section: For details, see ‚ÄúDebugging HTML and CSS Using the Web Inspector.‚Äù

Use the Web Inspector and Console to Debug JavaScript Interactively

The Web Inspector and the Console work together to help you find and fix problems in your JavaScript—set breakpoints, pause, inspect variable values, see the call stack, log messages and data to the console, set variable values and continue, enter JavaScript on the fly to test it—all with auto-completion of function, property, and variable names to speed you along.

Relevant Sections: ‚ÄúDebugging JavaScript Using the Web Inspector,‚Äù ‚ÄúUsing the Console to Debug JavaScript.‚Äù

Get Help with Cookies, Local Storage, and HTML5 Client-Side Databases

Use the Web Inspector’s Storage panel to inspect cookies, local key/value storage, and even client-side relational databases created with HTML5. All local data is displayed in editable data grids. You can perform actions or enter data in the webpage and see the results in the grid, or enter data interactively in the grid itself. Issue SQL queries right from the Web Inspector, with auto-completion of SQL functions and database field names.

Relevant Section: ‚ÄúAnalyzing Client-Side Storage, Databases, and Cookies‚Äù

It Works—Now Make It Fly

Once your site is working as it should, you may be understandably reluctant to make changes to optimize performance. Fear not. The Web Inspector’s Resource and Timeline panels show you exactly where time is spent, so you know where bottlenecks are before you change anything.

Once you know exactly where the bottlenecks are, you can make changes interactively without leaving Safari, optimizing your site—and fixing any problems that may cause—before you modify your working source.

The Resources panel shows all the resources your site uses—HTML files, JavaScript files, CSS stylesheets,asp output, images, and media files—in a timeline view, showing when each resource was requested, the latency for each request, when the first byte of the resource arrived, and when the resource finished loading. See at a glance if your website is being hung up by a slow server script, bandwidth-choking file sizes, network latency problems, or unexpected dependencies such as a resource that is not requested until after a script executes.

The Timeline panel lets you profile your website in real time, showing not only the latency and load time for each resource, but the time spent executing scripts and rendering the output. Complex interactions—a script that changes the DOM, causing a resource to load, and a table to be re-rendered, for example—are laid out in a clear and easy to understand fashion.

Relevant Sections: ‚ÄúOptimizing Download Time,‚Äù ‚ÄúOptimizing Loading, Scripting, and Rendering Times.‚Äù

If the timeline shows that significant time is being spent in your scripts, use the Profiles panel to see where in your script the time is being spent. Moving a single function call from the inside of a loop to the outside of the loop can sometimes have a tremendous impact. Running a profile takes the guesswork out of optimizing JavaScript. A profile shows you how much time is spent in each function, including dependent functions, and how many times each function is called.

See the output in milliseconds or percent of execution time. Sort by execution time. Then spend your effort optimizing code that you know is going to make a significant difference—modify only functions that take a proportionally long time to execute or functions that are called many times.

Relevant Section: ‚ÄúOptimizing JavaScript‚Äù

Be a Power User

The Safari developer tools include dozens of keyboard and mouse shortcuts to speed up common operations, from opening the Web Inspector to cycling through auto-completion suggestions. See the shortcuts table in “Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts” to give your productivity a boost.

Enable, Build, and Debug Extensions

Extensions are a new feature in Safari 5.0. Because they’re so new, they are disabled by default, and are enabled in the Develop menu—making them a developer feature for Safari 5.0.

Once you enable extensions, you can use Extension Builder to create them. You need to join the Safari Developer Program to create extensions—you can’t install an extension without a signed certificate. Go to to join the program.

When you’re ready to build an extension, read Safari Extensions Development Guide, and refer to Safari Extensions Reference. If you’ve already developed extensions for other browsers, see Safari Extensions Conversion Guide for time-saving tips.

Once you’ve built and installed an extension, you can use the Web Inspector to debug and optimize it.

Each webpage, extension bar, and global page has its own console. The full set of developer tools for inspecting, modifying, and optimizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript works on extensions.

Note: When inspecting storage, remember that the domain for the global page or extension bars is the extension, but the domain of injected scripts is the domain of the webpage the script is injected into.

See Also

Last updated: 2010-06-21

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