Safari Reference Library Apple Developer

Introduction to Safari CSS Reference

You can use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in conjunction with HTML-based web content to fine-tune the style of the content. The goal of CSS is to separate the structure provided by HTML from the style provided by CSS. Taking style information out of the structure allows designers to independently tune a page’s style for a variety of audiences and readers (such as desktops, hand-held devices like iPhone, and text-based browsers).

All Safari web browsers use the WebKit engine to display webpages. WebKit is an open source framework in Mac OS X that lets developers embed web browser functionality into applications. This document covers support of cascading style sheets (CSS) in WebKit.

This document is not intended as a comprehensive specification. Specifications for versions of CSS are available at

You should read this document if you are creating web content for any version of Safari or any other WebKit-based application such as Dashboard.

Organization of This Document

This document contains the following articles:

See Also

There are a variety of other resources for Safari web content developers in the ADC Reference Library.

If you are a designing web content for Safari on iPhone, then you should also read:

If you want to learn more about visual effects, then you should read:

If you want to learn more about the JavaScript multi-touch event support, then you should read:

If you want to use the JavaScript media APIs, then you should read:

If you want to learn more about what HyperText Markup Language (HTML) tags are supported in Safari, then read:

If you are using JavaScript and want access to the DOM or use the canvas object, then read:

If you are developing web content for Safari on the desktop and iPhone OS, then you should read:

To learn more about other web technologies available on Mac OS X that you can use to create your web applications, read Getting Started with Internet and Web.

If you want to learn more about WebKit or contribute to the open source project, then go to The WebKit Open Source Project.

If you want to read the WebKit W3C proposals then go to:

Last updated: 2010-05-07

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